As requested by the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC) and as reported by MHARR in the December 12, 2014 report of its meeting with HUD program Administrator Pamela Danner, HUD has now formally extended the date for enforcement of revised Southern Yellow Pine (SYP) design values from January 1, 2015 to a date six months after the full MHCC has had an opportunity to review the changes made in the relevant reference standard and submit its recommendations to the Secretary (please see, December 16, 2014 HUD Memorandum attached).
The MHCC had initially asked HUD to defer enforcement of the March 2012 changes to the National Design Standards for Wood Construction (NDS) — pending MHCC review and recommendations — at its October 2012 meeting, but a combination of factors, including further analysis of the changes by the NDS reference body itself and the de factodormancy of the MHCC in the interim, combined to prevent any such MHCC review over that time. With the MHCC functioning once again, however, it appears that the MHCC review process will now go forward.