“Numbers of these people are paying more for rental housing” than they would for manufactured homes, said then Senator Bob Corker (TN-R) in the video posted below. The headline quote is from an independent ‘mom and pop’ owned manufactured home community owner, who is also on this Inside MH video episode.
What both said they and others said at the time this video was made still applies today.
Flashbacks and history are massively useful, but only to those who are willing to clean the smudge off the lens of their glasses, see what was said then, and watch to see what has transpired since. Every single voice on the second video below, every statement made, has relevance and value.
For example.
In hindsight, one could argue that it was never the Manufactured Housing Institute’s (MHI) belief that their publicly desired and supported Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act would ever pass. But set that aspect of the video aside for now.
Several of the broader issues relating to financing and access to manufactured homes that this video tackles could matter as much or more today as it did the day this episode of Inside MH was first produced and published.
Imagine, then Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director, Richard Cordray admitted on camera several useful facts for the industry. Cordray, a Democratic candidate in 2018 race to be Governor of Ohio made admissions that are as useful today as they were when he said them. Sadly, several of those facts were arguably never properly illustrated by the fine folks whose factory-built housing association offices are in Arlington, VA. But again, that’s an aside, not the main point.
Rather, at about the 5:30 mark in the Inside MH episode, Richard ‘Dick’ Jennison says something we referred to a few weeks ago. The manufactured home industry, said Jennison on camera in front of a live industry audience, could achieve 500,000 new HUD Code manufactured home sales. Compare that to the under 97,000 the industry actually achieved, 4 years after Jennison spoke.

500,000 new HUD Code manufactured homes produced and sold should still be an active goal for retailers, communities, suppliers, producers – everyone that wants more affordable home ownership.
It stands in stark contrast with what he said months before, that the industry should grow slowly, noted in the 18 second video clip, below.
Before Jennison speaks at that 5:30 mark, former community owner, volume retailers and finance expert – MHI award-winner Marty Lavin – shared valuable insights.
Lavin, it should be noted, made these statements prior to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) or the FHFA research in 2018, both of which underscored the fact that manufactured homes were gaining in value.
That said, the principles Lavin addressed – properly understood are potentially huge for our industry. For example, with a better exit strategy for manufactured home owners who want to sell, several groups benefit.
- The ability to more easily finance and sell a HUD Code home protects the value for its owner.
- The ability to sell a home more easily benefits sellers and buyers alike.
- The easier access to financing becomes a reality, and the more Americans understand that opportunity to enjoy appreciation in an appealing home praised by numerous third parties in 2018, the healthier that is for almost every segment of society.
We’ll note that we waved bye-bye to our videographer on this video some time ago, but it still conveys its points effectively.
The video raises other topics that the recent Duty to Serve (DTS) letter MHI signed onto to the FHFA should be raising concerns about. See that in the related topics, by the by lines, notices and offers.
There is a need to look back, look around, and look ahead. When you drive a car, you don’t look down, you don’t look up, you grab glances that give you a sense of what’s 360. That’s true for business, investing, public policy, and more. Looking back at this video, it is relevant today, and will continue to be until the industry begins to achieve its true potential. Then, it will be relevant as a reminder of how low the industry’s professionals and investors allowed itself to sink.
That’s this tonight’s “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide” © ## (News, analysis, commentary.)
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