Governor Kay Ivey has signed a proclamation declaring the week of May 6th through May 12th to be “Manufactured and Modular Housing Week.”
The proclamation was issued in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the signing of the national Fair Housing Act and the 49th anniversary of the founding of the Alabama Manufactured Housing Association (AMHA).
In a release to the Daily Business News about the Alabama Gov. Ivey’s declaration, the AMHA added, “We are grateful that Gov. Ivey has chosen to recognize our industry and the industry’s contribution to the state’s economy,” said AMHA Chairman David Brewer. “Our industry in this state creates thousands of jobs, pays millions of dollars in tax revenue and, most importantly, helps millions of people throughout the country achieve the American Dream of homeownership.”
“One out of every six Alabamians lives in a manufactured or modular home,” said the AMHA to MHProNews.
“Alabama also consistently ranks among the top four states in the nation for manufactured housing production. Alabama’s 13 manufactured housing plants create around 4,000 jobs, while thousands more jobs are created by the industry’s service providers, retailers, installers, community owners and finance companies,” per the AMHA.
Data from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform confirms the AMHA point.
“A lot of people don’t realize just how important Alabama’s manufactured housing industry is to our state and our country,” said AMHA Deputy Director Lance Latham. “This proclamation is a great way for us to raise awareness about our industry and the homes we build. We appreciate Gov. Ivey taking the time to recognize our industry and honor those who are involved in the industry or live in one of our homes.”
Manufactured homes are the only type of housing that is built to a national standard.
All manufactured homes must be built to construction and safety standards established by the national Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Manufactured homes are inspected by government-contracted personnel during construction.
All “manufactured homes that are installed in Alabama – including pre-owned homes – must be inspected by the state and meet the state’s federally-approved installation standards,” said the AMHA.
“Along the coastal region of the state, manufactured homes must meet Wind Zone 2 standards, meaning they can withstand sustained winds of at least 100 miles per hour,” said the release, while the rest of the state is Wind Zone 1.
Manufactured homes are built using many of the same materials that are used in site-built homes. That said, they “are less expensive because manufacturers save money by buying materials in bulk and building the homes inside a plant using a more efficient process that allows manufacturers to avoid costly weather delays and higher labor costs that can increase the price of a site-built home.”
Census Bureau data suggests that manufactured homes are about half the cost of conventional construction, on a per square foot basis, with land costs not included in either case. ## (News, analysis and commentary.)
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Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and