Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan recently posted on the HUD blog that a new rule taking effect March 5 will prevent housing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Donovan says the need for this rule is clear, particularly when it comes to housing. Contained in the rule are four provisions including an equal access provision making clear that housing that is financed or insured by HUD must be made available without regard to actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. Second, by prohibiting owners and operators of HUD-funded housing, or housing whose financing we insure, from inquiring about an applicant’s sexual orientation or gender identity or denying housing on that basis. Third, Donovan says the new rule makes clear that the term “family” includes LGBT individuals and couples as eligible beneficiaries of HUD’s public housing and voucher programs. The rule also expresses that sexual orientation and gender identity cannot be part of any lending decision when it comes to getting an FHA-insured mortgage.