Late last March, the Department of Housing and Urban Development notified MHProNews that there would be a special “Innovative Housing Showcase.”
That initial release is now more useful to spotlight, for reasons that will become obvious. Let’s start with the guts of their statement.
“WASHINGTON – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today announced that HUD will host its inaugural “Innovative Housing Showcase” on the National Mall on June 1-5, 2019, to educate policy makers and the broader public on the new housing innovations and building technologies that are addressing affordable housing challenges across the country.
The Showcase will highlight various solutions that could make housing more affordable for American families and more resilient during natural disasters. Both public and private sector entities that are interested in showcasing their technologies are encouraged to apply…to exhibit.”
WHAT: HUD to Host Inaugural “Innovative Housing Showcase”
WHEN: June 1-5, 2019
WHERE: National Mall, Washington, D.C.
DETAILS: Please visit
Note that it doesn’t specifically mention manufactured housing. Perhaps with good reason, because for years, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) failed to do what the National Association of Realtors (NAR) or the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) or others did. Namely, promote the manufactured housing option, as those other associations promote their form of home ownership.
MHProNews has called MHI out for this in recent years. Even that resulted in ‘no comment.’
But given HUD’s announcement, and the decision by two of their member producers to exhibit at this upcoming event, MHI obliquely admitted their need to pivot.
According to MHI today, “MHI members Adventure Homes and Skyline Champion have reserved spaces to display manufactured homes as part of the showcase and others may still participate.”
Thus, “…“Homes on the Hill” Summer Legislative Fly-In on June 3 & 4. This year’s event has been rescheduled and revamped to coordinate our annual event with the manufactured homes that will be on display on the National Mall that week.” The underlining was added to emphasize their admission that member companies apparently dragged MHI into this decision.
Gomer Pyle…
“For shame, for shame, for shame,” was a punch line used by the character Gomer Pile, USMC played by the late Jim Neighbors, to chastise those who needed correction.
If the shoe fits…?
MHI is arguably being occasionally dragged into doing their self-proclaimed jobs of representing “all segments of factory-built housing,” a way of saying that they are responsible for both post-production and production issues. If they care about promoting the industry, then why aren’t they leading in areas like this one?
While shipments have been in a 6-month decline, why has MHI been silent in the face of problematic actions by prominent members that sparked vexing headlines?
See the reports below the byline, offers, and notices.
A source with MHI ties suggests to the Daily Business News on MHProNews that shipment results may reflect an upturn when next month’s data comes out. Time will soon tell.
But either way, why is MHI not promoting the ways to achieve what Richard ‘Dick’ Jennison said was possible, 500,000 new manufactured homes?
What Does MHI Gets High Marks For?
Arguably the answer is photo opportunities, that seem to result in no practical benefits for the industry.

To learn more, see the related reports – which MHI and their attorney have been invited to correct, clarify, or confirm and to date, stand unchallenged – to see the emerging evidence and patterns of failure.
That’s this afternoon’s edition of manufactured home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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Submitted by Soheyla Kovach to the Daily Business News for

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