Gulf of America; Cases of Deep State Vs Trump 2.0 – ‘Federal Agencies Credibly Accused of Thumbing Nose at Trump Executive Directive’ – USA and MHVille Analysis; Sunday Weekly Headlines Review


“Manifest Destiny.” ‘Jacksonian thinking.’ ‘Trump’s version of the Monroe Doctrine.’ Aspirational projections. These are apparently part of the thinking behind the naming of the Gulf of America, the call for Greenland, Panama, and perhaps even Canada to be somehow taken into the U.S.A. under Trump 2.0 or “T2.” Where that will all end up, God alone knows, but after years of accepting the ‘American decline,’ Trump seems to be aiming to re-energize faith in the U.S.A.’s future potential and thus into the American Dream. According to left-leaning CBS News, the Interior Department has said that the U.S. has now “officially” renamed the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America. Additionally, Denali – the highest peak in North America – has officially been renamed as Mount McKinley, the name it had before former President Barack Obama had it changed. The moves were a result of an executive order (EO) signed by President Donald J. Trump last week. CBS noted that other nations will not be required to call the Gulf of America, they can still call it the Gulf of Mexico.


But it isn’t all sunshine and roses for Trump 2.0 (a.k.a.: T2), or perhaps more accurately, some of those roses have thorns, as Part I will remind us.

From the WND News Center to MHProNews is the headline topic in Part I, specific cases of federal agencies that are apparently attempting to ignore an executive order (EO) by President of the United States (POTUS) Donald J. Trump issued earlier this week. Part II will briefly explore some of the possible implications and ramifications of this for manufactured housing and for U.S. citizens of all backgrounds more broadly, before pivoting to Part III for our headlines for the week in review.


Part I


Federal agencies accused of thumbing nose at Trump’s directive

Changed ‘diversity’ official’s title to ‘senior executive’

By Bob Unruh|

A federal agency has been accused of thumbing its nose at President Donald Trump’s instructions to shut down the racist DEI programs that Joe Biden installed throughout the federal government.






It is the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms that is accused of changing an employee’s title from “chief diversity officer” to “senior executive” in order to get around Trump’s orders to shut down the race-based programs and put those workers on leave.

Fox News reported that Rep. Eric Burlison said on social media, “The ATF defied @realDonaldTrump’s order to place DEI workers on leave, instead giving their DEI officer a new title. They attack citizens’ rights, ignore leadership, and act as though they’re above the law. Enough is enough. Time to abolish the ATF!”

The report explained it was Lisa T. Boykin who was the ATF’s “chief diversity officer.” Then, suddenly, her title online became “senior executive.”

“An archived link of the ATF’s website reviewed by Fox Digital shows Boykin was listed as the chief diversity officer as recently as Tuesday — Trump’s second day in the Oval Office — and now shows her as working as the agency’s ‘senior executive,'” the report charged.

Trump’s executive order, issued when he took office Monday, terminated “illegal DEI and ‘diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility’ (DEIA) mandates, policies, programs, preferences, and activities in the Federal Government, under whatever name they appear.'”

The Office of Personnel Management shortly later instructed, “Send a notification to all employees of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) offices that they are being placed on paid administrative leave effective immediately as the agency takes steps to close/end all DEIA initiatives, offices and program.”

An ATF official said, according to the report, that the organization followed directives from the Trump administration.



RedState explained, “We know what the left does when they don’t get their way, and entrenched government bureaucrats who were all in on the Biden agenda are not going quietly. The message says the agency knows government employees are trying to disguise DEI by using new names and vague language. (This is documented.) It tells staff to report those violations for investigation.”

The report noted under the Customs and Border Patrol, “the ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ webpage was mysteriously changed to ‘Special Emphasis Programs.’ Even more curious is the fact that CBP has now taken the entire webpage down.”

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially.

Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary

1) In a perfect world, federal employees would do what their agencies job description and legal authority allows in keeping with their mission. For example, at HUD – which is the primary federal regulator of HUD Code manufactured housing – the stated mission is the following, per the HUD website on this date.


HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes; utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination, and transform the way HUD does business.

2) But no less a figure that HUD Secretary Nominee E. Scott Turner said during his confirmation testimony that HUD is failing at its mission.  ‘We’re not building enough housing. We need millions of homes of all kinds, single family, apartments, manufactured homes,’ said Turner.




3) As a new report on MHLivingNews reveals (see headlines in review), the U.S. Census Bureau’s own data reveals that a large swath of adults 18-24 years old are still living with their parents. That is a shift from what was common a decade or more ago. Part of the problem is the high cost of housing and the lack of enough housing.

4) If HUD’s Office of General Counsel (OGC) and Office of Manufactured Housing Programs (OMHP), and the prior and acting HUD Secretaries were doing their jobs properly, there would be no need for the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) to push for full, routine, and robust enforcement of the Manufactured Housing Act of 2000 (a.k.a.: MHIA, MHIA 2000, 2000 Reform Act, 2000 Reform Law) and its various provisions, including Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee Appointments, having a non-career administrator, the “enhanced preemption” provision of the law, and more.




5) But obviously, that’s not the case. An array of research reports and news stories reflect the fact that manufactured housing is limited by local zoning barriers, the very type that HUD’s authority under the 2000 Reform Law is supposed to deploy to overcome zoning and placement limitations that are not justified. In fact, HUD, Harvard, and others have documented the limitations placed on modern mainstream manufactured housing by zoning barriers. So, HUD is placed in the curious position of documenting its own failures to enforce the law, so to speak.


Regulatorybarrierstomanufacturedhousingplacementinurbancommunitieshudpdr postedmanufacturedhomelivingnews595x357 575x345
This is an issue that the Obama-Biden (D) Administration era at HUD explored in a useful, insightful report. That download is found at this link here.


6) So, this so-called “deep state” pushback on display at ATF and apparently elsewhere in the federal government are examples that the citizens don’t have control of their own government, so long as federal employees think that they can ignore valid directives and the law. As Civics 101 should have taught all U.S. citizens, Americans acting properly under the law elect leaders who in turn are supposed to carry out their constitutional duties. In the case of a federal or state chief executive (i.e.: a president or state governor), they in turn appoint or retain staff that carry out constitutional and lawful mandates. But if that is often not what is occurring, as the experience of Trump 1.0 revealed and this incident reported in Part I involving the ATF reflected, that means that we do not live, in a practical sense, live in a Constitutional Republic. but something more akin to the very kinds of abuses that the founding fathers said sparked the Declaration of Independence from England’s monarch and government. Per the National Archives from the Declaration of Independence is the following.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

That same source also said that bureaucratic and other abuses were among the reasons for the revolution.

…a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

7) Turner’s nomination has been voted out of committee, so his confirmation vote will be coming up. So far, Marco Rubio – the new U.S. Secretary of States, Pete Hegseth – the new Secretary of Defense, and Kristi Noem – Secretary of Homeland Security, and John Ratcliffe as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are confirmed. Several sources are saying that all of Trump’s remaining nominees, since former Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-R) bowed out, are likely to get the needed votes.


Note that a bevy of significant steps are reportedly underway in the wake of those appointments that could prove useful ones at limiting abuses of apparent corruption. See the first item upon on MHLivingNews in the headline recap for sobering examples and what the mess in Washington have been costing taxpayers and Americans of all backgrounds.

8) Trump nom E. Scott Turner has said that HUD is failing at its mission. Just having someone with the guts to say that out loud is a reason to be hopeful.



The amount of corruption, waste, fraud, abuse and program failures is simply too stunning for some to consider. It sounds like fiction instead of fact, and that is due in part to problematic media and also problematic public education (see the Edelman 2025 report in the headlines recap). Again, for those who want a partial rundown of the massive dollars-and-cents costs, see the first new article on MHLivingNews, which includes a lot of new federal manufactured housing data too.

For those who don’t carefully follow (perhaps for understandable reasons) mainstream news from a reliable source, the two X-posts (formerly “tweets”) shown below reflect the views of the left and right on how the first week’s action’s could be playing out the bring an end to the war between Russia and Ukraine. It may not have been ‘in a day,’ but the efforts are underway and in the views of some look promising.


9) We could be witnessing the steps towards peace in Eastern Europe in our times. It is too soon to pop the cork on the proverbial champagne, but if that war is brought to a reasonable conclusion, then lives will be saved,  more devastation spared, and untold billions of dollars can be saved too.

Trump is acting as The Terminator, or more specifically, as T2 as we like to refer to him in his second term in office.  What some have dubbed the American Kakistocracy may be moving towards an end. If so, then we truly are heading towards what Trump promised ‘all Americans’ a new Golden Age. Per left-leaning Wikipedia:

A kakistocracy is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.

MHProNews Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.


The problems of MHVille are obviously important to manufactured housing professionals, and more broadly, to the tens of millions thirsting for affordable housing in the U.S.

But in a real sense, manufactured housing’s problems in the 21st century are a subset of the corruption that was for too long allowed to infect our federal government. The quote below was first posted by MHProNews well before Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declared his candidacy for the Democratic nomination in 2023, and long before he and Trump made the “MAHA” deal – Make America Healthy Again.” Sources indicate Kennedy may be heading for confirmation. Time will tell.




T2’s brush with death last summer may indeed have made him more mellow and reflective.  The successes of his first term should not be understated. But what is already being exhibited by POTUS Trump at the start of his second term, plus some of his campaign moves following the Butler PA assassination attempt, in our close following of news and in our editorial view makes T2 an apparently warranted abbreviation for our new president. BTW, someone doesn’t have to like Putin to agree with his point about 2020.


Uploaded to MHProNews on January 15, 2021. MHProNews has provided years of coverage and illustrations on what has gone wrong to the nominally democratic process in the U.S. that is supposed to be a Constitutional Judeo-Christian Republic.


The WND News Center reported that Trump’s approval is at an all time high. It seems they are correct again.


MHProNews curates topics for coverage deliberately.  Every item chosen for coverage is for a good reason. Those who follow us daily and routinely are routinely better informed than their peers who don’t. Bold? Yes, but thank God our audience count makes that apparent.

For more, don’t miss today’s postscript.

With no further adieu, here are the headlines for the week in review, from 1.19 to 1.26.2025.

What’s New on MHLivingNews





Ongoing Tragedies at Li’l Abner Mobile Home Park Explored – ‘Most Comprehensive’ Reporting by Manufactured Home Pro News ( Unpacked – Problematic vs. Ethical Companies in MHVille


Donald H. Layton for Furman Center: ‘Manufactured Housing is a Good Source for Unsubsidized Affordable Housing’–‘Key Facts and Surprising Economic’ Research plus MHVille Facts-Evidence-Analysis
Fannie Mae Response to What Determines Rate on a 30-Year Mortgage? Useful Information for Conventional and Manufactured Home Buyers and Shoppers that can Benefit Your Planning; Facts-Analysis


MHARR Issues Urgent Call to Action by President-Elect Donald J. Trump to Withdraw and Repeal DOE Manufactured Home Energy Regulations – Why It Matters to Affordable Housing Seekers


What’s New and Select items from Washington, D.C. from MHARR



What’s New on the Masthead

The Full Speech Transcript – President of the United States (POTUS) Donald J. Trump’s 1.20.2025 Inaugural Address – ‘The Golden Age of America Begins Right Now’ ‘No More Taking Advantage of U.S.’ Videos
Company Announces ‘Tiny Tiny Houses’ ‘Mini-Mobile Homes on Bike’ to Benefit Homeless ‘Unhoused’ Working Poor; Implications-Importance to Inherently Affordable Mainstream Manufactured Housing



Select items from Tim Connor, CSP, and his Words of Wisdom


What’s New in our Eclectic and Ongoing Series of Articles on the Mainstream Patch

(Note: this writer for MHProNews may be the most prolific 21st century contributor to mainstream media in 2024 and is off to a similar start in 2025.)


MHProNews Note: if you want to know what the Trump Plan is, here they are straight from T2’s own site (below). While every topic we select is considered significant, the one below may be more so than some others.



Another potentially very important topic for understanding the bigger picture of T2, below. If Trump pulls of acquiring Greenland, the resources there are useful for many industries, including our own.




What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews

Saturday 1.25.2025



Friday 1.24.2025



Thursday 1.23.2025



Wednesday 1.22.2025



Tuesday 1.21.2025



Monday 1.20.2025



Sunday 1.19.2025




1) For much too long, certainly throughout the 21st century, HUD Code manufactured housing has been a handled like political tool for certain members of both major parties.  Manufactured housing has been a kind of plaything for the uber-wealthy and numbers of big corporate interests in the U.S.A. Those vexing concerns are not far from the definition of oligarchy. Per Oxford Languages.

ol·i·gar·chy: a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.

2) Oligarchs often de facto rule through what can be called an oligopoly. Again, per Oxford Languages.

ol·i·gop·o·ly: a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.


3) Try to find another trade publication or serious blogger focused on manufactured housing that has had the guts to say something like the above not just today, but for year after year. Good luck with that hunt for such a rival, and that lack of such a competitor may explain why MHProNews/MHLivingNews is have the runaway largest audience in the artificially diminished manufactured housing industry (a.k.a.: MHVille). Who says? How about AI?




4) Only the truth will set you free.

Who says? How about Jesus Christ?



It should be obvious that if the truth sets you free then the lack of truth is a snare. 

5) Illusory Truth and Manufacturing Consent

MHProNews has spent years informing our audience on topics that numbers in mainstream media mention, gloss over, or routinely ignore. Why?  Others ignore topics that may put their own interests, or those of their allies, at risk. In our editorial view, by exposing these concepts on a periodic basis our readers are better equipped at spotting paltering, posturing, projecting, illusory truth, the big lie, true lies, and “manufacturing consent.”


6) In MHVille, there is a small circle that are routinely the featured speakers at events, and that circle includes those who praise the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), or those who praise CEO Lesli Gooch, Ph.D. (as but a few examples), but why?




7) Perhaps because in the view of multiple prominent MHI companies their business model benefits by the status quo because it results in consolidation. That incestuous circle fest of MHI insiders raising their voices in praise of ‘their’ trade group doesn’t mean that the interests of most consumers and most smaller businesses or truly growth minded investors (vs. barrier minded investors) are well served by MHI.




8) Thus, the ongoing smoke generation, the gaslighting, the “illusion of motion” and repeated claims that oddly never seem to come to pass when closely examined are only possible when an echo chamber effect is deployed as part of the illusion.




9) Just as left-leaning media seem to be reading from the same script as being anti-Trump instead of providing more balanced reporting, with media newscasters and commentators often using the same lingo on several news stories as various news clip mashups have revealed, something similar is and has been occurring in MHVille for years.



10) The evidence that MHI’s ‘efforts’ to ‘grow’ the industry is an illusion is easy to demonstrate. Just look at the key performance indicator (KPI) of annual production.  The population has grown. But manufactured housing has only ‘grown’ when measured from the artificially low bottom of industry production in 2009 and 2010. That low in production was caused, per Samuel Strommen of Knudson Law, by an apparently brazen antitrust violation by prominent MHI member 21st Mortgage Corporation in conjunction with Clayton Homes.




11) MHI aligned MHInsider‘s graphic below is an example of a statement that is ‘true’ but is nevertheless apparently deceptive.  Compare the graphic below with the one above. The one below is an illusion of growth, but only when what happened prior to 2009-2010 is excluded.




12) It remains to be seen what will happen at the various agencies that manufactured housing directly intersects with. But some interesting rumors and developments are already emerging. For example.

13) To be sure, there is evidence and remarks going both ways on Fannie and Freddie emerging from conservatorship.



14) Whatever happens during Trump 2.0, count on MHProNews to give you a closer look at what is occurring, provide evidence of what appears to be coming around the corner, or to clarify and to show you all other visitors here the importance of the history behind the various statements and claims which make understanding reality easier and thus makes planning more reasonable. If the federal government was operating as pitched by progressives and RINOs, then why is it that we have some 770,000 homeless? Why did the Biden-Harris (D) regime allow the southern border to be so violated while Trump appears to have largely secured it in a matter of days?  Not withstanding all the big promises made to their voters in 2020, why is it that most lower- and middle-class incomes effectively fell when adjusted for inflation during the Biden-Harris (D) years while the rich got richer?

Published by Statista on 1.20.2025. Compare the above with the chart below.
CNN is not a pro-Trump media outlet, but using federal data, this graphic from their news company reflects the upward trend of income following President Trump’s enactment of the tax cuts and jobs act. It is worth noting that Democratic President John F. Kennedy Jr. did similarly. Income and productivity also rose. During the Reagan Administration, former Democrat turned Republican Ronald Reagan cut taxes with a similar outcome as Presidents Kennedy and Trump. Facts matter.



15) There are good people to be found working in government and in even some otherwise corrupt nonprofits, corporations, media, and so on. But sadly, the public has been taught to accept that things tend to run badly, as the Edelman research report linked above apparently reveals in their study of the public attitude towards major institutions. Did the CIA or FBI stop 9.11? Did the Biden-Harris (D) and the CIA keep the Russian-Ukraine war from starting? Did the Department of Energy increase or decrease U.S. energy production? Did the Department of Education improve educational outcomes in America or did they rather propagandize and undermine faith in the ability of people to self-govern? Did the Federal Housing and Finance Agency (FHFA) get the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs or Enterprises, a.k.a., Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) to implement their Duty to Serve (DTS) on behalf of manufactured home chattel lending under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA)? At least the mail routinely gets delivered! At least the Census Bureau routinely provides some insights on manufactured housing data! But many federal agencies, due to corrupt political agendas, have often been twisted in a way that keeps would be whistleblowers within their ranks from reporting on the corruption they see on a daily basis from their leadership.

The paltering, posturing, projecting, blame shifting, and head fakes are so commonplace that it is hard for those trying to make a living to keep up with just how corrupted the system is and just how much that corrupted system is costing them in terms of lost dollars and lost opportunities. But we and the honest in media are continuing to shine a light on what ought to be occurring, and what is keeping public officials from doing their jobs properly.


Several of the illustrations shown in this report can be opened in many browsers to reveal a larger size. To open this picture, click the image once. When the window opens, click it again to reveal the larger size photo. Use your browsers back key to return to the article.

If the cronyism and corruption were to end, and government efficiency (if that is possible) became a reality, trillions of dollars would be freed for other purposes.


16) The day may come when media and historians more widely report the incredible waste, fraud, and corruption at the federal level as a part of broader method of buying votes and payoffs for special interests.  A broken federal system doesn’t need to be tweaked, it needs a massive overhaul. Let’s see if The Trumpinator and the MAGA movement can get it done. If he does that in a way that the masses grasp what has happened and what he’s been doing, then don’t be surprised if his face ends up etched onto Mount Rushmore.



Housing-Something can be True yet Still Deceptive or Misleading-Fran Quigley; Energy-Housing; T2=Golden Age of USA Begins – Will Trump End up on Mount Rushmore? MHVille Facts-Evidence-Analysis



An hour or so of reading a day can make the realities of your life and options and obstacles clearer. That’s a fraction of what Warren Buffett reportedly does in reading. No one connects the dots in MHVille like MHProNews and MHLivingNews. Who says? Competitors. Manufactured home industry outsiders, but also from MHVille insiders. But we have also added insights from AI fact checks and analysis, see the report linked here as an example.


MarkYostCEOSkylineChampionRightJoeStegmayerCavcoLogoLeftPhotoMHProNews1 and and Joe Stegmayer in a video posted at the link below oddly says something similar to what Terry Decio did, namely, that in many ways manufactured housing is an untold story. MHI claims to be promoting the industry, if so, then why is it an untold story?




“There are many kinds of journalism, but at the heart of their constitutional responsibilities, journalists are in the business of monitoring and keeping a check on people and institutions in power.” – American Press Institute.
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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.

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