The Department for Housing and Urban Development (HUD), has churned out more proposed new regulations for the manufactured housing industry, per a release from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR).
In just the last month the Daily Business News reported on proposed new regulations for installation standards, and a “frost free” Interpretive Bulletin.
Now in HUDs latest edition of their Semi-Annual Regulatory Agenda (SRA), MHARR tells MHProNews , “…it will soon issue a proposed rule that – as described by HUD –would “add new standards that would establish requirements for carbon monoxide detection, stairways, fire safety considerations for attached garages, and draftstops when there is a usable space above and below the concealed space of a floor/ceiling assembly.”
“In addition,” says MHARR, “the impending proposed rule, according to HUD, “would establish requirements for venting systems to ensure that proper separation is maintained between the air intake and exhaust systems.”
In the SRA, HUD says that the proposed rule “is based on the third set of recommendations” which are developed by the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC). However, they also say that those recommendations were subjected to “editorial revisions” by HUD.
MHARR pointed out that in the past this has meant significant modifications from the original recommendations of the MHCC.
And as Daily Business News readers know, HUD has at times rejected MHCC recommendations, and advanced their own.

The MHARR release also said that, “If there were need for a further illustration of the urgent need for new leadership at the HUD manufactured housing program – with the re-assignment and replacement of the current Obama Administration holdover director” – the fact that the new proposed rule for manufactured housing was the only proposed rule for HUD in the entire SRA, is exactly that.
The full MHARR release is available for download here. The SRA is available for download here. ## (News, analysis.)
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