There are some messages that come in to our offices that suggest that MHProNews ‘not do politics.’
Please tell that to highly engaged in politics manufactured housing industry and lending professionals, such as Jim Clayton.
“It’s just politics.” “We don’t say that out of these walls,” are just some of the quotes from former Gov. Phil Bredesen Democratic Senate hopeful’s staff.
In an undercover video, the Bredesen staffers say that their candidate is lying about Bredesen’s true positions, trying to court moderate and GOP voters.
When it comes to money and politics, it often makes for strange bedfellow.
“Raja and Michelle Jubran, and Jim Clayton are co-hosting a fundraiser for Phil Bredesen,” said the Tennessee Star.
Victor Ashe follows politics in Tennessee, and he reported recently that “Other well known Knoxvillians on the Bredesen committee include businessman Jim Clayton…”
Will Steward, a field organizer for the Bredesen campaign is caught on camera saying that “…once Phil actually gets to the Senate, he’ll be a good Democrat.” Project Veritas has multiple videos like this one, not only with Bredesen, but with other Democrats who are saying one thing to the public, but behind the curtain, have other plans.
The Daily Business News on MHProNews recently spotlighted this specific campaign, because the President of the United States (POTUS), Donald J. Trump went on the stump for Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn.
Representative Blackburn, as will be noted below, has been faithful to several manufactured housing industry efforts requested by MHI.
Taylor Swift blasted Blackburn and endorsed her opponent, former Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen. But apparently the support of President Trump has given Blackburn an edge in the race to replace Senator Bob Corker (TN-R), who decided not to run for re-election.
Betraying Blackburn, Another Manufactured Housing Supporter?
Open Secrets and VoteSmart both report that Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn has been a multiple year supporter of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) backed Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act.
Representative Blackburn also voted yes on S. 2155. One would think that loyalty alone would cause MHI’s power players to stick with their proven supporter.
But based on mainstream media and election filing reports, that doesn’t appear to be the case.
So why are ‘the powers that be’ behind MHI funding Blackburn’s opponent, Bredesen? Why did they do something similar to manufactured housing advocate, Andy Barr? ICYMI, or need a refresher, see that report at the link below.
Was Manufactured Housing Advocate Congressman Andy Barr Backstabbed?
The Project Veritas undercover video report above exposes Tennessee staffers from Bredesen’s U.S. Senate campaign revealing the Democrat’s willingness to court moderate voters through deceit or outright lies.
This was especially evidenced by Bredesen’s recent statement suggesting he would, if he was already in the Senate, vote to confirm now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The Kavanaugh confirmation process is a rallying cry for Democrats and Republicans in alike in the 2018 contents. But some pundits are saying that the anti-Kavanaugh protests and theatrics has given GOP supporters renewed energy.
The Knoxville News Sentinel, per the Nashville Post, noted Victor Ashe’s report that “….Jim Clayton of Clayton Homes are hosting a $1,000-per-person event for Bredesen.”
Why is Jim Clayton, the founder of Clayton Homes and Clayton Bank, supporting an anti-Trump agenda opponent?
Jim Clayton told MHProNews after the 2016 election that he was pleased with builder and media mogul Donald J. Trump’s victory.
Uncertainty is the Only Known!
In the recent election, we wished for a Disruptor while knowing there is the risk of “gett’n what’s wished for.” We got it – one of the best – or is he the worst? – known to mankind – Donald the Disruptor . Ask anyone familiar with Atlantic City, or 5 th Avenue real estate.
If so, then what has happened to Jim Clayton’s support of the Trump agenda since then?
Don’t miss the related reports, further below. And stay tuned, as we continue to follow the money, track and report the various maneuvers that are taking place in the background.
These reports are drawing thousands of industry professionals. Why? Will MHI tell you these facts?
No one else in the manufactured housing industry’s trade media follows the money, facts, and evidence like the Daily Business News on MHProNews.
The takeaways are many. One purportedly is that those who support the Trump agenda of lower taxes and regulations better keep a close eye on MHI, and vote in the midterms. Keep in mind the related reports, that reveal a similar pattern for others that had been faithful to MHI in D.C., but are nevertheless, getting the Andy Barr-Marsha Blackburn treatment.
That’s this morning’s “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
(Related Reports are further below. Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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