“These are hopeful times, said Rick Manning via the Daily Torch, “but here is the secret that we all know. If changes are simply made using Donald Trump’s formidable pen and paper, they can be rescinded as early as 2029.” Manning was alluding to the battery of Trump Administration era 1.0 executive orders that Joe Biden reversed once he assumed the Oval Office. The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) recently informed the manufactured housing industry of its engagement with the Trump Transition team: “MHARR Calls for Urgent Action by President Trump to Withdraw and Repeal DOE Manufactured Home Energy Regulations.” MHLivingNews shared and unpacked that timely and strategic MHARR raised topic at this link here. But among the often-unstated issues in significant portions of the President-elect Donald J. Trump and Make America Great Again (MAGA) agenda is the American Administrative State, dubbed by Ned Ryun as the American Leviathan. The Daily Torch supplied featured image by satirical cartoonist A.F. Branco showing former Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-R) pulling back the curtain in a massive pile of presumably stinking bullsh-t presupposes the Senate will confirm Gaetz. That may require a recess appointment, which it seems that both the House and the Senate leaders would have to do, as there is pushback even among some Republicans to a Gaetz appointment, not to mention what would likely be unanimous Democratic opposition in the Senate. Manning and MHARR are both arguably correct, as Part II of this fact- and evidence-based analysis (FEA) will show. Manning and MHARR have raised key issues that must navigate the realities of Congress and the so-called Deep State.
Part I – From the Daily Torch to MHProNews is the following op-ed.
Make America Great Again Is More Than A Slogan—It Is Necessary
By Rick Manning
For the first time since the reign of Franklin D. Roosevelt which put the full-throated administrative state in place, America has aligned the executive, legislative and judicial branches to restore power to the people and rip it out of the hands of their taxpayer funded overlords in the federal bureaucracy.
This is the time, purpose and vision behind the founding of Americans for Limited Government more than twenty years ago.
In the past three years, the Supreme Court has opened the door for the first time in decades to rollback federal regulatory overreach.
The Court declared that regulations which go beyond the law passed by the elected Congress are unconstitutional in West Virginia v. EPA.
And just this past year, the Court overturned a forty year old decision that instructed courts to give deference to the wisdom and knowledge of the federal bureaucracy over those who were suing to prevent the expansion of the regulatory state. By ending so-called Chevron deference, the federal courts can listen to arguments and dismiss absurd or disputed claims by regulators when confronted with conflicting and credible testimony.
These two cases, along with a few others that have the same effect, open the doors not only in the Courts, but for Congress to act to shut down this unconstitutional expansion of government.
To make matters even more hopeful, President Donald Trump has appointed Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to head a non-governmental Department of Government Efficiency with the goal of streamlining government and providing the President and Congress a pathway to not only wring waste, fraud and abuse out of the system, but to provide a blueprint on government reorganization.
These are hopeful times, but here is the secret that we all know. If changes are simply made using Donald Trump’s formidable pen and paper, they can be rescinded as early as 2029.
This is why Congressional action is essential. Narrow majorities in both the House and Senate will dictate some of the scope of change that can be made, but Congress can write regulations that overreach out of the law by refusing to reauthorize legislation unless the regulatory changes are made. They can strip funding for the implementation of these regulations through the appropriations process. And Congress can affirm Executive Branch recommended rescissions reflecting cuts in spending that have been deemed wasteful or unnecessary by the White House.
The great news is Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) have already started the ball rolling by directing their Committee Chairs to identify these overreaching regulations so that the House can hit the ground running on day one.
The even better news is that with the bully pulpit of President Trump, media disruptors like Truth Social, talk radio and X.com and groups like Americans for Limited Government, the administrative state will face powerful grassroots pushback directly into Congress urging change.
The great restoration of America is possible. There are many, many challenges ahead, and it will likely take twelve years of GOP presidential leadership to clean up the mess created on a bipartisan basis over the past century.
But for the first time in generations, there is hope that the administrative state dragon can be slayed, spending can be refocused upon constitutional priorities and the great American economic engine will be unleashed to create a future that the Baby Boomer generation can’t imagine.
Freedom is contagious, and freeing the minds and talents of our nation’s entrepreneurs, inventors and dreamers has been the key to our nation’s wealth, historically creating a prosperous middle class where parents can achieve their dream that if their children apply themselves, they will achieve greater things than their parents.
Making America Great Again is not a slogan, it is a determination to fix what is broken in America including restoring individual freedom and today it is necessary and that is why there is hope unseen for generations.
Rick Manning is the President of Americans for Limited Government.
Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
1) To clarify the issue of recess appointments, MHProNews asked left-leaning Bing’s artificial intelligence powered Copilot this question.
Let’s presume the world-view shared by ALG president Rick Manning in his column linked here is evidence and reason based: https://dailytorch.com/2024/11/make-america-great-again-is-more-than-a-slogan-it-is-necessary Isn’t it true that to do a recess appointment both houses of Congress have to go into recess, so Republican House and Senate leaders would have to coordinate that step? Confirm or clarify as needed.
2) MHARR posted their outreach to the President-elect Trump transition team on November 11, 2024. Their actual FedEx delivered communication to the transition team is dated 11.7.2024. The most recent news item on the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) website is 11.4.2024. The only known public message involving an MHI relative to the election outcome is a statement by CEO Lesli Gooch to the Northern Forum reported here on the topic of immigration law enforcement.
With that in mind, consider this follow up in a chat with Copilot.
MHARR posted their outreach to the President-elect Trump transition team on November 11, 2024. https://manufacturedhousingassociationregulatoryreform.org/mharr-calls-for-urgent-action-by-president-trump-to-withdraw-and-repeal-doe-manufactured-home-energy-regulations/ Their actual FedEx delivered communication to the transition team is dated 11.7.2024. The most recent news item on the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) website is 11.4.2024. The only known public message involving an MHI relative to the election outcome is a statement by CEO Lesli Gooch to the Northern Forum reported here https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/lol-northern-forum-alice-carter-claim-mass-deportations-could-worsen-severe-housing-shortage-in-usa-cites-clayton-manufactured-housing-institute-plus-sunday-weekly-mhville-headline/ on the topic of immigration law enforcement. Are you aware of any other message by MHI staff via social media, or other internet visible communications by MHI relative to the 2024 election outcome? If so, please provide the link. Confirm or clarify as needed.
If you have any other questions or need further information, feel free to ask! …”
3) To further illustrate Copilot’s findings, see the Google search below. The only apparent articles on the Trump transition that mention MHI are the one linked above and below this screen grab.

As MHProNews reported in the above, that remark by Gooch is perhaps one of her better published ones of late from the vantage point of manufactured housing industry growth advancement.
4) Manning and MHARR have made important points. As a nice possible change of pace, MHI’s Gooch has said something useful post-election for MHVille too. Copilot made an important point, it seems that MHARR has been more pro-active than MHI has. But perhaps baby steps are the best that might be expected from MHI at this time, given years of all-too-often problematic or lackluster behavior with respect to the DOE energy issue and other topics?
5) Manning for ALG via the Daily Torch made a point that MHARR and this publication have also made. Namely, that the Loper Bright ruling is a useful step towards a more constitutional functioning of the federal government. But there is much more work to be done. Part of that work, if Trump’s agenda is to be robust and successful on behalf of the America First or “MAGA” movement is going to require individuals in various departments of the federal government who are committed to reigning in the runaway power of the federal bureaucracy which all too often has worked contrary to the interests of the people’s will and that of the defined limits of the Constitution. Executive orders can be reversed or changed by a future president. It will require Congress to cooperate. The first apparent step of cooperation is appointments of federal officials Trump has asked for, and that will be revealing indeed. Stay tuned, as Manning’s description of hope mixed with challenges ahead are arguably well supported. As a relevant PS to this article, check out WMAL pundit Larry O’Connor’s insightful address to Hillsdale College on the topic of government scandals, the role of the media, and elections. That impressive talk is in the video posted below the Branco cartoon below. ##

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By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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