Now, Home Depot had jumped into the emerging 3D printing trend, where you can buy a desktop printer of your own for under $3,000. Here is part of their description.
“MakerBot is leading the Next Industrial Revolution by setting the standards in reliable and affordable desktop 3D printing and scanning.
Tens of thousands of people throughout the world are using MakerBot desktop 3D printers, to innovate and create right in their own homes, workshops, offices, schools, and studios.
The MakerBot Replicator desktop 3D Printer provides Fifth Generation ease of use and connectivity for all your 3D printing needs: It’s the easiest and most versatile way to get from 3D model to 3D print and its large build volume accelerates rapid prototyping and model making.”
The most recent Daily Business News article on 3D printing used in construction is linked here.
There have been half a million views since last April of this YouTube video, that features a Chinese firm that built ten houses in a day using 3D printing technology.
The text with the video reads: “A Chinese company is using 3D-printed blocks to build cheap and quickly assembled houses as a possible solution to the urgent problem of modernizing housing conditions in Chinese villages. The blocks are made from a mixture of sand, concrete and glass fiber, materials processed from common.”
Manufactured housing professionals, this is your wake up call. Please see related commentary links below. ##
The MH Nightmare or the MHimPossible Dream? Part II
(Photo credit: Home Depot)