has learned that Clayton Homes founder Jim Clayton has chosen Alabama banker Eric Hamilton as president and CEO of Clayton Bank and Trust of Knoxville, Tennessee. Clayton, 77, stepped back into the role after Matt Daniels left in 2007, and had hoped to fill the position the following year, but says, “We had challenges in adapting systems and staffing and everything that it takes to support our growth and the new regulatory requirements.” KnoxNews reports Hamilton had served as president and CEO of Aliant Bank in Alabama since 2007. Clayton says he met Hamilton after Clayton Homes acquired Southern Energy Homes of Addison, AL, and notes that the focus of Clayton Bank and Trust is different than the commercial real estate emphasis of Aliant. “One of the reasons I took the position was having the opportunity to come to work for a bank that’s very well-capitalized,” says Hamilton. Clayton Bank earned $6.2 million in 2010, and had a profit of almost $6.9 million through Q3 2011. Clayton continues to serve as chairman and CEO of the bank holding company that also owns American City Bank of Tullahoma and Bank of Camden.