“I am sorry to report that we live in very corrupt times” intones Chris Plante, a 17-year award-winning news veteran of left-leaning CNN turned award-winning WMAL nationally syndicated satirical pundit. Plante is also the host of “The Right Squad” on the right-leaning rising cable news star, Newsmax. Among the points Plante makes in his 9-12 noon ET radio The Chris Plante Show is that the news media is one of the “most corrupt” institutions we have in America. When listening to Plante enough, one realizes that he believes that some media does a good or better job of reporting facts accurately while others in media provide a poorer record of performance. Much of that could broadly conform to the view of others who do media analysis, be they from the right or the left. What does that have to do with the headline promise of higher HUD Code manufactured housing shipment data for October 2024 as reported by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) on 12.3.2024? It turns out that is a background issue that will be covered as part of the additional facts, evidence, and analysis segment of this report found in Part II.
So, first up is MHARR’s report, as provided below to MHProNews. The header below is added by MHProNews and was not part of the MHARR generated content. Logos were also added by MHProNews in what follows above and below their shipment screen capture.
Part I
(202) 783-4087
Washington, D.C., December 3, 2024 – The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reports that according to official statistics compiled on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), HUD Code manufactured housing industry year-over-year production increased in October 2024. Just-released statistics indicate that HUD Code manufacturers produced 10,263 new homes in October 2024, a 22.2% increase over the 8,393 new HUD Code homes produced in October 2023. Cumulative production for 2024 now totals 87,639 homes, a 16.7% increase over the 75,040 HUD Code homes produced over the same period in 2023.
A further analysis of the official industry statistics shows that the top ten shipment states from January 2023 — with monthly, cumulative, current reporting year (2024) and prior year (2023) shipments per category as indicated — are:
The October 2024 statistics result in no changes to the cumulative top-ten list.
The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform is a Washington, D.C.- based national trade association representing the views and interests of independent producers of federally-regulated manufactured housing.
— 30 —
Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR)
1331 Pennsylvania Ave N.W., Suite 512
Washington D.C. 20004
Phone: 202/783-4087
Fax: 202/783-4075
Website: www.manufacturedhousingassociation.org
Part II – Additional Information with MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
1) On October 16, 2024, the Pew Research Center (a.k.a. Pew Research, Pew, the Center) said the following. The quotes are in a different order than is shown on their website.
Republicans are now nearly as likely to trust the information that comes from social media sites as they are to trust information from national news organizations, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. The same pattern appears among young adults.
Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, by comparison, 38% have at least some trust in the information that comes from social media sites. This is far below the share of Democrats who express this level of trust in information from national (78%) and local (83%) news organizations.
Today, 37% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say they have a lot of or some trust in the information that comes from social media sites. This is nearly on par with the 40% of Republicans who express this level of trust in national news organizations. Their trust in national news outlets is now 30 percentage points lower than it was in 2016.
A much larger share of Republicans (66%) have at least some trust in information from local news organizations.
2) Gallup surveys have painted a dimmer picture of trust in mainstream news, a.k.a. “mass media.” Note that the data above and below are quite different in outcomes, but that may be attributed in part to the way a question is phrased, as well as due to other details in how their respective polling samples are conducted and reported.
3) Those items from Pew and Gallup point to the concern raised by journalist turned pundit Chris Plante referenced in the preface for today’s report creates an issue. Namely, “I am sorry to report that we live in very corrupt times.” Recall that Plante added that the news mainstream news media is one of the “most corrupt,” especially those news sources which Plante describes as being de facto extensions of the Democratic Party. More specifically, Plante clearly thinks some voices are more credible and likely to be truth-tellers than others.
Not sure why @ScottJenningsKY is still allowed on CNN since telling the truth is banned. Yet, I’m glad he’s there! https://t.co/dp7t5wlO9g
— Chris Plante Show (@ChrisPlanteShow) December 4, 2024
They lie with such ease! https://t.co/pA5AQIjpIS
— Chris Plante Show (@ChrisPlanteShow) December 3, 2024
48 DAYS 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/UegkjNxopy
— Chris Plante Show (@ChrisPlanteShow) December 3, 2024
The John Bolton quip by Plante below reveals that he can target Republicans as well as Democrats. Plante also ripped Senator Mitch McConnell (KY-R) in an X-post today.
Every time Bolton tells a lie like this his mustache gets bigger. https://t.co/rGsDwsQNnU pic.twitter.com/zXcQ8GTJFq
— Chris Plante Show (@ChrisPlanteShow) December 2, 2024
The turtle 🐢 is finally standing up! @WashTimes https://t.co/CkePFKYzwV
— Chris Plante Show (@ChrisPlanteShow) December 3, 2024
4) When media bias apparently exists, disclosures are useful in giving readers greater trust in the quality of the content they are digesting. Unlike some federal agencies, which have been known to having to revise data weeks or months after their initial release in recent years, there has been no known question raised by a news source as to the accuracy of the data collected by IBTS on behalf of HUD. IBTS is the contracted source for official manufactured housing production data. By contrast, as the headline from left-leaning Bloomberg (further below in the next screen capture) reflects, “up to a million U.S. Jobs vanishing” in revised U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data. A million jobs lost due to adjustments deemed needed by BLS is a shocking error. That BLS data is not the only data that has been questioned from the federal government in recent years. Another example is posted in the remarks by Heritage-linked Peter St. Onge, Ph.D. Peter St. Onge’s bio-in-brief with the Heritage Foundation says he is an: “economist, keynote speaker, former MBA professor, ex-bartender.”

People don’t believe government inflation statistics. And they’ve got the grocery receipts to prove it.
Media laughs, but it turns out the widely-respected “Big Mac Index” says inflation has been almost twice the official government numbers for at least 20 years.
That means… pic.twitter.com/ctgDtnbDd6
— Peter St Onge, Ph.D. (@profstonge) October 2, 2023
5) That said about concerns regarding federal data, it is worth emphasizing once more that there are no similar known concerns raised by a news organization about the accuracy of national data collected by IBTS on behalf of HUD. That said, of course there could be data input errors from a manufacturer and/or at IBTS. So-called ‘honest mistakes’ are entirely possible, and to the extent that humans can err, should be expected. But no news outlet, per the Google News search shown below, has occurred. So, the information MHARR and others rely upon is reasonably deemed reliable, in our editorial view, perhaps especially so in comparison to the periodic scandals that erupt regarding other misstated federal statistics.

6) MHARR is also generally deemed to be reliable, particularly when compared to some of the statements made by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI). As a disclosure, this trade publication’s parent company has provided various compensated services for both MHARR and MHI, and MHProNews was an active MHI member for about 7 years. MHProNews also provided professional services to several MHI members. In the first few years, MHI seemed impressive, but despite that impression, there were several times – as other MHI members and leaders know – that this writer would cite MHARR on an issue during an MHI meeting that contradicted MHI’s position on a subject. Once it became apparent that MHI was chronically failing to take the commonsense steps needed to advance the industry’s interests, and other revelations became known that are discussed in reports like the one linked here, MHProNews did what authentic media is supposed to do. Namely, our reporting pivoted based on new information and new evidence. According to the Society for Professional Journalism (SPJ) and its Code of Ethical Conduct are the following quotes, not necessarily in the order they are shown on their website.
- Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough. An ethical journalist acts with integrity.
Seek Truth and Report It
Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.
- Provide context. Take special care not to misrepresent or oversimplify in promoting, previewing or summarizing a story
- Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to the voiceless.
- Recognize a special obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and government.
- Label advocacy and commentary.
- Deny favored treatment to advertisers, donors or any other special interests, and resist internal and external pressure to influence coverage.
- Respond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness.
- Acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly and prominently. Explain corrections and clarifications carefully and clearly.
- Expose unethical conduct in journalism, including within their organizations.
- Abide by the same high standards they expect of others.
7) As an over 30-year veteran of manufactured housing, it is the editorial view of this writer and publication that manufactured housing is underperforming at an embarrassingly low rate in the 21st century. To establish the facts and evidence that support that view, there are several contributing factors to that underperformance which include the need for federal, state, and local officials to properly do their jobs by respecting and enforcing existing federal laws.
Federal law typically supersedes state or local law. This is how left-leaning Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) powered Gemini tool aptly described federal supremacy.
Yes, federal law can supersede state or local law when there is a conflict, as stated in the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution:
Supremacy ClauseArticle VI, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution establishes that federal law is the supreme law of the land and takes precedence over conflicting state laws.
Preemption doctrineThis constitutional law doctrine states that when there is a conflict between federal and state law, the federal law will prevail. This is because federal law is the highest authority of law.
Preemption clausesSome federal statutes include express preemption clauses that prohibit states from enacting or enforcing certain laws.
8) With the above in mind, let’s continue this report with analysis in a systematic manner. Consider this Q&A (chat session) with this writer for MHProNews with left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot. Logos are added for clarity and a typo is corrected.
Scan this article and provide a good summary. Typos aside, see if the article is accurate in reporting the various researched items, quoted items, and if the analysis is supported by known evidence. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/trust-but-verify-mharr-reveals-outreach-to-trump-nominees-russell-vought-for-omb-and-eric-scott-turner-for-hud-secretary-mhis-belated-news-on-scott-turner-mhville-fa/
The article titled “Trust But Verify: MHARR Reveals Outreach to Trump Nominees Russell Vought for OMB and Eric Scott Turner for HUD Secretary; MHI’s Belated News on Scott Turner” on MHProNews discusses the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform’s (MHARR) outreach to Trump nominees Russell Vought and Eric Scott Turner. It also critiques the Manufactured Housing Institute’s (MHI) delayed reporting on Scott Turner.
- MHARR’s Outreach:
- MHARR reached out to Russell Vought, nominated for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and Eric Scott Turner, nominated for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
- The outreach aimed to ensure that the nominees were aware of the regulatory challenges facing the manufactured housing industry.
- MHI’s Delayed Reporting:
- The article criticizes MHI for its delayed reporting on Scott Turner’s nomination.
- It suggests that MHI’s belated news undermines its credibility and effectiveness in representing the industry’s interests.
- Analysis and Evidence:
- The article provides quotes and references to support its claims, including statements from MHARR and other industry stakeholders.
- It highlights the importance of timely and accurate reporting for industry advocacy and transparency.
- The article appears to accurately report the researched items and quoted statements.
- The analysis is supported by known evidence, including documented outreach efforts and industry responses.
Overall, the article provides a detailed and well-supported critique of the industry’s regulatory challenges and the importance of effective advocacy.
Does this help clarify the content and accuracy of the article? …”

9) The next Q&A (chat) with Copilot does a fact check for accuracy at a longer and more detailed article.
Scan this article and provide a good summary. Typos aside, see if the article is accurate in reporting the various researched items, quoted items, and if the analysis is supported by known evidence. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/mass-production-of-homes-in-u-s-factories-first-and-only-experiment-was-tremendous-success-by-elena-falcettoni-james-a-schmitz-jr-mark-l-j-wright-plus-sunday-weekly-mhville-head/
- Historical Success:
- The study shows that the first and only experiment of mass-producing homes in U.S. factories, which led to the development of the mobile home industry (now known as the manufactured home industry), was a tremendous success.
- From 1955 to 1973, mobile home prices per square foot fell by two-thirds, and home quality improved significantly.
- Productivity and Quality:
- The industry’s productivity soared as factories invested in specialized machinery and standardized production processes.
- Mobile homes accounted for one-third of single-family homes produced in the early 1970s, with building codes receiving ANSI certification and National Fire Protection Association co-sponsorship.
- Current Relevance:
- The article argues that the lessons from this historical success are relevant to today’s residential construction industry, which continues to struggle with poor productivity.
- The authors suggest that adopting factory-built housing could address the affordable housing crisis in the U.S.
- The article accurately reports the researched items and quoted statements from the study by Falcettoni, Schmitz, and Wright.
- The analysis is supported by known evidence, including historical data on mobile home production and quality improvements.
- The article also provides a critical perspective on the current state of the manufactured housing industry and its potential to solve the affordable housing crisis.
Overall, the article is well-researched and provides a comprehensive overview of the success and potential of factory-built homes in the U.S.
Does this help clarify the content and accuracy of the article? …”

10) Let’s note that MHProNews may or may not agree with every aspect of those Copilot quoted fact checks and summaries (or for that matter, any other quoted third-party item). In fairness, there are scores of ways that a reasonable summary could be provided of those two linked items. But for the purposes of this article, the above helps establish the accuracy of MHProNews’ reporting with analysis. To illustrate that point, consider this Q&A (chat) with Copilot. One typo is correct in the inquiry. Notice that while Copilot continues to confirm the accuracy of MHProNews reports and analysis, it also underscores and highlights points raised in the inquiry.
Keep in mind that Bing is owned by Microsoft and that Microsoft co-founder William “Bill” Gates III has billions in Berkshire Hathaway shares in his own and the Gates Foundation portfolios. So, when Copilot is providing this analysis, in a sense, it is arguing against the interests of its own parent and co-founder.
Okay, is it fair to say that the two articles previously fact checked and provided again for clarity https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/trust-but-verify-mharr-reveals-outreach-to-trump-nominees-russell-vought-for-omb-and-eric-scott-turner-for-hud-secretary-mhis-belated-news-on-scott-turner-mhville-fa/ and https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/mass-production-of-homes-in-u-s-factories-first-and-only-experiment-was-tremendous-success-by-elena-falcettoni-james-a-schmitz-jr-mark-l-j-wright-plus-sunday-weekly-mhville-head/ help establish the following points? Manufactured housing has per several researchers been ‘sabotaged’ by a combination of factors that initially were external to the mobile home-turned manufactured housing industry, including conventional builders, known as ‘stick builders’ or ‘site builders.’ It has also been alleged by research deemed credible that local zoning and standards, as well as regulatory steps taken by HUD, such as subsidizing conventional housing to make it more competitive against manufactured housing, have been key factors suppressing manufactured housing production for decades? Then, in the 21st century, particularly during what has been called the Berkshire Hathaway era of the manufactured housing industry, consolidators of the manufactured home industry have apparently undermined their own industry with the view of keeping out potential competitors as well as to facilitate the consolidation or elimination of the industry’s existing producers, retailers, communities, suppliers, and others? And have multiple Manufactured Housing Institute’s insiders been credibly accused and even sued for potential antitrust violations for their role in harming affordable housing seeking consumer interests? And despite well documented research by sources such as Elena Falcettoni, James A. Schmitz Jr., and Mark L. J. Wright, that have alleged concerns about NAHB and HUD working against the interests of manufactured housing, or the warnings by MHARR and MHI members, past or present, about MHI failures, MHI continues to praise their ‘partnership’ with HUD, NAHB, and others who represent conventional housing interests? Correct, clarify and provide feedback as needed and link results.
- Sabotage by External Factors:
- Researchers like Elena Falcettoni, James A. Schmitz Jr., and Mark L. J. Wright have documented how the manufactured housing industry has been “sabotaged” by external factors, including conventional builders (stick builders) and local zoning and standards. These factors have suppressed manufactured housing production for decades.
- Regulatory Steps by HUD:
- The research also highlights how regulatory steps taken by HUD, such as subsidizing conventional housing, have made it more competitive against manufactured housing. This has further suppressed the growth of the manufactured housing industry.
- Berkshire Hathaway Era:
- During the 21st century, particularly in what is referred to as the Berkshire Hathaway era, consolidators within the manufactured housing industry have been accused of undermining their own industry to keep out potential competitors and facilitate consolidation or elimination of existing producers, retailers, communities, suppliers, and others.
- Antitrust Violations:
- Multiple insiders from the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) have been credibly accused and even sued for potential antitrust violations. These allegations include conspiring to fix, raise, and systematically inflate mobile home lot rental prices.
- MHI’s Partnerships:
- Despite well-documented research by sources like Falcettoni, Schmitz, and Wright, which allege concerns about NAHB and HUD working against the interests of manufactured housing, MHI continues to praise their partnerships with HUD, NAHB, and others who represent conventional housing interests.
These points are supported by the articles and additional research, highlighting the complex challenges and dynamics within the manufactured housing industry.
: : : : : : : …”
11) The manufactured housing is demonstrably underperforming. Among the items linked, and thus scanned, but per AI powered Copilot, the reports linked above were apparently factually accurate, accurately provided sources, and of course our news analysis is clearly labeled and defined. Indeed, at the top left of virtually every page on the MHProNews website is the logo with tag line which clearly states: “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use.” ©
To take that a step further, MHProNews asked Google’s AI powered Gemini to fact check for accuracy the dozens and dozens of articles published by this writer on the Patch.
It is obvious that opinions can vary, and contributors are certainly entitled to express their opinion. Contributors can interpret facts and evidence as they wish, right? That said, are there any factually inaccurate claims made in those articles by Kovach on the Patch that you can identify?
It should be noted that prior to the question above to Gemini provide, the link to those items was provided as follows: “Scan the articles found at this link here authored or submitted by L. A. “Tony” Kovach and posted on the Patch: https://patch.com/users/tony-kovach/articles Typos aside, are those articles generally factually accurate, properly credit their sources…” etc. So, Gemini could scan every published article on the Patch before rendering the reply above.

12) MHProNews would editorially call on former and future President Trump (R), his V.P. Elect and Senator J.D. Vance (OH-R), HUD Secretary Nominee Scott Turner and others entering the upcoming administration to initiate appropriate regulatory investigations and legal action as necessary. Congress should investigate and do the same.
13) We opened with the notion that corruption, per Plante and others, is regrettably widespread in America. That corruption arguably evolved and expanded over time, and it will take time to root much of that corruption out. Nor should there be any illusion that we can in this life have a society free of corruption. People are imperfect, capable of temptation and error. It has been so since Adam and Eve, the ‘first parents’ of the human race per Genesis, were shown the exit from the Garden of Eden for failing to obey the one command that God had given them. That one command was do not eat the fruit of the tree at the center of the garden (Genesis 2:16-17). A commentary at the Third Mill observed that: “The fruit of this tree did not belong to Adam and Eve but to God alone, who created it (Gen. 1:1, 11-12).”
14) While we can’t expect perfection, we can do what famous NFL coach Vince Lombardi said. By “chasing” perfection we can “catch excellence.”
15) Manufactured housing produced roughly 4x the current level of production in 1998. The population has grown. Production technology has arguably improved. There are investigative bodies generally associated with federal agencies, such as HUD, which are generally called the Office of Inspector General (OIG).12 But if those were operating properly, would we have the level of corruption and inefficiency found in the federal government today? When it is claimed by Elon Musk and others that perhaps two trillion dollars annually could be cut from federal spending by eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, duplication and the like, clearly the government is inefficient and corrupt. Yet, such information is often missing from others in MHVille. As an example of how apparently twisted the ‘reporting’ is by several bloggers, trade publishers and MHI, consider the following example.

16) MHI linked sources point routinely to the next meeting, the next event, the ‘networking’ that can occur at those events, without consistently (or in some cases, ever) pointing out how manufactured housing is underperforming. To learn more, see the linked reports.

Again, our thanks to free email subscribers and all readers like you, as well as our tipsters/sources, sponsors and God for making and keeping us the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
Connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach
Related References:
The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.’