If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline report is found further below, after the newsmaker bullets and major indexes closing tickers.
The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader context of the overall markets. Headlines – at home and abroad – often move the markets. So, this is an example of “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing.” ©
Part of this unique evening feature provides headlines – from both sides of the left-right media divide – which saves busy readers time, while underscoring topics that may be moving investors, which in turn move the markets.
Readers say this is also a useful quick-review tool that saves researchers time in getting a handle of the manufactured housing industry, through the lens of publicly-traded stocks connected with the manufactured home industry.
This is an exclusive evening or nightly example of MH “Industry News, Tips and Views, Pros Can Use.” © It is fascinating to see just how similar, and different, these two lists of headlines can be.
Want to know more about the left-right media divide from third party research? ICYMI – for those not familiar with the “Full Measure,” ‘left-center-right’ media chart, please click here.

Select bullets from CNN Money…
- Google has $100 billion on hand — but don’t expect to see a dividend any time soon
- LIVE UPDATES Nasdaq jumps more than 1% as tech stocks roar
- Volatility in the oil market won’t end anytime soon
- Slack confidentially files to go public
- UK offered Nissan $100 million to ease its Brexit fears
- Randi Zuckerberg: Dad gave Mark the option to open a McDonald’s franchise
- Facebook started in a college dorm. No one could have guessed what it’d become
- Papa John’s gets a lifeline
- In unanimous decision, Gannett rejects takeover bid
- Who scored and who wasted their money on Super Bowl ads
- Super Bowl ratings still super, but drop for Rams-Patriots snoozer
- Former Bond King Bill Gross is retiring
- Wall Street braces for its first profit decline in three years
- Anheuser-Busch tries to make amends with corn farmers after Super Bowl ad
- Charlotte Russe files for bankruptcy and will close nearly 100 stores
- The next week could determine whether the retailer lives or dies
- A look back at the store’s extraordinary history
- Why does Eddie Lampert want to keep Sears alive?
- Pension watchdog objects to plan to save Sears
- Sears lost millions over the holiday season
- Uber is now using boats to beat Mumbai’s traffic
- Tesla says it’s getting close to making the most important vehicle in its lineup
- Robot valets may soon park your car at this airport
- Apple shifts staff from autonomous vehicle project
- Boeing’s first autonomous air taxi flight ends in fewer than 60 seconds
Select Bullets from Fox Business…
- Bernie Sanders asks why company is charging $375K for a drug that was once free
- Schumer, Sanders seek to reign in corporate share buybacks
- After the Super Bowl, men look to diet companies for help
- Google to promote Trump’s State of the Union address on homepage after bias spat
- Jeff Bezos pulled $20M Super Bowl ad for Blue Origin due to girlfriend’s involvement: Report
- Why Ocasio-Cortez says 70% tax would hit NFL owners, not players
- What Patriots players earned for winning the Super Bowl
- Postseason pay shares can be a significant downgrade for players with hefty contracts.
- The 5 most, least liked Super Bowl commercials, according to viewers
- Brands spent more than $5 million per 30-second commercial spot for Super Bowl LIII.
- Super Bowl TV ratings hit 10-year low
- Boeing to further AI, tech investments using tax cut savings
- These jobs could disappear due to AI
- Hawaii moves to raise smoking age, ban cigarette sales
- States with the most, least number of millionaires per capita
- The Garden State thrives while Indiana and Oklahoma plummet.
- Seniors, too, are drowning in student loan debt
- Big pharmacies now eyeing the dental market
- More job cuts expected today at GM
Today’s markets and stocks, at the closing bell…
Manufactured Housing Composite Value (MHCV)
Today’s Big Movers
For all the scores and highlights on tracked manufactured home connected stocks today, see the Bloomberg graphic, posted below.
Today’s MH Market Spotlight Report –
Fox Business interviewed Haverford Trust Director and Co-CIO Henry ‘Hank’ Smith on state of the U.S. economy and markets and the outlook for Federal Reserve policy.
Why listen to Smith?
Here’s some relevant data, above and below, from their firm’s website.
What Smith says broadly fits what MHProNews has reported from a range of sources for months. The economy is basically sound, should continue to grow, despite some talking heads in media who for some time have tried to rain on apparent sunshine.
That noted, manufactured housing continues to struggle, as MHARR’s report linked here notes. But pay close attention to what their CEO said. We’ll look at that in more depth tomorrow morning.
The industry’s investors can’t possibly fully grasp manufactured housing with clarity until it understands Warren Buffett and his strategic, economic Moat concept. For more on that, see the related reports, below.
Manufactured housing should be roaring, not snoring. Various investigations could shed more light on this topic in the weeks ahead.
Related Reports:
“Throwback,” BLS Reports New Records, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Update$
Bridging Gap$, Affordable Housing Solution Yields Higher Pay, More Wealth, But Corrupt, Rigged Billionaire’s Moat is Barrier – manufacturedhomelivingnews.com
America woke up today to division. But perhaps 75 percent (+/-) of the nation’s people could come together on a plan that demonstrably could do the following. Increase the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by some $2 Trillion Annually, without new federal spending.
Former Manufactured Housing Institute President, Manufactured Home Owners, Urban Institute, and You – manufacturedhomelivingnews.com
” During my time at MHI, I was often asked the same question, “What must happen for business to return – for manufactured housing to begin growing again? ” My stock answer would usually start with ‘financing’ and end with a general comment about the need to bring ‘value’ to our customers.”
Bloomberg Closing Ticker for MHProNews…
NOTE: The chart below includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services.
NOTE: The chart below covers a number of stocks NOT reflected in the Yahoo MHCV, shown above.
NOTE: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory built housing industry suppliers.
LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI and LP all supply manufactured housing.
AMG, CG and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses.
Your link to industry praise for our coverage, is found here.
For the examples of our kudos linked above…plus well over 1,000 positive, public comments, we say – “Thank You for your vote of confidence.”
(Image credits and information are as shown above, and when provided by third parties, are shared under fair use guidelines.)
Submitted by Soheyla Kovach to the Daily Business News for MHProNews.com.