Among the interviews that are up and coming will be A Cup of Coffee with…Tim Williams, CEO of 21st Mortgage Corp. Currently featured interviews with Equity Lifestyle Properties (ELS) CEO, Marguerite Nader and Cavco Industries Chairman, Joe Stegmayer are hot reads which have boosted readership in other news, commentary and featured articles on the MHProNews website.
Previous interview articles can also be accessed. These include award winning manufactured housing retailer Mike Evans, MHCommunities movers and shakers Randy Rowe and Sam Landy, industry lenders such as Triad’s Don Glisson Jr. or First Guarantee Mortgage’s Andrew Peters, elected officials such as Joe Donnelly, association leaders and dozens of others found at the Cuppa link. Readership here currently averages over 6000 daily – imagine that as being more than attend the Louisville and Tunica trade shows, plus MHI’s annual Congress and Expo – combined. That’s over 150,000 visits and some 1.4 million page views monthly, far and away the most for all the major industry news sources combined. ##