Any adult of sound mind capable of independent thought who has not yet figured out that politics impacts business, and business impacts politics, has arguably not been paying close enough attention. Additionally, someone doesn’t have to agree with constitutional Harvard emeritus attorney Alan Dershowitz, a self-proclaimed Democrat, to apply his simple ‘put the shoe on the other foot’ test. Whatever a politician (or whomever) is saying, try reversing it in the light of all objectively known facts. See how it stands up to scrutiny. When that simple test is done routinely, amazing insights that may otherwise be missed occur. When affordable housing is in crisis, and manufactured housing is only performing at about 30 percent of its last highwater mark, one of the elements that ought to be examined is the political and regulatory climate. That tees up what follows, along with our Sunday weekly MHProNews manufactured housing industry reports, analysis, and commentary.
The first tweet below by Ron Filipkowski is by an attorney who says he quit the Governor Ron DeSantis (R) administration in Florida. Filipkowski is an apparent and self-proclaimed Democrat that has no love for the 45th President, Donald J. Trump. The tweets that follow by Danny De Urbina are by a self-proclaimed young conservative activist who is scorching the Biden Administration by showing short video clips from actual press conferences.
What is going underreported – so far – is something that President Trump did not talk about last night. What was it? There was no mention of Operation Warp Speed. It may be a subtle signal that there is a pivot ahead on ‘taking credit’ for vaccines that are increasingly being questioned for their actual benefit by members of the medical, scientific, media, human rights advocates, and other communities.
On 1.15.2022, Filipkowski said: “Bannon this morning says the purpose of the Trump rally in AZ today is to pressure the AZ legis to decertify the 2020 Biden electors, then PA, WI, and GA will follow suit and make Biden an illegitimate president in the minds of swing voters heading into the 2022 elections.”
Bannon this morning says the purpose of the Trump rally in AZ today is to pressure the AZ legis to decertify the 2020 Biden electors, then PA, WI, and GA will follow suit and make Biden an illegitimate president in the minds of swing voters heading into the 2022 elections.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) January 15, 2022
Next is this from Danny De Urbina.
Please enjoy this reporter just SAVAGING Biden with this BRUTAL question listing Biden’s utter failures for over a minute STRAIGHT as Psaki is forced to listen while she awkwardly smirks.
Please enjoy this reporter just SAVAGING Biden with this BRUTAL question listing Biden’s utter failures for over a minute STRAIGHT as Psaki is forced to listen while she awkwardly smirks
— Danny De Urbina (@dannydeurbina) January 13, 2022
DOOCY, basically: Why is the Biden Administration a complete failure?
PSAKI: “The Bengals are playing tomorrow.”
— Danny De Urbina (@dannydeurbina) January 14, 2022
Because several big tech platforms are censoring content that features President Trump and/or some of his key supporters, one often has to turn to CSPAN to get a full-length video of events like the Florence, AZ Trump “Save America” Rally that occurred on 1.15.2022. It will be interesting to see what Newsmax reports their viewership for their carrying his rally live. The last few have drawn record audiences to Newsmax, reportedly in the millions each time.
Against the backdrop is this from the WND NewsCenter provided to MHProNews.
Trump blasts ‘power-hungry lunatics’: ‘We are not going to take it anymore’
Says vaccine mandates ‘are a disaster for our country’
By WND Staff
Published January 16, 2022 at 11:06am
He got quickly into what Joe Biden’s recent actions such as “wreaking havoc on our economy, going mandate-crazy, and running neighborhoods … running roughshod all over this country.”
“What they’re doing is incredible: They’ve taken away their dignity, they’ve taken away their liberties, and I say enough is enough, and we are not going to take it anymore.”
Trump also warned about the “corrupt, power-hungry lunatics” in the Democratic Party who “are putting corporate profits over the rights of the American people” by implementing vaccine mandates, thereby lining pharmaceutical executives’ pockets at the expense of the health and safety of people in the United States.
“We’re done with the mandates. … The mandates are a disaster for our country,” he said, arguing vaccine requirements are “just absolutely decimating our economy.”
Trump also criticized the jail-cell conditions of Jan. 6 prisoners as “an unprecedented assault on American civil rights and liberties,” arguing the accused rioters are being overzealously persecuted as “political prisoners.”
“The jails are filthy, disgusting, dirty, and they’re even be cited by the courts for being so horrible. … The showers a disgusting, the bathrooms are horrible, and people are being forced to live like that,” he said. “Let them use their lawyers. Let them go out and defend themselves, and if we think they’re innocent, we should help them defend themselves.”
The former president made several references to the Capitol Hill riot, taking particular aim at the “un-select committee of political hacks” investigating the incident as part of the Jan. 6 commission.
“They are Democratic hacks, and they’re vicious, and every one of a voted to impeach me, every one of them. … It’s a disgrace! It’s a disgrace to our country, what’s happening, and it takes the meaning out of the word,” he said, noting that Republican Rep. Liz Cheney “now polling at 16%,” and Rep. Adam Kinzinger “a crier,” both of whom voted in favor of Trump’s second impeachment, are also on the select committee.
He also noted New York’s Republican Rep. John Katko while applauding Kinzinger’s announcement that he would retire from the House after Illinois released a post-census map unfavorable to his reelection prospects.
“They’re falling fast and furious. The ones that voted to impeach, we’re getting rid of them fast.” …#
Per Wikipedia on this date, “As of January 2022, 39 representatives, including 26 Democrats and 13 Republicans, have decided to retire, 15 of whom are seeking another office.” Several of the retiring Republicans, per the 45th President Trump, are retiring because they were threatened with being primaried and because some of them voted against him in the ‘hoax’ impeachment.
Polling for Joe Biden*, who per public opinion polls is held by millions to be a president-with an asterisk by his name due to claimed 2020 election fraud. Pro-Biden and/or anti-Trump platforms routinely deny there is any evidence. But several states are examining the ‘no evidence’ that amounts to allegations of thousands of cases per each of the key battleground states that purportedly made Biden President.
Oddly, YouTube has not yet censored this video clip of Joe Biden himself saying that his campaign had the most extensive voter fraud operation in history.
But YouTube has turned off comments to that video above and added the disclaimer: “U.S. elections Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of election results.” No favoritism there, huh? The report liked below remains relevant, months after it was first published.

MHProNews will continue to monitor and report on claims of election meddling in the 2020 election as investigations are advancing in several states.
What few honest commentators would deny is that several economic, political, crime, trade, and foreign policy, COVID19, social, and other factors have slipped – some badly – during the almost 1 year old Biden term in the White House.
The 45th President has not yet declared for 2024. Some are still talking about possible paths back into formal power for the famous Mar-a-Lago resident and the de facto former first lady, Melania.
With inflation raging, hurting many of the economically disadvantaged the most, there are reasons to believe that pro-Trump Republicans are poised to do well. Democrats are apparently countering by trying to tarnish 45 and millions of his supporters with claims of “insurrection” and tactics aimed to paint his followers as seditious extremists. With much of big tech, big business, and big media on the side of Joe Biden, it’s not to be dismissed out of hand. Nevertheless, with about 10 months to the midterms, even many Democrats concede that they will lose control of the House, and possibly, the U.S. Senate too.
What impact will all that have on affordable housing and manufactured homes? Time will tell. But given that several of the backers of Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) were also de-facto or open backers of Biden, it will be fascinating to watch.
MHProNews monitors platforms that are pro-Democrat and pro-Republican. In a message this afternoon from the NRSC: “Big Tech wannabe DICTATORS are TERRIFIED of Trump’s Social Media! He already secured $1 BILLION, would you Join?”
That’s a wildcard not many have factored in yet. But if Trump’s social media platform takes off, it could indeed make a big difference in 2022 and beyond.
Shifting gears. Note: the manufactured housing accountability and mainstream media information campaign continues, as the first report on MHLivingNews will showcase. It should cause independent thinkers to ask: why didn’t MHI do years ago what this pro-growth, pro-consumer, pro-white hat businesses platform is doing?
Don’t miss today’s postscript.
Note to newcomers and a reminder to others, MHI used to provide their news and even paid to get content on this site for some years. MHProNews has also carried MHARR news for years, and more recently MHARR has become a sponsor. MHI, at their own request stopped providing content while this platform was still an MHI member. See here and here.
With no further adieu, here are the headlines for the week that was 1.9 to 1.16.2022.
What’s New on MHLivingNews

What’s New from Washington, D.C. from MHARR

What’s New on the Masthead

What’s New on the Words of Wisdom by Tim Conner, CSP

What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 1.15.2022

Friday 1.14.2022

Thursday 1.13.2022

Wednesday 1.12.2022

Tuesday 1.11.2022

Monday 1.10.2022

Sunday 1.9.2022

The following is an email from an email this morning to MHProNews. It speaks for itself. BTW, as a disclosure, they have no clue that we are publishing this item.
David Kupelian on keeping today’s sociopathic ruling elite from totally extinguishing our great nation
Dear friend of WND,
* Joe Biden just said the Jan. 6 Capitol riot – during which exactly one person, an unarmed female pro-Trump protester, was killed – is “the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War,” during which 750,000 Americans were killed. Kamala Harris compared Jan. 6 to the Pearl Harbor and 9-11 attacks, each of which saw over 3,000 Americans killed and led our nation into major wars. Clearly, both of their statements were not just false, but wildly and insanely false.
* Sonia Sotomayor, a leftwing justice on the Supreme Court which is now considering Biden’s vaccine mandates, just proclaimed that the Omicron COVID variant is just as deadly as Delta, and added: “We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators.” These statements, like Biden’s and Harris’s, are not just false, they are wildly and insanely false.
* Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, insists the filibuster is bad (even though he led over 300 filibusters a couple years ago during Trump’s presidency) and needs to be trashed so the Democrat-led Congress can take control of America’s elections, instead of the states where the Constitution entrusted them for centuries. After all, says Schumer, Republicans who believe Americans should have to identify themselves before voting (something polls show the vast majority of Americans of ALL RACES agree with) are the equivalent to “violent insurrectionists.” Like Biden, Harris and Sotomayor, Schumer’s statements are not just false, they are wildly and insanely false.
Friends, our nation is currently run by people who have no problem looking right into a television camera – which is to say, looking right into the eyes of millions of people – and knowingly making wildly and insanely false statements.
That’s sociopath stuff. Normal people cannot lie like that. I can’t and neither can you; the inner conflict would tear us apart. After all, we have something called a conscience.
Question: WHY is our nation’s disgraceful leader class able to lie so wildly and insanely and get away with it?
That’s easy to answer: The major media don’t hold them accountable. Quite the opposite: Today’s Big Media, like Big Tech, closely resembles Pravda in the old Soviet Union. Posing as an actual news organization, Pravda (Russian for “Truth”) was actually just a servile propaganda ministry whose sole reason for existing was to cravenly advance the agenda of the soulless ruling elites. Truth was a foreign and totally unwelcome concept.
And that is exactly why the Bidens and Obamas and Pelosis and Schumers and Schiffs of our world are able to publicly utter the most wildly, insanely, OBVIOUSLY false statements … simply because they know they’ll get away with it, every time.
Thomas Jefferson, author our Declaration of Independence, famously warned, “The only security of all is in a FREE PRESS.” Unfortunately, today’s press consists mostly of lying, corrupt, self-serving, low-IQ cheerleaders for the revolution. As a result, the number one target of today’s Big Tech totalitarians is that tiny part of the news media not extoling the virtues of the Democrats’ insane, delusional and destructive agenda, but rather, committed to reporting the Truth … no matter the cost or consequences.
And I can assure you, WND, whose motto for 25 years has been “A FREE PRESS FOR A FREE PEOPLE,” is paying a steep price and suffering major consequences for truthful reporting.
In fact, a few weeks ago, Google went for the “kill shot” and totally de-monetized WND after warning the 25-year-old Christian news site that its journalism was – and I quote – “dangerous,” “derogatory,” “misrepresentative,” “unreliable” and “harmful.” Before that, after WND posted a single video defending Trump supporter and “MyPillow guy” Mike Lindell, YouTube de-monetized WND’s channel. For well over a year, Facebook has massively suppressed WND’s traffic on its platform – by up to 90% – by confining us to “Facebook Jail.” Three major international online ad companies – TripleLift, AppNexus/Xander and Teads – all canceled WND, seriously hurting our revenues. Why? Because of our supposed “hate speech” (that’s what they call it when you uphold basic biblical morality).
There’s much more, but you get the idea. As a result of all these attacks (and many others I haven’t spelled out, like the unbelievably malicious and frivolous nuisance lawsuits hurled at us, the major hack attacks and other threats and assaults of every imaginable sort), WND is enduring some very challenging times.
We’ve cut our staff way down to remain lean and competitive, and everyone has taken big pay-cuts and late paychecks – and sometimes no paychecks. It’s hard to keep financially ahead of the relentless attacks on us and to pay our incredibly dedicated staffers – most of whom have been with us, believe it or not, for over 20 years!
Unlike most major news sites, WND does not have a billionaire sugar-daddy like the Left’s George Soros pumping money into our operation as needed. We’ve always done it the old-fashioned way, earning our own way. Of course, there’s a good side to that arrangement, since we’re beholden to no one but God. However, the truth is, the leftwing elites, Big Tech and cancel culture have made it close to impossible to operate anymore by taking over the internet and suppressing, censoring and canceling everything decent, American and Christian.
So, that’s our current reality. And in this situation, we have only one hand left to play – but it’s a really good one.
We can appeal to you, our loyal readers.
As you may know, we took the trouble to do what a few other forward-thinking news organizations have done – to form a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization called the WND News Center. This IRS-approved nonprofit charity is dedicated to promoting “independent, fearless, truthful news and analysis in an age of rapidly increasing lies and deception” and “shining a bright and honest journalistic light on today’s world, including the lawless political and cultural forces that daily threaten Americans’ happiness, well-being, security and freedom.”
I’m asking you today to really think hard and prayerfully about all this, and then to consider making a generous tax-deductible donation to the WND News Center.
Friends, we cannot survive without your support. It’s as simple as that. If you help us, we will be able to boldly report, like no one else, on the tremendous forces of anarchy, insanity and spiritual darkness that are now washing over our beloved republic. Help us push back against the tide of darkness! …##
Closing (for now) MHProNews Commentary
MHProNews has crafted relationships with platforms that span the left-right divide. Several from left- and right have provided their content to MHProNews when we wish to use it with permission. There is not one such source that we agree with on 100 percent of their topics, takes, and analysis. That said, WND is a source that routinely provided factually accurate reports that Sharyl Attkisson correctly says is right of center. As a publisher, we respect WND’s fight for their rights. Every independent businessperson should consider that has occurred in our profession, how oligopoly style monopolists arguably have attempted – and to a significantly degree, successfully undermined thousands of companies. MHProNews has made several different types of financial and other support to WND (as well as others) and is pleased to encourage others to do the same.
There are times when voices on the left and right use hyperbole to make their points. For years, MHProNews has stressed the notion of checking facts and claims and separating the wheat from the chaff. Our 80 percent friends are not our 20 percent enemies.
AMAC, the Association for Mature American Citizens, has made the argument that there is a Great Realignment already underway. WND says there is a Great Awakening underway. Both have valid points.
From MHProNews’ editorial perspective, U.S. history has often had battles between powerful financial and corporate interests that attempted to subvert their competitors and twist the U.S. political system to their own benefit. It is no surprise that politicians who may be in their pockets try to give them cover. It is no surprise that their own media investments do the same. As billionaire Nick Hanauer aptly noted in a column in left-leaning Politico 2014 – during the Obama-Biden administration – that the pitchforks are coming for his fellow oligarchs and plutocrats; or a police state are coming. When someone looked at the fencing around the U.S. Capitol before, during, and after the Biden inauguration, it is no surprise that some thought about Hanauer’s warning. ## #

Our thanks to you, our sources, and sponsors for making and keeping us the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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