Grapes of Wrath – Massive Foreclosure, Evictions Wave Looms, Threatens Housing, Usual Suspects-Gates, Buffett, Soros Lurk in Rigged System – Aspen Institute, COVID19 Eviction Project Plot


The estimates of the total numbers are in the millions of renters and homeowners who face eviction or foreclosure if lawmakers and state or federal chief executives fail to act swiftly. The left-of-center CNBC, the Aspen Institute and others point to the end of the moratorium on evictions as being just days away. The civil and economic unrest of recent weeks will unquestionably swell of a new Grapes of Wrath, Great Depression level dislocation occurs. Lurking in the background? The case can be made that Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros and other uber-billionaires await the upheaval and could profit almost regardless of what state and federal officials do.

First, the data and sources will follow. That will then be coupled with MHProNews analysis and links to the “Bonfire or the Vanities” type “Masters of the Universe” list of “the Usual Suspects” – including Gates, Buffett, Soros and their ilk – who have purportedly used information, deception, misinformation, money and influence to topple their political opponents while potentially achieving one of the greatest transfers of wealth in history.

Professionals, investors, homeowners, and those who care about your fellow man, come hither to see what may occur to your investments and holdings value if CNBC and the Aspen Institute reports come to pass.

To put this in context, per left-of-center CNN Business, “There were more than 3.1 million foreclosure filings issued during 2008, which means that one of every 54 households received a notice last year” they reported on January 15, 2009. According to the University of California Davis (UCDavis), “During the 1930s, some 2.5 million people left the Plains states.” That Great Depression/Dust Bowl migration inspired “John Steinbeck described in his 1939 novel The Grapes of Wrath,” says History.

What looms could make both pale by comparison. While most of the reports focus on renters, HousingWire and other sources remind us that increases in foreclosures are here and more are coming.


An Estimated 6.7 Million Households, or Estimated 28 Million Americans Face Eviction

 On July 1, 2010 left-of-center CNBC said “As many as 6.7 million rent-burdened households could face eviction once enhanced federal unemployment insurance expires at the end of July and eviction bans across the country lift, according to a new analysis from UrbanFootprint,


““This level of displacement would be unparalleled in U.S. history and carries the potential to destabilize communities for years to come,” UrbanFootprint report reads.



Days before, on June 19, 2020 the Aspen Institute said that “Mass evictions are a looming threat to 19-23 million American renters … understand the challenges they face” The referred to it as “an avalanche or tsunami” caused in part by the COVID19 fueled unemployment wave, the began to describe like this “Over the past five months, more than 44 million Americans have filed for unemployment…”

Of course, sadly, similar occurrences are occurring in numerous countries around the world. The Eurozone has recently passed their recovery bill to fight similar issues in their nations.

The National Low Income Housing Coalition calls $100 billion the minimum viable amount; the National Apartment Association and National Multifamily Housing Council, which each represent landlords and property managers, estimate that renters may need $144 billion in assistance,” said the Aspen Institute.

Their report is based on the “Covid-19 Eviction Defense Project” or CEDProject. On an update on their website, as of “July 27, the COVID-19 Eviction Defense Project issued updated eviction risk estimates along with the Aspen Institute, estimating that more than 29 million Americans in 13 million households could be at risk of eviction by the end of the year if conditions do not change.”


Who provides the funding for the Aspen Institute? According to Wikipedia,The Aspen Institute is largely funded by foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Gates Foundation, the Lumina Foundation, and the Ford Foundation, by seminar fees, and by individual donations.” The highlighting above was added by MHProNews to spotlight the Gates Foundation, which is clearly connected to influences in our industry and numerous others.

The data may well be accurate. The issue is what is the underlying CAUSES that led to this crisis? Click here to learn more.


Zach Neumann, COVID-19 Eviction Defense Project Founder joins Yahoo Finance’s Akiko Fujita to discuss what’s next for renters and landlords,” in this Yahoo Finance video on 7.25.2020. In this video, Neumann said that the research was “through the Aspen Institute…”


As regular and attentive MHProNews readers know, the Gates Foundation includes Warren Buffett as a board member and has billions of dollars in Buffett-led Berkshire Hathaway stock.  ON CEDProject’s website, attorney Neumann’s bio includes the following as the “founder” of the project.

Zach is a lawyer whose practice focuses on landlord-tenant, debt collection, and wage dispute cases. He is also a public policy lecturer at CU Denver’s School of Public Affairs and writes about jobs and economic issues at the Aspen Institute. He previously helped to launch social enterprise start-ups CareerWise Colorado and Tortgua AgTech. Before that he worked at McKinsey & Company, the World Bank, and on various Democratic political campaigns.”

According to the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), “Soros, through his Open Society Institute, provides support for the Aspen Institute…” Other sources says similarly.

Influence Watch says that “In 2020, Aspen Institute obtained more than $8 million in federal small-business loans.”

As is indicated herein and in previous linked reports, there are other funders behind these reports, research and the profits that flow from them. The routine intersection of Gates, Buffett, and Soros as leftist billionaires connected to events impacting our profession and others can’t logically be ignored or dismissed.

Up to this point, housing has held steady and has even continued to increase in value.


NAR’s Lawrence Yun – New Data Reveals Manufactured Housing Opportunities – plus, Manufactured Home Stock Updates


So has said the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and others in their recent reports. To see the details, click on the headlines or linked images above or below to learn more.


Conventional Housing Soars as Manufactured Homes Snore, MHI’s Lesli Gooch Mark Bowersox Friday Follies Photo Op, plus Manufactured Housing Investment, Stock Updates


If lawmakers and elected officials fail to act, the millions of deferred foreclosures and evictions will likely ripple through the economy. It could make the 2008 housing/mortgage crisis pale by comparison. That threat may well cause lawmakers and elected officials to act. But the upshot, when the money trail is followed is that either way, the uberwealthy will financially benefit.

Illusions, Collusions – “Heads I Win, Tails You Lose” – “Never Let a Serious Crisis Go To Waste” – Gates, Buffett Massive Money Grabs?

The concerns raised in March 2020 by MHProNews are coming to pass.



Heads I Win, Tails You Lose” Feudalistic Economics – The System is Rigged

MHProNews Analysis and Commentary

 Certainly, the threat of large numbers of evictions and additional homelessness is heartbreaking, as are the other impacts of the COVID19 pandemic unemployment wave.

 The headline uses the term “plot” for specific reasons. There are clear indications that Gates, the Gates Foundation, and others in the federal government knew in advance what was coming. That is not to imply that they necessarily ‘caused’ the pandemic. What it does mean is that with knowledge of what was coming, they were able to position themselves in ways that benefited them while tens of millions in the U.S. and billions globally have been harmed, fell ill, or died.




Interlaced with the above is the social unrest that has flowed from the tragic death of George Floyd, no doubt made worse by the fact that millions that had jobs a few months before became unemployed.


Dark Money-Billionaires Buffett, Gates, Soros Funding Black Lives Matter, Antifa – Named by AG Barr in Riots, Looting – Hijacking Peaceful George Floyd Death Racial Justice Protests


The same people involved in funding the Aspen Institute have also been involved in funding Black Lives Matter, which the nonprofit group is made up of co-founders who are self-avowed socialists.

A perfect storm of events emerged that turned what could have been a fairly easy reelection bid by President Donald J. Trump into an arguably tough fight.


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It is Buffett who said that there is class warfare and that his class, the wealthy are waging war.



Buffett asserted that they are winning.



In crime fighting, there are certain patterns of activity that causes law enforcement to call in for questioning “the usual suspects.” Sometimes they are guilty, sometimes they are not. But the clues that law enforcement uses to discern that certain purported criminals may be involved is what causes investigation. As Democratic Senator William Proxmire put it, there are no coincidences. If you want the truth, follow the money. The graphic above from Inequality’s research makes it clear that the uber-rich billionaires MHProNews has reported on have routinely benefited. Coincidences? Or likely suspects?





Buffett and Gates have each been investigated on several occasions. Odds are that if a Democratic sweep occurs on November 3, their influence with that political party will arguably mean that they continue to get a pass from those whom they have funded via campaign donations and other support.

New Data Surfaces on Buffett Family, Foundation Funding Sources Which Attacked Manufactured Housing, plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates

There is a network of nonprofit groups that advocate for policies that routinely benefit their wealthy donors.

To learn more, see the related reports linked above or below the bylines and notices.

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All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested with the discussion of manufactured housing related issues on our 12.3.2019 meetings. But Texas Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States and other goodies. MHProNews has worked with people and politicos across the left-right divide.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.

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