Indiancountrytodaymedianewtwork reports the first large housing project in 40 years on the San Felipe Pueblo tribal land in Sandoval County, New Mexico has just witnessed 28 families move in to the 28 new modular homes, part of a planned 150 unit project which includes multi-family housing for elderly members of this 3,400 member tribe. Located just north of Albuquerque, the $2.8 million HUD Title VI (Indian Housing Block Grant funds) loan by Bank of America was the first Title VI approved on NM tribal land in over a decade. Isaac Perez, executive director of the San Felipe Pueblo Housing Authority (SFPHA), noting Bank of America was the only lender who would do a Title VI, even though it is 95% federally guaranteed loan, said another bank wanted a 100% guaranteed from the tribe in addition to the federal backing. Half of the workforce of 100 plus were tribal members, building and installing the modular units on the pueblo. MHProNews has learned additional funding came from the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority, Enterprise Community Partners, and federal stimulus funds.