“I hate politics,” say millions, including some industry professionals. “I hate history,” say others, who simply don’t get it. That’s music to the ears of savvy politicians, and even some businesses and investors, who know that historic insights and political influence can be worth millions to billions annually.
That “I hate politics and history” also begs for a response, because those who loathe those two topics could legitimately benefit, given the proper understanding.
Why do politics or history matter to manufactured housing professionals?
For the thousands who logon daily to read MHProNews, they instinctively know that local, state or federal policies – which involves politics – are a key to unlocking hundreds of thousands of more new manufactured home sales annually.
The evidence from linked reports at the end of this column suggests that’s not hyperbole.

Taking the “wheat and chaff” approach to everyone, every organization or every topic is how one can learn and benefit from even controversial people or organizations.
The Daily Business News will succinctly make the point about history and politics with two controversial figures who are widely known in America and in the manufactured housing industry.
The first is Warren Buffett. One wheat takeaway is the fact that Buffett says he spends 5 to 6 hours a day reading. Much of his reading relates to business history and politics, as that may relate to his business interests. Buffett’s reading for understanding is what he says gives him a great advantage, one that CNBC noted that almost anyone could do too.
Be you a Donald Trump fan or not, the controversial president is likewise correct when he said that it ‘pays to know everything you can about the issues that impact your business.’ Again, that’s politics and history too.
Two highly successful men, two distinctly different styles and politics, and both embrace political and historically significant issues. That’s wheat.
Be it:
• zoning,
• Dodd-Frank,
• rent-control,
• ObamaCare,
• property rights,
• privacy,
• or a range of political or judicial issues,
politics and who sits on the bench are important topics that every prudent manufactured housing industry pro should want to know about.
Politics and the law impacts your business daily.
Failures to engage on those issues only guarantees more of the same. For America and our industry to progress, thoughtful understanding is required.
Importance of Clear-Eyed Understanding
Often, only the history of an issue can unlock the underlying understanding necessary to advance on something critical for profitable progress.
Once clarity exists on hot topics involving politics or history, then those insights can be more effectively and efficiently dealt with. As the best-selling 7 Habits of Highly Successful People author Stephen Covey said, one must seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Once there is an underlying understanding, then that ought to be shared as needed with one’s circle of influence.
Even if clarity on an issue doesn’t yet exist, asking others you know about that topic can prove useful. That can be as easy as sending a link about an article via a message, and asking for feedback from your peers on the political, legal, or historical topic. See what they say or think. Then, whatever they say, for even further understanding, ask, ‘help me to better understand, why do you think or say that?’
The Investment of Time
There may be a small percentage of individuals who can only spare 30 minutes in daily reading about their industry here on MHProNews. But if each post or article is carefully examined, tens of thousands could be learning more, to earn more. Each subject published is curated with the industry professional, advocates, or investor in mind.
There are no throw away topics on MHLivingNews.com, nor on MHProNews.com. Our view or understanding may evolve on an issue, but that’s also a reason why history matters. Thinkers ask, ‘why was there an evolution on that issue?’
Seeking understanding is a key that all motivated and great performers in any profession seek.
A Competitor Said
A few weeks ago, a competitor messaged to say that while ‘only’ MHProNews is covering certain hot-button or controversial manufactured home industry issues, he said that a thousand pros are discussing those same topics.
It was a backhand compliment, as he admits he won’t touch the same issues raised on the Daily Business News or elsewhere on the industry’s largest and most popular trade media site.
But what that competitor may not realize is that it’s more than “a 1,000,” it’s thousands daily. For an industry of the modest size of manufactured housing, it’s an achievement. But the purpose here is to support the growth of the industry, so that tens of thousands more are proudly serving well in this crucial profession.
The reason so many industry pros read here is we curate meaty, useful topics for industry professionals to chew on. Want muscle? Get some intellectual protein here.
Part of the proof comes from professionals who may agree or disagree on an issue, but they come daily to MHProNews either way. An industry attorney, not the one that will be quoted below, called recently to say that he realized after reading several articles on the same subject, that our motivation was sincere.
That’s a long way to set the table for what we’re dubbing, “Bedford Watch.” But we teed it up a step-at-a-time, because we seek to engage ever more deeply with you, our readers, in a meaningful way. The goal, once more, is to fuel industry growth. The industry’s success is our mutual victory, as the 7 Habits calls “think win-win.”
Bedford Watch
The President of the United States (POTUS) Donald J. Trump will reportedly be meeting at his Bedford, NJ property meeting with some of his short list for potential nominees for the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).
There are informed sources that tell the Daily Business News why they think that nominating the “right” justice could be a sea change.
Other sources thing that one or more manufactured housing related issues will be heard by the Supreme Court in the next few years. The article linked below can be read later, for greater understanding.
The Masthead
1776 to 2018 and beyond. The issues of Life, Liberty and Property were as important when Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence as they are today, or will be tomorrow. And it very much matters to our industry, investors, and related professions.
Consider what Kurt Kelley, a long-time periodic contributor to MHProNews, and well-known industry attorney from Texas, had to say about the importance of the replacement of retiring Justice Anthony “Tony” Kennedy.

“Predictability in law is the key to a prosperous Republic. Laws must be interpreted based on the language in them first and foremost. Only, when the language is unclear, should a judge seek evidence on related legislative discourse and legislative intent at the time the law was passed to help interpret it. Otherwise, law risks becoming whatever a particular Judge or powerful person/group wants it to be,” Kelley said.
“This was the consistent judicial philosophy of former Justice Antonin Scalia, and often adopted by Justice Kennedy,” Kelley noted. Note the attorney’s nuance on Kennedy?
“Seeking Justices who interpret the laws based on their personal conclusion of what culture wants or what one Legislator said about a law, or what the law means in another country, results in the creation of different law created by the Judicial Branch, the branch of government neither elected by nor accountable to the people.”
Kelly shared a recent example of a hot-button topic.
Supreme Court “Justice Sotomayor’s recent dissenting opinion regarding the “President Trump Travel Ban” is an example of the danger of violating Scalia’s decision formula. She [Sotomayor] based her emotional opinion on what she viewed as President Trump’s intent as evidenced by select things President Trump said while campaigning, versus what the law specifically said in plain English. Justice Sotomayor concluded the law was a ban on all Muslims entering the United States. However, the “Trump Travel Ban” neither states this nor is it applied in such fashion by Border Control.”
It’s a well reasoned statement intended for our publication’s audience, from a thoughtful and successful manufactured housing industry professional. You can see the unedited comments from Kelly at the link below.
Industry Voices
Home > Legal, Manufactured Housing, Manufactured Housing Industry Commentary, People, Politics, Reaction Media Report > The Importance for Businesses and Investors in Manufactured Housing for Selecting the Next Supreme Court Justice Predictability in law is the key to a prosperous Republic. Laws must be interpreted based on the language in them first and foremost.
It’s an example of fine wheat that any industry pro can embrace.

And it deals with politics and history, the latter of which is what every legal case must study. Sometimes, by increasing one’s understanding, and embracing what one thought they hated – like politics and history – a surprising and beneficial outcome can result.
MHProNews will continue to bring Daily Business News readers curated, thought-provoking comments, columns, and commentary that prudent professionals can benefit from. The goal remains sustainable, ethical industry growth. So stay tuned, and you can sign up for the industry’s most popular emailed headline news at the link below. That’s “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use.” © ## ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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