Bluffton Today, of Bluffton, South Carolina, reports members of the town’s Affordable Housing Committee discussed methods of determining how the six affordable modular housing units being built will be sold. Town Growth Management Director Marc Orlando says a consultant has been hired to market the single-family homes, screen applicants for income eligibility, provide home buying counseling, and act as a liaison with the mortgage company. The $1 million project is being administered by the state with funding from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and the Lowcountry Council of Governments. As these homes are then sold, new ones will be planned with the porceeds. The modular homes are being built by Crestline Custom Builders in Laurinburg, North Carolina. The ground-breaking ceremony for the project, located just west of Hilton Head SC, is set for September.