The Boston Globe reports prefabricated housing, once thought of as somewhat lowly, is going upscale. A $2 million modular home in Wellesley, Massachusetts boasts four bedrooms, granite marble kitchen, mahogany floors, six bathrooms, second-floor decks, and a spacious living room with fireplace in the 5,900 square foot home. Haven Custom Homes of Selinsgrove, PA shipped the home in modules to the site. The general contractor for the house is planning a $3 million modular home also in Wellesley. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) says modular homes account for 2.5 percent of all new construction, and notes that in 2010 a factory-built house averaged $138,125 as compared to $204,533 for a site-built home. As we at MHProNews know, as additional MH and MOD homes go up in higher end neighborhoods, the stigma long associated with factory-built homes begins to disappear.