A May 4, 2023 review on Indeed by a “current employee” of Clayton Homes who is a “project manager” working in Maryville, TN said this. “Management points fingers, gaslight their employees, terrible management” (bold emphasis added here and in following, as is highlighting). That person gave 2 stars out of 5, with pros for “facilities” and “health insurance.” The Newport Institute defines gaslighting like this: “Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.” Another online comment posted on Indeed by a Clayton team member said this: “The team culture is great, but is ruined by managements terrible attitudes. They treat their employees with much disrespect and then blames the employee for everything. No training provided. If you ask questions, you’re considered needy. If you ask anyone else questions, you get your butt chewed. If you don’t ask questions and “wing it”, you get your butt chewed. There’s no winning.” There’s more about Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) owned Clayton Homes on the Indeed website, but those examples and more that follow sets the table for the headline discussion.
Part I
“Crooked management will work you to death and do not put the customer first,” said another Project Manager (Former Employee) – Fredericksburg, VA – November 7, 2022. “There is no competent staff, management is only in it for the dollar and do not put the customers first.” A 1-star rating with more online.
Since there is 3.4 star overall rating for Clayton Homes, obviously some like Clayton (and/or they are being successfully ‘gaslighted’). But among other remarks, all per Indeed, are the following.
- “Greed is an addiction with this company!” – i.e.: Clayton Homes.
- “If you are a good worker you are in trouble.” “You would think they [Clayton] would want to keep good employees, but its just the opposite here. They only want robots who will follow commands without hesitation no matter if it is right or wrong.” “If you are not in the click [SIC should be clique] you’re in trouble. You must be kin to a higher up or be sleeping with one is the only way to survive, to move up there is a price to pay.”
- “The team was awesome at one time, but management wanted to drive a wedge between everyone.”
- “good money, bad management” – a sales specialist – said “the money is good but the lack of real management is horrible.” 2 stars with more online.
- “Clayton Homes is a monopoly in the manufactured home market. They control the building, sales, financing, insurance and warranty for every client. They steer clients to their own non independent lender Vanderbuilt Mortgage. Totally working in their own best interests.” That’s from a former “General Manager.” Note, typos in quoted remarks are in the original.
Illustration below should not be misconstrued as an endorsement. It’s not.
As MHLivingNews reported some months ago, Chief People Officer (CPO) Chase McGee, after praising the company culture when he arrived exited the firm about a year later. So, if the culture at Clayton is so “legendary” then why did McGee leave?

MHProNews and MHLivingNews have raised concerns about Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage Corporation, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance (VMF) and other MHI member firms previously. Based on remarks posted on Indeed, as well as from other sources that include direct feedback to MHProNews, there are clearly employees at Clayton that love – and hate – the place and its leadership.
Loyalty is reportedly prized in Maryville, and the loyal may find themselves getting certain benefits or rewards even after they depart the firm. But why raise this topic again now? There are several reasons. Note that further below is a snapshot of Clayton Homes per Comparably. Like several of the remarks from Indeed, the image painted by Comparably isn’t a pretty picture.
Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
The Timing of this Clayton Homes Report
As the dates on those remarks by Clayton Homes employees reflect since our prior reports on this topic, it is apparent that complaints about Clayton from members of their own ‘team‘ are an ongoing issue.
Next, as the new report linked below documented, manufactured housing is demonstrably underperforming by both historic and potential standards. A year ago, there were months of steady growth and long backlogs. Now, manufactured housing is sliding? When far more costly site-built housing can’t be kept long in inventory due to high demand, why can’t leaders involved in the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) provide a plausible explanation for why more affordable manufactured homes are struggling and in decline?
Among the common excuses being given by leaders involved with MHI are inventory levels and interest rates. What? There are proven strategies to deal with excess inventory. There are proven strategies to deal with higher interest rates. Evidence for that is found in the report linked below. Beyond that, Clayton’s fellow MHI member Cavco Industries (CVCO) said the need for affordable housing is “dire,” asserted that traffic and quotes are up, and made a strong pitch to investors that included claims that apparently contradict some of what MHI has said to their members. Once more given an opportunity to respond to such concerns, Kevin Clayton and other MHI leaders have kept silent (see postscript linked here).
The above and following come to mind in response to the project manager quoted above who said: “Management points fingers, gaslight their employees, terrible management.”
Kevin Clayton, Tom Hodges, and other corporate leaders declined answering the issues raised in the postscript of the report linked below. Compare those “dark triad” qualities with the allegations made by the project manager who said: “Management points fingers, gaslight their employees, terrible management.”
There is little doubt, based on known evidence, that Clayton’s management could make a tremendous change for the better to dramatically expand the manufactured home industry, if they so desired. Who says?
To illustrate that point, Kevin Clayton himself said in a video with transcript posted below that ‘you [i.e.: Kevin] can access plenty of capital’ for the projects or funding he desires. In that same video, Kevin asserted during a video interview that the industry (i.e.: MHI) was ready to do a national campaign similar to the successful GoRVing campaign explored in the report linked here. A logical takeaway from that on-camera remark is that Clayton wants the status quo for whatever reasons. And since Kevin remarked that the industry was ‘ready’ nearly a dozen years ago, one might reasonably conclude that he was either being deceptive and/or changed his mind. One might further point out that not only Clayton, but arguably Skyline Champion (SKY), Cavco Industries (CVCO) and some other key “insider” Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) members accept the status quo of the industry. That ought to speak volumes to any thinking person. And because a stagnant or shrinking industry doesn’t normally have the same opportunities that are found in growing and healthy professions, it may cause Clayton employees to wonder if the grass is greener with a MHARR member-brand, or working in something other than manufactured housing.
Clayton and Berkshire leaders, including Warren Buffett, have clear ties to Democratic party leaders and have had for years. That’s not to say that they don’t have allies among some “establishment” Republicans too. When the industry is in a downturn, many employees could earn more money if business was better. They should ask themselves: why doesn’t Clayton’s management deliver on the actual potential employees are told is possible? Because per reports, Clayton employees have incentives or “carrots” dangled before they are hired. Once more, the “Dark Triad” and Investopedia’s recent insights ought to be carefully unpacked to grasp a more complete picture.
Then, given that Kevin Clayton is willing to say things like the above about making it hard on competitors that he or his team may smile with when they are trying to get an independent to do business with them, how much loyalty does Kevin actually have to employees? Keep in mind that Biden White House Fact Sheet on competition saying that consolidating firms (like Berkshire and Clayton?!?) are costing employees’ households some $5000 annually (See below). Recalling the Dark Triad remarks that inform industry professionals that “Coldness. Duplicity. Aggressiveness. Machiavellianism. Narcissism. Psychopathy.” are qualities to be expected among billionaires. The report linked below looks at the $11.5 million-dollar high-rise condo residence Kevin purchased in “Billionaires Row” in New York City, among other insights.
Status Quo Costs Everyday Americans, Including Clayton Employees, Big Time in Pay and Opportunities
MHProNews editorially notes that someone need not believe in all that the Biden White House Fact Sheet on Competition said that Biden plans to do in order to be interested in what that document asserted about the harms caused by a lack of competition. Someone could hate or love Joe Biden and still find value in the following remarks that are approaching two years since they were posted online. Those remarks are largely evidence-based claims that demonstrate why monopolistic or anticompetitive practices are costly to the economy in general and to individual employees and citizens at large. Per the White House Fact Sheet dated 7.9.2021.
That lack of competition drives up prices for consumers. As fewer large players have controlled more of the market, mark-ups (charges over cost) have tripled. Families are paying higher prices for necessities—things like prescription drugs, hearing aids, and internet service.
Barriers to competition are also driving down wages for workers. When there are only a few employers in town, workers have less opportunity to bargain for a higher wage and to demand dignity and respect in the workplace. In fact, research shows that industry consolidation is decreasing advertised wages by as much as 17%. Tens of millions of Americans—including those working in construction and retail—are required to sign non-compete agreements as a condition of getting a job, which makes it harder for them to switch to better-paying options.
In total, higher prices and lower wages caused by lack of competition are now estimated to cost the median American household $5,000 per year.
Inadequate competition holds back economic growth and innovation. The rate of new business formation has fallen by almost 50% since the 1970s as large businesses make it harder for Americans with good ideas to break into markets. There are fewer opportunities for existing small and independent businesses to access markets and earn a fair return. Economists find that as competition declines, productivity growth slows, business investment and innovation decline, and income, wealth, and racial inequality widen.
When past presidents faced similar threats from growing corporate power, they took bold action. In the early 1900s, Teddy Roosevelt’s Administration broke up the trusts controlling the economy—Standard Oil, J.P. Morgan’s railroads, and others—giving the little guy a fighting chance. In the late 1930s, FDR’s Administration supercharged antitrust enforcement, increasing more than eightfold the number of cases brought in just two years—enforcement actions that saved consumers billions in today’s dollars and helped unleash decades of sustained, inclusive economic growth.”
Be it a Democrat, a Republican, a minor party supporter or an independent, there are good reasons to reject the growing oligopoly style of monopolization that has spread in several industries, apparently including manufactured housing. That’s according to researchers looking into the manufactured home industry.

One of several key takeaways from the above? Quoting:
- Barriers to competition are also driving down wages for workers.
- higher prices and lower wages caused by lack of competition are now estimated to cost the median American household $5,000 per year.
- There are fewer opportunities for existing small and independent businesses to access markets and earn a fair return.
- Economists find that as competition declines, productivity growth slows, business investment and innovation decline, and income, wealth, and racial inequality…
But each of those are caused in part by what MHI member Andy Gedo and Kevin Clayton described as Warren Buffett’s philosophy of “barriers” for competitors, actual and potential, which are part of “the moat” that Warren Buffett preaches, and that Kevin said he preaches to Clayton managers too.

MHProNews and MHLivingNews have been doing reports on issues like these for some years. More accurately, once our leadership figured out what was actually occurring in manufactured housing vs. what corporate or MHI leaders were ‘telling’ the industry, our pro-growth, pro-consumer trade media platforms have done fact-packed reports that provide editorial expert analysis to document and expose these vexing issues. Disclosing again that this writer served some years ago as a former Clayton retail manager, some of the remarks by others cited by Indeed are arguably similar to what this writer witnessed and experienced. For instance, after rapidly turning around a Clayton-owned retail location slated for closure, what followed next was a series of purported tactics that were quite intolerable. Entering as a motivated ‘believer,’ I left with thoughts that find echoes in the remarks from Indeed cited above.
After turning that retail center around, not long after Clayton and this writer parted ways, they closed that store down anyway. As the report linked here details, about 100 Clayton retail centers have been closed in about a decade. During an affordable housing crisis – Clayton is closing dozens and dozens of their own retail centers? What does that signal to employees that were promised opportunities for growth when they were hired?
Stating the Obvious Can Bring Clarity
When gaslighting or other forms of manipulation are being deployed, it is advisable – and in various ways, quite necessary – to hit topics more than once. As more information is developed, it should be presented to counter the effects of Machiavellian manipulation. Similarly, when someone is learning their ABCs or 123s, almost everyone had to do numerous drills to finally get that memorized and ‘right.’ In an atmosphere where monopolistic moat tactics and ‘gaslighting’ (see that Clayton employee’s complaint) are rampant, it should be obvious that the truth should be provided in sufficient detail so that paltering, posturing, and “Machiavellian” manipulation can be counteracted.
Hypothetically speaking, imagine that there is an ongoing conspiracy to consolidate the manufactured home industry. It involves either eliminating competitors by watching them sell out to one of the Manufactured Housing Institute’s (MHI) Big Three manufactured home producers – Clayton Homes (BRK), Skyline Champion (SKY), or Cavco Industries (CVCO) – into the hands of another consolidator or driving them out of business. The apparent antitrust and other illegal federal or state events circa 2009, or other claimed illegalities over the years, don’t have a statute of limitation that begin to run until the last illicit event occurs.
The vast majority of the rank and file in manufactured housing, be they employees of Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage Corporation, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance (VMF) or other brands have little or nothing they knowingly that may cause them legal issues. But even if they did wittingly cross a line, by coming forward intelligently and proactively, they are likely to be able to cut a deal that may include immunity so long as the can deliver worthy heads for prosecutors. Indeed, there may be whistleblower protection and possible rewards available for them. To grasp how that is possible, consider what was revealed in detail in the four attorneys report, linked below.
For years, numbers of Democrats and certain Republicans have talked up the need for more vigorous antitrust action. Several states – so called red states (Republican) and blue states (Democrat) – have launched their own antitrust actions. Regardless of how legitimate (or not) key swing state election elements were in 2020, Joe Biden (D) occupies the White House. For two years, the Democratic Party held both houses of Congress and occupied the White House. Given Buffett, Gates, and other powerful figures cozy relationship with the Biden White House and key members of Congress, isn’t it obvious that they want the status quo for their own reasons? Put differently, does anyone who thinks objectively about the various good laws that are going unenforced in manufactured housing seriously believe that Buffett couldn’t have a secretary make a call on his behalf and get enforcement going?
Only months into the Biden Administration, an Executive Order (EO) was signed at the time that fact sheet quoted above was published. That EO had the stated aim of promoting more competition. Left-leaning Commonweal said on 4.13.2023 that: “Labor is thought to be a primary beneficiary of the antitrust renewal. Antitrust is now regarded by policymakers as a potent tool that can buttress and enhance the power of workers, securing fair wages, improving working conditions, and ultimately fortifying the gains made in the most favorable American labor market in generations.”
But more than two years into Biden’s term, why are antitrust results under the Biden Administration arguably anemic? Hasn’t it been more thunder than delivered results?
To that point, in an “expert analysis” on legal site Law 360 headline declared: “Data On Biden’s Tough Antitrust Stance Paints Subtler Picture” stating: “But looking behind the rhetoric to the data shows that [antitrust] enforcement may not be increasing as much as companies may fear…at least not yet…” Libertarian leaning Reason under their 1.19.2023 headline: “The Courts Are Rejecting Biden’s Antitrust Crusade” said “Biden’s antitrust effort was not performing much better [than the U.S. economy]. In late 2022, the government suffered a string of losses in high-profile antitrust cases. Its biggest antitrust victory, meanwhile, demonstrated the strategy’s underlying futility.” That article noted the high profile figures like “Columbia Law School professor Tim Wu, who reportedly helped draft the executive order, and Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan.” But the results are muted, said Reason. “This was the reality of Biden’s “antitrust as a popular movement.” It was a record of overreach generally rejected by the courts, except for a single successful intervention on behalf of bestselling authors.” That said, recall that MHProNews said early on and months later that it seemed unlikely that Biden’s so-called antitrust efforts would produce the results they claimed to seek. Why? because the very people and big businesses that Biden’s team claimed to want to fight were key figures in putting him into office. Restated, it appears to be more Washington, D.C. theatrics.
But that doesn’t mean that the need for antitrust enforcement was wrong. It was apparently not a serious antitrust effort, just as some think that MHI’s effort in its litigation has an errant goal too.
Department of Energy (DOE) Publishes ‘Unacceptable’ Manufactured Housing Energy Rule Extension
Comparably and Clayton Homes
On 6.14.2023 Comparably provided the following ratings for Clayton Homes, based on input from employees. Note that in no category is there an “A” rating for Clayton, and there is a D+ and an F rating in the categories as shown. Does that shed light on why ex-CPO Chase McGee may have left Clayton?
What does this mean to employees of firms that are accused with credible evidence of violating antitrust, RICO, or other laws? Even those who ‘love’ Clayton ought to ask themselves, when it comes to the next election, do I vote for those who are all talk but no action? Among Democratic supporters, RF Kennedy Jr appears to be the type of candidate who has the mettle to take on corporate power, because he has done so in the past successfully. Among Republican candidates, MHProNews has reported that the Trump era DoJ had a meeting of top staff and attorneys about Clayton Homes and their purported antitrust violations. It clearly didn’t launch, but that may have been a function of the change of leadership when Biden took office and his people replaced Trump’s. Trump may be one of the few in the GOP who has the chutzpah to go after conglomerates. When MHProNews asked Donald Trump Jr. about the importance of antitrust efforts for America, without hesitation, the 45th president’s son said it was the number two or number three top issue in the U.S.A.

Regardless of who does it, robust and effective antitrust enforcement – per an array of voices across the left-center-right divide – is critical for the future of our industry, and for America. As several sources make clear, purported antitrust violations and consolidation are costing employees thousands in higher pay. Clayton employees and others involved in some of MHI’s leading brands should think about that as they carefully read or re-read reports like the one linked here. ###

III. Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets and Headline News Segment
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 6.14.2023

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 6.14.2023
- Gaetz: Preserve, Produce Trump Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Records
- Special counsel Jack Smith arrives to speak to reporters Friday in Washington. (AP)
- Trump Federal Indictment
- AG Garland Defends Doc Probe, Special Counsel
- Trump Marks 77th Birthday, Likely With Low-Key Dinner | video
- Christina Bobb: WSJ Editorial Rebuking Trump ‘Big Yawn’ | video
- Gaetz: Preserve, Produce Jack Smith’s Records
- Trump Campaign Raised $2 Million in Hours at Bedminster | video
- Greta Van Susteren: Base Justice on Fairness, Not Politics
- Vance to Block DOJ Nominees to Protest Agency
- Trump: ‘They Will Fail, And We Will Win Bigger, Better’ | video
- Man in Custody After Rushing Trump’s Car in Prison Garb
- Tucker: Trump’s ‘Sins Minor’ Compared to His ‘Persecutors’ | video
- Pence Refuses to Defend Trump in Indictment
- Trump Visits Prayer Mtg. After Court Appearance
- Don Jr.: ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ Exposes DOJ | video
- Trump Pleads ‘Not Guilty’ to 37 Counts | video
- Newsmax TV
- Horowitz: Dems Have ‘Mentality of Gangsters’
- Waltz: ‘Blind Eye’ Turned to Biden Docs | video
- Mooney: Congress Should ‘Restrict’ DOJ Funding | video
- Kari Lake: Only Trump Can Stop Govt. ‘Gone Rotten’ | video
- Ron Johnson: Evidence Against Biden Mounting | video
- Comer: Devon Archer Key Witness to Biden Family Dealings | video
- Ric Grenell: Those That ‘Left Fascism’ Love Trump | video
- Fallon: Biden Bribes Make Watergate Look Small | video
- Newsfront
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