In about a week’s time, Michael Master’s is the second columnist for WND to announce that proclaimed that they are hanging up their digital hats, setting aside their keyboards, and will retire. Michael Master’s swan song is shared below in Part I of this report. That will be followed by additional information in Part II focused on and from the diminished manufactured housing industry as a key part of this MHProNews platform’s analysis.
Part I From the WND News Center to MHProNews is the following.
Advice to readers as I hang up my laptop
Ready for time with family, tennis, bourbon and cigars with my buddies
By Michael Master | February 20, 2025
Donald J. Trump is mentoring the youngest, brightest set of leaders to continue MAGA and America First for decades to come. All of his Cabinet nominees are being confirmed. All of them. Democrat obstruction failed … again.
For the 2024 election, Michael Whatley figured out how to stop the Democrats’ election irregularities (except in California) that were used to elect Joe Biden president in 2020. Trump lawyers beat down more than 45 attempts of Democrat lawyers to try to stop Trump from being reelected POTUS, which exposed the use of law as a political weapon (lawfare). But, Trump got elected. He won the popular vote, all seven battleground states, the House, the Senate, a majority of state governors/legislatures – after the media polls predicted that Harris would win all of that. Trump won the younger voters, white women voters, a quarter of black male voters, Hispanic voters … in addition to traditional Republican voters.
So now the deep state is being exposed and driven out of government. Democrats are hysterical as they have no real response. The Supreme Court stopped Democrats from removing Trump from ballots, and SCOTUS reversed, reduced and remanded rulings by lower-court liberal judges who abused the words of our Constitution with their twisted interpretations. WOKE is dying. DEI is dying. LBGTQ is dying. Christianity is rising.
America is now headed in the right direction.
God blessed me with a profession for 40 years that allowed me to meet many industry and political leaders like Jack Welch, Gene Amdahl, Larry Ellison, Jerry Malec, David Beamer, George W. Bush four times, Barack Obama, Marion Barry twice, Mitt Romney three times, John McCain three times, Ethel Kennedy (she pinched my a**), Anthony Scalia, Colin Powell, Donald Trump five times, senators, representatives, heads of agencies, Vivek Ramaswamy, Dan Matthews many times, Jim Nicholson many times, and Michael Whatley many times. The list is very long. My profession allowed me and our employees to work on many of the most pressing problems of our time. It gave me insight into real root causes of issues we face in America.
Story: IBM (Don Davis and Lew Grey) had just moved us to our fourth IBM location in seven years, D.C. from Boston, in the summer of 1982. Amy, our daughter, just turned 4 … precocious, very verbal, smart (150 IQ). We were downtown, about 8 at night; the sun was going down. It was hot like in the movie “Body Heat” when we pulled up in front of the White House (you could still do that in 1982). The Secret Service guard asked us what we wanted, so Amy asked if Ronald Reagan could come to the movies with us. The guard responded that the president was sleeping and to return in the morning. What did Amy learn from that?
- that the president must be a nice man since his guard was so nice; and
2. that the president goes to sleep before she does.
It was my mistake not to return the next day. Reagan might have met with us, or at least with Amy. My only time with Reagan was watching his casket roll down Pennsylvania Avenue a few years later. My loss. America’s loss.
Now, at 77 years old, after 40 years in high tech, 25 years of analysis about the USA in four books, daily email blasts and hundreds of op-eds for WorldNetDaily, it is time for me to hang up my laptop.
My first book, “Save America Now,” in 2009, discussed what is required to save America as the greatest society in the history of the world. Those priorities remain today:
- Restore the family and family values as the cornerstone of American values.
- Do what is necessary to increase the birth rate of U.S. citizens to more than 2.1 per American woman.
- Reduce all immigration (legal and illegal) to a maximum of 300,000 per year.
- Encourage religious practice with freedom of speech for religions on all subjects (no limitations) as per the First Amendment.
- Reduce taxes, government spending, government regulations and government impact on our lives.
- Increase manufacturing in the USA to restore the arsenal of democracy.
- Increase U.S. self-sufficiency, as our founding fathers stated in our Declaration of Independence, stressing American sovereignty instead of acquiescing to the globalist world order.
- Adhere to the actual words in our U.S. Constitution as they are stated.
- Return control of education to parents and states with emphasis on reading, math and science.
- Eliminate trade deficits.
- Reinstate the draft for everyone to serve (men and women) for 18 months at 18 years old with a choice of military or public service (no deferments).
- Establish a tax code that rewards families with children, eliminates the penalties for being married, eliminates double taxation on stockholders, eliminates loopholes and tax credits, and encourages companies to move operations to the USA.
Let me encourage everyone to read and listen to more sources than those pundits who protect the establishment class, to more sources than mainstream media and supposed experts. Over the last 25 years, mainstream media and establishment pundits deliberately misled all of us to protect the nation’s oligarchs, globalists and the deep state.
As a product of the 1960s, my advice is to listen to all opinions, not just those who are deemed to be experts by the establishment, not just to those who say what you want to hear. The establishment and their minions lied to us often as with the JFK assassination, the Bay of Pigs, the Gulf of Tonkin and Vietnam. Then more recently, they lied about Jan. 6, the Russia Hoax, COVID, tariffs on China, the Hunter laptop, the Bidens and Burisma, vaccines, causes of climate change, fact checking, ABC debate moderators, CBS editing and hundreds of other examples.
Discussions with Democrat leaders led me to predict in 2022 that Biden would not be the candidate in 2024. That was two years before he dropped out. How did mainstream media miss it? They did not want to see it, or maybe they just refused to report it. So be vigilant at getting the truth.
It is now the time for me to spend more time with Ginger (my beautiful wife for 52 wonderful years), with Amy (our beautiful daughter), with my brothers, at softball, golf, tennis, bourbon and cigars with my buddies, and in Nantucket.
So as my parting thought, this is from my 2021 book, “Trump the Disrupter: How Donald J. Trump helped Make America.”
The definition of disruption is “to interrupt the normal course.” A person or technology or product that interrupts the normal course of events or activities is a disrupter. Elon Musk with Tesla. IBM with computer chips, disc drives, and operating systems. Henry Ford with assembly lines and Eli Whitney with interchangeable parts. They all disrupted the normal course of events and activities.
Presidents who were disrupters include Dwight Eisenhower with the interstate highway system, Lyndon Johnson with Affirmative Action, Richard Nixon by changing the dollar to fiat without any gold-standard support for it.
The great disrupter of the 1900s was Bretton Woods in the late 1940s, which allowed enemies of the USA to have unfettered access to the USA market without import duties in hopes that their dependence on that access would insure world peace. The philosophies of Bretton Woods became the basis for USA foreign policy for the next 70 years … until Donald J. Trump. Trump believed that bad guys exploited USA generosity for their personal gain which hurt average working Americans in the process.
Who were those bad guys? American millionaire oligarchs (billionaires today), China, Germany, Russia, India, Mexico, and USA government bureaucrats for starters. American oligarchs moved their operations out of the USA and then shipped products back to the USA market while being protected by the policies of Bretton Woods through the World Trade Organization, NAFTA and a variety of bad deals for Americans. American oligarchs sold weapons to our potential enemies. Foreign enemies made products with cheap labor and also shipped those products into the USA for sale. And USA government bureaucrats encouraged it through complicit regulations.
Bretton Woods hurt jobs and wages for America workers. It sabotaged USA independence and security. Industries folded. The “Arsenal of Democracy” was hobbled. The wage gap in the USA grew. Under-educated Americans, especially Blacks and Hispanics, were hurt the worst. The global oligarchs all over the world got richer and the poor got poorer. The industrial military complex expanded to become the government industrial complex as the sizes of local, state, and federal agencies swelled. Government departments, SEIU, NEA, DoD were all ensnarled in the webs of foreign enemies and American globalist billionaire oligarchs.
Trump got it. So he stood up and echoed the words of Bill Clinton to “make America great again” and the words of John McCain to put “America first.” Unlike Clinton and McCain, Trump meant it.
In my opinion, the young Donald Trump was unlikable. Snarky. Obnoxious. Womanizer. Studio 54. Scores strip club. Self-centered. A Democrat. “The Donald.” He was not at all like my boy-hood heroes of Clark Kent and Al Kaline.
But the liberal elite loved Trump. Oprah Winfrey. Barbara Walters. Howard Stern. Jessie Jackson. NBC (“The Apprentice”). The NAACP even gave him an award. They all fawned over him … asked him to run for president some day. Politicians paid homage to him. They had their pictures taken with him. They wanted donations and endorsements from him. Chuck Schumer, Bill Clinton. Mitt Romney. Andrew Cuomo. A huge list.
Then a switch went off like a bright light in a dark room. Trump morphed like a caterpillar into a butterfly, like a cub into a lion, like Saul into Paul. He became a populist Republican. He stood up for average working Americans and meant it. The elite abandoned him. Establishment folks feared him. Evangelicals welcomed him home like the prodigal son. In God we trust.
See Michael’s books at
Michael Master’s latest book is “Trump the Disrupter.” His previous books are “Save America Now!” and “Rules for Conservatives.” Read more of Michael Master’s articles here.
From Amazon’s bio in brief on Masters.
Michael Charles Master is the author of Save America Now, Rules for Conservatives, and now The Birth Famine. With a BS and an MBA from the University of Arizona and more than 45 years experience in business with 31 years of it as a manager/executive/president for IBM, Amdahl, and several smaller companies, and with 14 years of it as an owner/partner of a high tech company; Mr. Master takes a very pragmatic approach to problem solving. He uses QIT (quality improvement technique) as taught to him at IBM. He first determines the root causes to problems, then looks for similar root causes among multiple problems, and then suggests solutions to solve those few common root causes affecting all the problems. He is not a writer. He is not a politician. He is an American businessman/entrepreneur who loves God, loves America, and loves his family.
Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
There are several forms of retirement. The most obviously permeant, perhaps, is when someone dies. Death is the final ‘retirement.’ But prior to death, even given the current state of inflation and related woes, some are able and want to stop working for a living and have the resources to do so.
That second kind of retirement from a profession – a living retirement – allows for one or more others to step into a vacated role. Succession planning is something that many businesses engage in, with a notable example of Warren Buffett led Berkshire Hathaway making clear some years ago that they were preparing for the eventual deaths of Charlie Munger (who has since died and met with his eternal reward) and with the aging Buffett mulling his mortality rather openly, as MHProNews duly reported.

There are some organizations in MHVille that have not established a clear succession plan, at least, not a visible one. That may be the topic of a future report.
As to this platform, there is a nuanced succession plan that was flashed last year. First, we have an heir apparent. That heir apparent has published an article that reflects a grasp of issuing facing manufactured housing that is arguably superior to that of tens of thousands of pros that work in this industry day by day and have for years. The heir apparent is perhaps a better writer and certainly superior in grammar and the finer points of editing.

Broadly speaking, the other possible track of succession planning at MHProNews is that several individuals representing various entities have reached out with an interest in acquiring this platform. So far, none of those have met with our key concerns and interests; namely, that the entity be as pro-free enterprise, timeless values driven, and manufactured housing independent and organic industry growth minded as we would like to think that we have proven ourselves to be. To sell these platforms to the enemies of free enterprise and MHVille growth is rather easy to do and holds no appeal to the management of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews and MHLivingNews. We have said no to several that didn’t pass the basic smell test. We’ve learned from experience.
Don’t be surprised if from time to time, we pop up more from young TARK as part of our preparation for the future.
That said, let’s pivot to the core issues facing manufactured housing, our nation, and our world.
Master’s hit on it quite neatly in the paraphrased remark in headline today. Here is how Master put it.
“Let me encourage everyone to read and listen to more sources than those pundits who protect the establishment class, to more sources than mainstream media and supposed experts. Over the last 25 years, mainstream media and establishment pundits deliberately misled all of us to protect the nation’s oligarchs, globalists and the deep state.”
A parallel to Master’s point is what has made this platform the dominating one in our industry.
Because, thank God and with the support of those who want to see manufactured homes flourish in the 21st century at levels at or beyond what they did in the mid-to-late 1990s or early 1970s, we have built at MHProNews the dominant news and views platform in MHVille. Thousands of industry pros as well as public officials and others know that and flock here daily at levels reportedly well over 30 times that of MHI’s traffic. Because our rivals are all more or less in the MHI orbit, and MHI is neither man nor woman enough to defend their pathetic twenty-first century performance record as measured by the key performance indicator (KPI) of annual national production, there is no obvious risk at this time of our being unseated. People want to know what’s authentically going on.
Millions of Americans are tired of being misled as the recent election and a steady stream of public polling routinely reminded us. So, who in MHVille is going to substitute sound evidence, facts, reasoning and arguments for a pack of paltering, half-truths, or outrageous and costly corrupt deceptions by self-serving crony capitalists and their circle of friends?
Back to Master’s parting column.
Master also said this. Let’s note that this would have been phrased differently by moi, but in fairness, he hit several useful points and themes.
In my opinion, the young Donald Trump was unlikable. Snarky. Obnoxious. Womanizer. Studio 54. Scores strip club. Self-centered. A Democrat. “The Donald.” He was not at all like my boy-hood heroes of Clark Kent and Al Kaline.
But the liberal elite loved Trump. Oprah Winfrey. Barbara Walters. Howard Stern. Jessie Jackson. NBC (“The Apprentice”). The NAACP even gave him an award. They all fawned over him … asked him to run for president some day. Politicians paid homage to him. They had their pictures taken with him. They wanted donations and endorsements from him. Chuck Schumer, Bill Clinton. Mitt Romney. Andrew Cuomo. A huge list.
Then a switch went off like a bright light in a dark room. Trump morphed like a caterpillar into a butterfly, like a cub into a lion, like Saul into Paul. He became a populist Republican. He stood up for average working Americans and meant it. The elite abandoned him. Establishment folks feared him. Evangelicals welcomed him home like the prodigal son. In God we trust.
The proverbial jury, so to speak, is out on Trump, but if the first 30 days of his T2 administration are any indication of the what the next 4 years will be like, there are reasons for hope.
But let’s not confuse Trump with the 2nd Coming of Christ, nor in fairness, does anyone I’ve ever met do so. Trump supporters grasp that he is a unique man, successful though he’s made mistakes, and will make more.
Yes, Master’s is right in saying: “In God we trust.” All others need to bring evidence and proof on a regular basis.
That said, as a programming notice, expect a sharp look at a concern about one of President Trump’s recently appointed departmental leaders soon. That leader has made not one, but two apparent unforced errors relevant to MHVille. It is better to raise the cautionary flag early on than later in T2’s term.
Stay tuned.
May Michael Charles Master and Scott Lively complete their sojourn in this life in a joyous manner that fulfills God’s Holy Will. For that matter, may we all carefully ponder and do so ourselves. Amen.

Again, our thanks to free email subscribers and all readers like you, as well as our tipsters/sources, sponsors and God for making and keeping us the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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