According to Bob Ivry with RealClearInvestigations: “Paul Fishbein’s conviction on rent fraud charges in New York City last year was a feast for the tabloids,” linking his conviction to the Department of Justice (DOJ) website. Ivry’s report states: “both human and technological, and says the earliest it can start properly keeping tabs on the money is 2027.” Apparently, that insight from federal officials is akin to an invitation for fraud for the next few years. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is the primary federal regulator of the manufactured housing industry. The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) urged Congress in January 2023 to hold oversight hearings. Earlier this year, MHARR observed that HUD and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) were ‘trumpeting show spending‘ while failing the seekers of affordable housing, including those who need/desire HUD manufactured homes. Manufactured housing is supposed to be ‘promoted’ by HUD, MHARR has also argued, based upon the language of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000. MHARR explained that in the context of promoting equity for people of modest means: “when Congress updated the law in 2000, it explicitly emphasized that HUD’s mission with respect to manufactured housing involves more than mere “structural” regulation. Thus, in the “Purposes” section of the 2000 Reform Law, Congress
“RealClearInvestigations falls underneath the umbrella of RealClear Media Group’s(RCMG) brands,” states their website, which includes the popular Real Clear Politics (RCP) website that MHProNews periodically references, as do numbers of media outlets, when discerning the overall indications from public surveys and polling.
Part I
The Federal Housing Agency Hasn’t Gotten Its Economic House in Order, Under Both Parties
By Bob Ivry, RealClearInvestigations
July 18, 2024
Paul Fishbein’s conviction on rent fraud charges in New York City last year was a feast for the tabloids.
The story was crazy enough to get readers to click. Prosecutors said that Fishbein, 51, somehow convinced local housing agencies that he owned dilapidated apartment buildings that he didn’t, enabling him to move in tenants and skim government rent subsidies meant for lower-income, disabled, and elderly residents. Fishbein kept the con going for more than years. His take: $1.8 million.
In February, a judge handed Fishbein 70 months in prison and ordered him to pay back roughly double what he’d taken. The case was a win for city investigators and federal prosecutors. But one agency was conspicuously absent from the celebration: the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, a source of the taxpayer money that Fishbein stole. HUD had nothing to do with bringing to justice the fraudster who’d made off with its cash. It was an indictment of the agency’s decade-long resistance to fighting fraud — and a portent for any promise to tame the bureaucratic state, like the kind touted for a second Trump administration.
HUD’s lack of involvement in the Fishbein case isn’t necessarily a reflection on field investigators from the agency’s Office of Inspector General, a nationwide force of 140 sleuths who carry guns and badges and are armed with subpoena power. After all, also in February, HUD OIG investigators participated in a massive dragnet that busted 70 current and former New York City Housing Agency employees for soliciting bribes. HUD’s absence from the Fishbein affair was more a result of the agency’s inability to properly track rental-assistance money that, because of error or fraud, ends up in the wrong places — what the government calls improper payments.
HUD, like other agencies responsible for spending taxpayer money, is required to estimate improper payments and post the results. Auditing themselves in such a way is a sign that at least the agencies are following the money, even if a portion of it is lost to waste or crime. Most agencies are able to complete the task, but not HUD, which blames the failures on various snafus, both human and technological, and says the earliest it can start properly keeping tabs on the money is 2027, “dependent on funding.”
HUD’s internal watchdog has already spent the past 10 years hectoring the agency to improve its fraud detection. Fiscal 2023, which ended Sept. 30, marks the seventh consecutive year that HUD failed to report improper-payment estimates and the 11th year in a row that the inspector general found that HUD was not in compliance with improper-payment laws. Without changes, HUD Inspector General Rae Oliver Davis told the Cabinet Department in a January management alert, “HUD may miss opportunities to identify and eliminate fraud vulnerabilities, leaving its funds and reputation at risk.”
That’s the watchdog’s gently diplomatic way of telling HUD to get its act together already. The lack of accountability spans the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations. There’s little doubt that it can be tough to track taxpayer money once it’s sent out into the world: HUD’s flows through 3,700 local housing authorities and countless landlords on its way to putting a roof over some 3 million American households. But those complications are also a convenient scapegoat for HUD, as is the lag in upgrading technology systems that could make the accounting job easier.
Meanwhile, we’re talking about two rental assistance programs, which together constitute 68% of HUD’s annual budget. The programs’ combined fiscal budget for 2025, which starts Oct. 1, is slated to be $49.5 billion. Because the numbers are so high, undetected criminality can cause taxpayer losses in the multiple millions.
“Action is needed immediately,” Davis wrote in a January management alert addressed to acting HUD Secretary Adrianne Todman.
One Bright Spot
There was one bright spot in the sometimes contentious relationship between HUD and its Office of Inspector General. Last month, HUD agreed to use a risk-management plan for fraud that the agency watchdog had put together during the COVID-19 pandemic. The inspector general said the move would improve monitoring in one of the two big rental assistance programs, laying the groundwork for improved fraud prevention.
Congress created the two HUD programs – Project-Based Rental Assistance and Tenant-Based Rental Assistance – in an effort to stem homelessness. The $16.7 billion PBRA helps house 1.2 million lower-income families. About 49% of the households that receive PBRA are headed by an elderly person and 16% by the disabled. One-quarter of the recipients are families with children. The assistance is attached to certain rentals; an eligible tenant must live in a specific apartment to receive help. That contrasts with the $32.8 billion TBRA, which provides aid that follows a tenant from home to home. Both programs are administered by local housing agencies, whose cooperation with the federal government in tallying up payment errors sometimes lacks enthusiasm.
Even though the law directs federal spending programs to estimate their improper payments, PBRA and TBRA aren’t the only ones that fail to do so. Among the transgressors are the Agriculture Department’s $111 billion Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, which skipped filing estimates in 2015, 2016, 2020, and 2021, and the Department of Health and Human Services’ $31 billion TANF, or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. Both SNAP and TANF have blamed snags on a lack of coordination with the state and local agencies that manage the programs.
For fiscal 2023, improper payments across the entire government amounted to $236 billion, according to the Government Accountability Office, which compiles agencies’ estimates. While that number is the only one we have, it’s not accurate. The GAO said that it received a full accounting from only 14 of the 24 departments required to report. Historical numbers come with the same flaw. Since 2003, cumulative estimates of improper payments by executive branch agencies have reached $2.7 trillion, the GAO said. Even though that figure is low, because it’s missing numbers that agencies failed to report, it’s still equivalent to about 10% of America’s Gross Domestic Product.
Despite its failures in reporting improper payments, “HUD has oversight and monitoring in place to ensure the integrity of its rental-assistance programs,” an agency spokesperson said in an email statement.
The spokesperson said that local housing agencies and not HUD are responsible for determining whether tenants are eligible for the programs and how much assistance they qualify for, with HUD providing oversight directly or through the local housing agencies.
By reviewing compliance reports and audited financial statements, HUD is able “to ensure that improper payments are minimized and instances of non-compliance are identified and addressed,” the spokesperson said in the email. “In addition, HUD has requested more funding for system enhancements to modernize and improve HUD technology systems to support our oversight efforts.”
Artificial intelligence might help HUD identify fraudsters such as Fishbein before his swindle can reach its seventh birthday, but as the HUD spokesperson said, that takes money. The Biden administration kept the agency’s budget steady at $72.1 billion from 2023 to 2024. Its proposed fiscal 2025 budget of $72.6 billion is a 0.6% bump.
Joel Griffith said he knows where to find the money for expanding HUD’s computer-based fraud detection: the agency’s environmental programs. Griffith, a research fellow specializing in financial regulations for the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank responsible for Project 2025, recommends taking the $250 million earmarked for “climate resilience and energy efficiency” in HUD’s latest budget and spending it instead on upgrading information technology. Add the agency’s green retrofitting project – as much as $50,000 for each targeted housing unit – and that should add up to enough for HUD to prevent, rather than chase, a lot of rental-assistance fraud, he said.
‘Beef Up Enforcement’
Donald Trump slashed the budget of HUD’s inspector general by 3.6% in 2021, the last year of his budget oversight, while President Joe Biden proposes hiking it by 10% for 2025. Regardless, Griffith urged the next president, “whoever he is,” to “beef up enforcement.”
“Prevent fraud by prosecuting bad actors and publicizing it,” Griffith said. “Enforcing the law is a responsible use of taxpayer resources.”
Though HUD’s Inspector General’s office may have missed out on the publicity surrounding the splashy Fishbein conviction, they’ve been busy. They helped lay the groundwork in Georgia for an October conviction of a Milledgeville Housing Authority payroll clerk who admitted she paid herself $575,014 more than she was entitled; helped secure a guilty plea from a San Francisco man who received $341,455 in fraudulent payments for a residence that turned out to be worth $2.4 million; and saw convictions on bribery and fraud charges of four Pennsylvania men, including the director of the Chester Housing Authority and his chief assistant.
If those cases seem a tad small-fry for investigators hunting for misdeeds in the stereotypically shady rental industry – especially when solutions to systemic problems are called for – there’s the February arrest of 70 former and current New York City Housing Authority employees for bribery and solicitation of bribery. Prosecutors said the administrators pocketed a collective $2 million over 10 years in pay-for-play schemes to hand out work contracts at HUD-funded properties. The Department of Justice called it “the largest number of federal bribery charges on a single day in DOJ history.”
Though the arrests gave the tabloids an opportunity for a thorough public shaming of the accused – and were another example that there’s big money in poverty – they might have also pointed to a bigger issue: a possible reason why it’s been so difficult, at least in New York, for HUD to estimate improper payments. ##
“RealClearPolitics, RealClearInvestigations, and other RealClear websites available to republish free of charge with attribution to RealClearWire,” says the RealClearFoundation on 7.18.2024. The article above from Real Clear Investigations is found at this link here.
Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
This issue raises several distinct, but perhaps interrelated topics. Each will be dealt with in the fact-based analysis that follows.
1) The level of waste, fraud, corruption, duplication of effort, and weaponized agendas in the federal government is nothing short of stunning. To be fair, it is not new to the Biden-Harris regime, but it may have reached new levels during their time in office. The phrase by RCI’s Ivry above is thus telling: “Joel Griffith said he knows where to find the money for expanding HUD’s computer-based fraud detection: the agency’s environmental programs. Griffith, a research fellow specializing in financial regulations for the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank responsible for Project 2025, recommends taking the $250 million earmarked for “climate resilience and energy efficiency” in HUD’s latest budget and spending it instead on upgrading information technology.” In no particular order of importance are the following.
2) It is Griffith’s point about “climate resilience,” see the reports linked below. In brief, from the left and right, there are dissenting voices on the ‘climate change issue.’ Even those who believe in it have said that the current approach misses the mark widely. Instead of pour billions to trillions, directly and/or indirectly, into an effort that absolutely is not a consensus is not madness, it is corrupt and hurts untold millions in the U.S. and billions around the world. Within reason, more CO2, say numbers of scientists is good for growing more food. CO2 is necessary to sustain human and animal life. Trying to stop it is thus misguided and thus begs for pulling back the veil on who benefits and who is harmed by this agenda. The leftist film maker, Michael Moore “Presents: Planet of the Humans | A Film by Jeff Gibbs | Full Documentary.” It has had over 15 million views on YouTube since it was re-posted, and it should be mentioned that it was reportedly censored by YouTube/Google at one point, apparently because Moore, a Democratic supporter, went off their reservation is supporting the video’s production.

Many on the left where often misled by their own ‘leaders’ and favored media sources on the question of Joe Biden‘s mental acuity and capabilities. If someone will lie and cover up that big an issue, why is it that other stances held by the left aren’t being called into question too?

3) For decades, it has been a matter of annual reporting that large sums of money – hundreds of billions of dollars – are lost to waste, fraud, duplication, and other abuses. That may not count money wasted on climate related issues. The Biden-Harris era GAO (Government Accountability Office) said “Fraud Risk Management: 2018-2022 Data Show Federal Government Loses an Estimated $233 Billion to $521 Billion Annually to Fraud, Based on Various Risk Environments: on April 16, 2024. MHProNews has reported on this issue numerous times, see reports like those linked below.

4) To apply the GAO figure of $521 billion cited above and to put it into terms manufactured housing pros can relate to consider the following. Per the U.S. Census Bureau, the national average of a single-section manufactured home sold was $79,600 in December 2023. Here is the math: $521,000,000,000/$79,600 = 6545226.13065. That means 6.5 plus million (6,545,226) single-family manufactured homes could be paid for based on how much money is frittered away. Left-leaning Google’s Gemini AI, citing the U.S. Treasury fiscal data, said that: “In fiscal year 2022, the federal government spent $6.13 trillion, which was 23% of the United States’ gross domestic product (GDP).” That means that potentially some 11.76 percent of the total federal government is wasted or lost. That is approaching one dollar out of eight is lost. Many, if not most Americans don’t want to waste or lose one out of every eight dollars. One takeaway is that people don’t care as much about taxpayer money as they do their own. As a post on Quora noted: “People are always wasteful with other people’s money, and careful with their own.” Or as the Heritage Foundation said: “Our Elected Representatives Are Terrible Stewards of Taxpayer Dollars” according to a post on 9.12.2022. “Congress is entrusted to represent the interests of the American people and to spend taxpayer dollars as carefully as the taxpayers would…”
This example is not advocating that that the federal government buy millions of manufactured homes. It is rather to illustrate that the amount of waste, fraud, and corruption are so great that it is roughly equal to the number of housing units needed to solve the affordable housing crisis by using manufactured homes. The federal government is simply not efficient. Overall, they are not good stewards of taxpayers’ money.

5) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (a.k.a. RFK Jr.). made remarks in 2023 about the time of his campaign launch (initially as a Democrat, but later switched to be an independent when he accused the Democratic party of rigging the primary in Joe Biden’s favor) about corruption in the federal system. Kennedy told Tucker Carlson, per Fox the following.
Kennedy cautioned that a corrupt merger of state and corporate power is turning the country into a “corporate kleptocracy.”
“There’s a cushy socialism for the rich and this kind of brutal, merciless capitalism for the poor. It keeps us in a state of war… it bails out banks,” Kennedy said.
“Last month, the United States government told 30 million people it was cutting their food stamp checks by 90%,” RFK Jr. continued. “It took 15 million people off Medicare. The same month it gave $300 million to the Silicon Valley Bank and tapped up the cost of the Ukraine war to $113 billion. We’re sending $113 billion to the Ukraine. The entire budget of EPA is $12 billion. The budget of CDC is $11 billion. We have 57% of American citizens could not put their hands on $1,000 if they have an emergency. A quarter of our citizens are hungry. So we’re cutting welfare and food stamps by 90%.” That was published on April 19, 2023, during the Biden-Harris administration.
“The way that we do this is by printing money,” Kennedy said. He noted that the excessive printing of money is causing inflation and fueling increased food prices – which he calls “a tax on the poor.”
“We’ve raised food prices for basic foods like chicken, dairy and milk by 76% in the last two years, and now we’re cutting people’s food stamps and bailing out banks the same month,” Kennedy said. “It doesn’t make any sense.” RFK Jr. also said: “We need to get rid of this kind of corporate control of our government… our democracy is devolving into kind of a corporate plutocracy.”
MHProNews reported similar observations and remarks made by Kennedy in the report linked below. The significance will be spelled out shortly.

6) Kennedy is not the only voice from the Democratic or leftist parts of the U.S. to raise such concerns. MHLivingNews previously reported on Joel Kotkin, who worked for the left-leaning Washington Post for years and was a self-proclaimed Democrat for years. Today, per Wikipedia: “Joel Kotkin is a fellow in urban studies at Chapman University in Orange, California. He writes about demographic, social, and economic trends in the U.S. and internationally. He is a regular contributor to The Daily Beast and the conservative magazine The Spectator.” AllSides news rating system says that The Daily Beast is left-leaning.

On September 13, 2020, this linked report was uploaded. It points to some of the same people involved in the WEF and the Great Reset. But it also shows how those plans impact the lack of affordable housing, including the lack of manufactured housing, here in the U.S.
7) In a similar vein to Kennedy’s remarks, Micheal Weinstein is a prominent leftist that leads the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Ballotpedia said Weinstein is a supporter of “Housing is a human right” and he recently ripped Democrats for wasting tens of billions of dollars in what he called the housing industrial complex. Left-leaning Politico said in a 4.19.2023 article about Weinstein: “He’s rich. He’s pugilistic. And he’s quietly paying to get Gavin Newsom’s attention” in a campaign that aimed to qualify a rent control ballot measure in California. Left-leaning Copilot said a letter from Weinstein “demands that Governor Gavin Newsom take action to address the high cost of housing in California.”

Copilot also said:
- Critics argue that this lack of transparency resembles “astroturf activism,” designed to create the appearance of grassroots support.
- Political Influence: Weinstein’s tactics raise questions about how powerful individuals and groups can wield influence in the state without public scrutiny.
- Legal Implications: Some ethics experts believe that the draft letter should include a disclosure stating who is paying for it, as required by California law on campaign advertising1.
8) Among the headlines on left-leaning Bing’s MSN news aggregator this morning is one that proclaims Biden’s plan to fix housing in his hoped-for second term in office. It should be obvious that you don’t call the arsonist to put out the fire. Like them or not, there are several voices from the left that point out Biden-Harris and their allies’ obvious failure on housing policies. As MHProNews reported at the time, then House Majority Whip James “Jim” Clyburn (SC-D), widely credited with saving the Biden candidacy in 2020 during that party’s primaries, asserted that Democrats knew that their spending would fuel inflation. They justified that inflation. That’s from an interview of Clyburn on left-leaning MSNBC.

9) There is an argument to be made that two political parties in the U.S. are not sufficient. There is an argument to be made that a political duopoly exists which makes ballot access difficult for third-parties and independent candidates like Kennedy and others. As left-leaning Wikipedia says: “the two party system in the United States has been described as a duopoly or an enforced two-party system, such that politics is almost entirely dominated by either the Republicans or Democrats, and third parties rarely win seats in Congress, state legislatures, or even at the local level.”
10) Given that political duopoly reality, deep pocketed corporate interests have the ability to fund members of both major parties. While Democrats have gotten the lion share of that in recent years, Republicans get some corporate-billionaire funding too. The following is from left-leaning billionaire George Soros supported Open Secrets, which says they use FEC data.

11) Let’s pause and review before pressing ahead for more insights. Inflation was dramatically lower during Trump’s term in office, and it ‘took off’ with the policies launched by Biden-Harris and Democrats. Housing has become much less affordable under Biden-Harris. People can attempt to distract or ignore such facts, but the facts remain the same. Democrats for years have decried dark money, but they are the primary beneficiaries of the practice. Restated, there is serious paltering, posturing, deception and misdirection routinely used by politicos and others. Those tactics as deception and misdirection are arguably deployed in manufactured housing by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and some allied with them. Propaganda can work in sufficient volume of misleading, false, or deceptive tactics are used to create an illusion of truth. Manufactured housing ought to be soaring, but it isn’t. Some of that blame can apparently be laid at the feet of MHI and their consolidation-focused members. But some of the blame goes to public agencies and officials, which are failing to implement good existing laws that aimed to promote the production of millions of more inherently affordable manufactured homes.

12) The evidence points to a system that is corrupted. The system tends to benefit the connected, which is usually the larger corporate interests. It is with that in mind that the opposition to the evolution of the “MAGA” (Make America Great Again) or America First movement should be understood. Trump absolutely has several billionaire backers, among the most recent additions being Elon Musk. But as a whole, “Wall Street” has supported Biden-Harris over Trump in 2020, and may similarly be supporting Democrats in this election cycle too. Right-leaning Breitbart cited left-leaning Politico saying the following about Senator J.D. Vance (OH-R), who was added earlier this week to the Trump ticket.
Vance’s opposition from the donor community, however, presented a challenge in the under-the-radar race for the vice presidential slot. Other contenders, like Burgum, Rubio, and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, had deep relationships with mainstream donors who were eager to undercut Vance. Republican megadonor Ken Griffin’s team conveyed to Trump that they didn’t want the Ohio senator. Murdoch, the former News Corp. chief executive, was also weighing in with Trump and making it clear he supported other prospects, including Burgum. The Murdoch family-owned New York Post and Wall Street Journal published separate editorials endorsing Burgum for the position. [Emphasis added]
Following Vance’s fiercely populist speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) this week, in which he declared “We are done catering to Wall Street,” photos circulated of billionaire Rupert Murdoch and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), a darling of the donor class, sitting with somber faces in one of the arena’s suites.
Other neoconservatives, with deep financial ties to military contractors that rely on hawkish foreign policy to line their pockets, told Politico they are “scared to death” of Vance as vice president because he opposes unlimited spending in Ukraine and foreign interventionism.”
That same article said:
While the GOP’s working class base embraces Vance, a populist-nationalist most known for his best-selling memoir Hillbilly Elegy about his childhood in the Rust Belt amid community-gutting globalization, the economic elite are taking to the pages of establishment media to voice their opposition.”
That article made this insightful statement about the Biden-Harris appointee to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Lina Khan.
The Finacial Times and Matt Stoller, the next quoted source, are both left-leaning.
While a venture capitalist, in the mid-2010s, Vance began to rethink his priors, ultimately transitioning into a populist with aggressive stances on economics, immigration, and foreign policy. While there’s a temptation to see this change as purely opportunistic, Vance has taken political risks inconsistent with mere careerism. Indeed, four months ago, Vance told a crowd that “Lina Khan is one of the few people in the Biden administration that is doing a pretty good job.” In the GOP, those are fighting words. [Emphasis added]
What’s most strikingly different about Vance is something simple. Age. He’s young. Both he and Khan are in their 30s, and both grew up seeing the disastrous set of policies of the 2000s and 2010s, not the prosperity of the 1990s. Neither has a sanguine view of big tech, a view which is largely held by those who came of age in the 1990s and still at some level understand Google as a disruptive upstart and Mark Zuckerberg as a kid. To Vance and Khan, Google and Facebook are just the establishment. [Emphasis added]
Other Wall Street types who spoke to the Financial Times said they are effectively panicking over the prospect of an economic nationalist agenda led by Vance in a future Trump administration:
“We are very concerned about JD Vance playing an outsized role in a Trump administration,” said one big bank lobbyist. “Trump populism and Vance populism are not the same.” [Emphasis added]
“He represents a populist mindset, and he is clearly smart and considered the future of the party,” said another financial services lobbyist, who described Vance as an “intellectual powerhouse.” [Emphasis added]
“He represents something in the country that the coastal elites and big business have taken too long to recognise,” the lobbyist added, in an apparent reference to Vance’s ability to channel the anger and disenfranchisement of the working classes. [Emphasis added]
Vance is most at odds with Wall Street brokers and big business groups like the Chamber of Commerce on issues of immigration and trade. Unlike the Republican Party’s old guard, Vance backs a tight labor market with reduced immigration levels where the economy is tilted in favor of American employees over employers.
Likewise, on trade, Vance has assailed the job-killing free trade consensus that has reigned in Washington, DC over the last three decades — making multinational corporations richer than ever by allowing them to outsource working and middle class jobs to the lowest-wage countries in the world.
In Semafor, big business allies said “CEOs are shocked” by Vance becoming Trump’s running mate, even as his name had been floated for months as a top contender.
Oren Cass, of the American Compass, told Semafor exactly why Trump chose Vance:
Senator Vance has really been at the forefront of providing a critique of what’s wrong with globalization, what’s wrong with financialization, what’s wrong with just chasing cheap labor and rising stock prices. Just the fact of choosing Vance suggests that Trump doesn’t feel beholden to, or even loyal to Wall Street at this point. [Emphasis added]
The GOP’s wealthiest donors, who have often disapproved of Trump’s America First agenda, lobbied behind the scenes against Vance in the hopes of a more establishment-friendly pick like Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC).”
MHProNews has cited similar insights in the report linked below.

13) What Breitbart didn’t dive into is that it is an open question if Lina Khan and her team are giving their best efforts or not. As MHProNews has noted, there have been several Biden-era remarks that appear to be anti-corporate consolidation, but when the actual outcomes are explored, they have often been failed efforts. The left-leaning Hill said: “Lina Khan’s extraordinary losing streak in high-profile antitrust cases is the result of deliberate strategy rather than mere incompetence.” That, says The Hill on 3.3.2024, is based upon internal emails that have been come to light.
Per Copilot:
“While the value of M&A deals rose by 5% in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023…”
The matter merits more research, but there is evidence that despite tough talk by Biden-Harris on antitrust, consolidation volume has not dropped, and it may have increased at various times. Given that Wall Street (i.e.: corporations, the billionaires and the donor-investor class broadly speaking) has tended to support Biden-Harris and Democrats more than Trump and Republicans, it begs the question: why?

14) As the Teamster’s president Sean O’Brien said earlier this week at the Republican National Convention also complained about “corporate welfare” and how the system was working in favor of “oligarchs.”

15) Facts may have partisan implications, but properly understood, facts are not partisan. MHProNews has made the evidence-based point for years that industry consolidation, and consolidation more broadly in the U.S. and other professions, has been consolidating wealth and power ever more into fewer hands. Nor is it secret, Warren Buffett has publicly said as much.

16) Larger companies routinely have more access to the resources needed to tap into federal programs than smaller ones do. Some programs may seem to benefit people of lower income, for instance, housing programs. But those dollars end up flowing to business interests. There is no real incentive to fix problems when the system as currently established benefits thousands of people by not fixing problems.
17) To the concerns about undemocratic forces subtly to boldly controlling the system to their own advantage, the rather public push by the donor class to get Biden to step down in favor of Kamala Harris or another Democrat is an example. It was hardly a secret to millions that Biden had a mental acuity issue. But those who sourced their information from media that gave cover to Biden experienced a shock when the Trump-Biden debate occurred, which Biden has since admitted several times he did poorly at.

18) Trump has indicated a desire to reform the federal system. Even though there has been much made of Trump ‘distancing’ himself from Project 2025, observers in both major political camps have said that Trump is asserting his independence of its backers more than he is distancing himself from the actual plans and policies. Time will tell.

19) A subtheme from the RNC 2024 this past week has been the rule of law. If a Trump-Vance administration enforced the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA) and its “enhanced preemption” provision, and the Duty to Serve (DTS) manufactured housing, then the industry could be unleashed by those changes with essentially no new costs to taxpayers.

20) A reform of the federal system may harm Democrats as they are currently organized. Democrats have created constituencies that seem to benefit from keeping people in poverty or more dependent on government. This has been called “plantation politics.” Some Black leaders have decried this for years as not helping, but rather, harming their community. As Malcom X said: “The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the Black man.” The controversial Malcom X also spoke about the power of the media to shape public opinion through what amounts to routinely repeated agenda-driven talking points that some would call propaganda.

– Sam Smith
21) This system and much of the media has benefited the business class as more and more money has flowed to them and less and less has stayed or moved to the middle class, working class, retirees, etc. Division of the population is a desired feature, not an accident. The problems and the solutions to the problems our nation faces on housing or other issues are well known. While Trump’s policies were blasted as benefiting the wealthy, if that was the case, then why is it that Wall Street is largely opposing his taking back the White House?
22) Trump is not a typical Republican, as evidence by the fact that he took on and decisively beat the “Bush Wing” of the GOP in 2016. Trump has ripped George W. Bush numbers of times for his overseas conflicts high cost in lives and treasure adventurism. It seems that observers on the left and right, as illustrated above, see J.D. Vance as sharing that same populist perspective. The GOP is deliberately positioning itself as the people’s party as opposed to being the party of Wall Street, which many – including Democrats – say the Democrats have become the party of the 1 percent. Because the wealthy hold sway over much of the mainstream media, it is easier for them to obscure these realities, but more and more people seem to be awakening to these political shifts.
Those shifts could, if this new version of the Republican Party wins in November, cause decades of policy status quo and related woes to change. MHProNews plans to periodically shed a light on these issues, through the lens of it possible impact on manufactured housing.
Part III – Our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.
NOTICE: following the TPG deal with Capreit, TPG has been added to our tracked stocks list below.
This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report at the closing bell, so that investors can see-at-glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines for a more balanced report.
The macro market moves graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.
- In minutes a day, readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that may be impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
MHProNews note, bold emphasis added below.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – 7.19.2024
- Election chaos and Friday’s tech outage are taking the market on a wild ride
- 2,500 US flights are canceled as a global computer outage wreaks havoc on businesses, 911 systems and government agencies
- Travelers wait in Terminal 1 for check-in at Hamburg Airport, in Hamburg, Germany, Friday July 19, 2024. A widespread Microsoft outage disrupted flights, banks, media outlets and companies around the world on Friday.
- Recovering from the global tech outage could be a long, arduous process
- WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich sentenced to 16 years for espionage by Russian court in case denounced by US as a sham
- Visitors look at The Eiffel Tower adorned with The Olympic Rings ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris on July 16, 2024.
- The ‘first’ post-Covid Olympics are exciting sponsors. Fans? Not so much
- What is CrowdStrike, the company linked to the global outage?
- Thousands of Disneyland workers are expected to authorize a potential strike. It would be the first in 40 years
- Tuesday, May 19, 1998 — Customers at Starbucks in Portland on Tuesday.
- Corporate America’s retreat from social activism is well under way
- China economy: Key meeting offers few clues on how to tackle worsening downturn
- DOJ says ‘substantial progress’ made toward final plea agreement with Boeing but needs more time
- Frontier and other airlines were at a standstill for hours after a massive Microsoft outage
- Fandango founder identified as man who fell to death from New York City hotel
- Super cheap robotaxi rides spark widespread anxiety in China
- A rash of tech billionaires are pivoting to Trump — but not because they’re MAGA bros
- Lou Dobbs, veteran cable news anchor and Trump booster, dies at 78
- Netflix is axing its cheapest, ad-free plan in the US
- A popular #CleanTok tool is recalled for burn hazards
- Dow closes more than 500 points lower and tech rout continues
- AT&T is telling customers they were hacked. Protecting data has been a big fight – from companies like AT&T
- Secret Service calls right-wing media attacks on female agents ‘baseless’ and ‘disgusting’
- Bud Light loses more ground, slipping to No. 3 in America
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Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – 7.19.2024
- Calls Mount for Biden to End Run, but He’s Still Vowing to Continue
- An image of President Joe Biden is projected on a screen during the final night of the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Thursday. (AP)
- Trump Assassination Attempt
- Hawley: Whistleblowers Expose Secret Service
- FBI: Shooter May Have Scoped Out Site 6 Days Earlier
- Trump Met With Secret Service Director on Tuesday
- Security Beefed Up Around Mar-a-Lago
- Mullin: Should Have Kept Trump Off Stage | video
- Secret Service Had ‘Little Resources’ to Cover Trump
- Shooter Had Threatening Message on Gaming Platform
- Poll: Majority Support Probe
- Speaker Johnson to Biden: Fire Secret Service Director
- Newsmax TV
- McCormick: Trump ‘Can Still Evolve’
- Del Beccaro: Biden Exit Creates New Problems | video
- Hageman: Biden Has Dementia
- Halperin: Dems Want Convention to Be Homage to Biden
- Candidate Sapraicone: GOP Sens. Wrong to Berate Cheatle | video
- Doug Collins: MSNBC Deflecting From Trump
- Ex-Rep. Kingston: Schiff Leading Charge Against Biden
- Barrasso: Democrats in Disarray
- Former Rep. McEwen: ‘Vital’ Trump Picked Vance | video
- Newsfront
- Global IT Outage Eases, Focus Turns to Reducing Risk
- Services from airlines to healthcare, shipping and finance were coming back online Friday after a global digital outage disrupted computer systems for hours, laying bare the vulnerability created by the world’s shift toward interconnected technologies following the COVID-19 pandemic. … [Full Story]
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- Trading Resumes After Global Cyber Outage
- White House in Contact With CrowdStrike’s Leadership
- AOC: Dems in ‘Enormous Peril’ If Biden Steps Aside
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., on Friday warned Democrats of [Full Story] | video
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- Report: Biden Family Members Talking Exit Plan
- Democrats to Discuss Virtual Vote for Biden Nomination
- Newsmax Commentator Halperin: Biden Exit From WH Race Likely This Weekend
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- WashPost: Obama Says Biden Needs to Reconsider His Reelection Bid |video
- David Axelrod: Trump Speech ‘Good Thing’ for Dems
- 6 More House Dems Call on Biden to Withdraw
- Dem Calls Mount for Biden to End Campaign, but He’s Still Vowing to Continue
- Heinrich Now Third Senate Dem to Call for Biden’s Ouster
- Coons: Biden Weighing All Options
- Pollster Luntz: 3 Biden Alternates; None VP Harris
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- Trump Accepts Nomination ‘More Determined Than Ever’
- Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump delivered an emotional [Full Story] | video
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- Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg has declined to endorse either [Full Story]
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- Two more House Democrats are calling on President Joe Biden to [Full Story]
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- A judge on Friday tentatively scheduled Harvey Weinstein’s planned [Full Story]
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- Walker: Saving America’s Future Begins With All of Us
- We can, we must, and hopefully we will do what it takes to create a [Full Story]
- Hamas Planned Terror Attack for Nearly a Decade
- Recent reports from Israel’s Channel 12 claim that Hamas had been [Full Story]
- Conservative Commentator, Trump Ally Lou Dobbs Dies at 78
- Conservative icon and longtime political talk show host Lou Dobbs, a [Full Story]
- WSJ’s Gershkovich Gets 16-Year Sentence in Russia
- A Russian court found U.S. reporter Evan Gershkovich guilty of [Full Story]
- of Florida President Ben Sasse Resigning
- University of Florida President Ben Sasse announced late Thursday [Full Story]
- Report: Biden Family Members Talking Exit Plan
- The White House denied a report that members of President Joe Biden’s [Full Story]
- David Axelrod: Trump Speech ‘Good Thing’ for Dems
- Two prominent Democrat political analysts suggested that former [Full Story]
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- Democrats to Discuss Virtual Vote for Biden Nomination
- A Democratic Party committee will meet on Friday to discuss a virtual [Full Story]
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- Black Women Rally Behind Biden
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- Trump Team Runs Strategy Against Potential Biden Replacements
- As former President Donald Trump is positioned to accept the [Full Story]
- Children’s Hospital Probed for Fraud Over Trans Surgeries
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- Project 2028: GOP Officials Jockey During RNC for Future White House Runs
- The 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee is officially a [Full Story]
- Sununu: Biden Decline Obvious Months Ago
- New Hampshire GOP Gov. Chris Sununu said evidence of President Joe [Full Story]
- Speaker Johnson: Biden ‘Not Fit’ for Office
- House Speaker Mike Johnson alleged President Joe Biden’s handlers [Full Story]
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- President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden moved on Thursday to throw out [Full Story]
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- How to Build Confidence and Boost Well-Being
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