“Roughly 33% of all of the Top 100 owners of mobile home parks in the U.S. went through our Boot Camp.” The word “our” is including in a marketing email for “Mobile Home University” (MHU) on 4.5.2021 from “Frank & Dave.” As thousands in the manufactured home profession know, that duo would be Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynolds. Their MHU website says that they are ‘partners.’ Nevertheless, David “Dave” Reynolds of Impact Communities in an emailed message to news team members of Channels 8 and 11 in Colorado said on 4.7.2021 the following. “Finally, in regard to Frank Rolfe, Frank is neither an owner nor employee of IMPACT MHC Management, and Frank otherwise has no involvement in the management of IMPACT’s communities.” That apparent denial of a professional relationship was emailed to Tom Hodges, general counsel for Clayton Homes and the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) current chairman. Reynolds sent that denial to MHI’s outside counsel, John Greiner at Graydon Law, and also Lesli Gooch, Ph.D., MHI’s controversial CEO who has been accused by a whistleblower of documented conflicts of interest. Beyond that odd denial, no less important was the “Impact Cares” so-called “news” item “Impact Cares donates time and resources to local mobile home park” written by Tom Ferguson for KJCT8 on 4.3.2021. Beyond the nomenclature error, Ferguson’s article sparked the controversy connected to Reynold’s emailed denials.
Fred Neil, a city councilman in Dover, DE, a manufactured homeowner, and a manufactured home community resident and advocate emailed the station and Dave Reynolds to say in part the following. Neil described the Impact Cares story by KJCT8 as “a sweet feature.” Indeed, it might appear to some knowledgeable professionals in the manufactured home industry as an advertorial, it is so “sweet.”
Said Neil to KJCT8 and KKCO11 news team member, “When I cut my teeth as a radio newsman in Baltimore in the ’60s, I learned News was bad news, and good news was a feature…The old newsman in me requires verifiable evidence.” Quite so.
Not that manufactured home industry veterans and longtime, informed investors need a reminder, but newcomers and researchers should know how hundreds of thousands of manufactured home community residents – which includes, but are not limited to advocates and leaders like Neil – feel about their property owners.
Neil said to KJCT8 and KKCO11 News in Colorado, MHI leaders, Dave Reynolds and MHProNews: “While Tony may disagree with me, the news involving manufactured homes on leased land, falls in the rotten news territory, except if you are an investor. Then, you are laughing at the financial hit just about everyone and everything has take because of the pandemic, because you invested in a recession proof gold mine.”
“The laws in most states to protect the low income and senior home owners attracted to leased land communities, but instead of a safety net, these laws are a sieve,” Neil said, providing other items to support his frustration and contentions.
To the point Neil raised about manufactured homes and community living, the report linked below will shed added light and link to additional reports and related resources.

“The most insidious power that the news media has is the power to ignore.” So says journalist turned WMAL pundit Chris Plante. Light will be shed on that topic too in this news analysis.
This News-Analysis by MHProNews will include the entire text of the “Impact Cares” article from the KJCT8 television news website dated 4.3.2021. It will then provide various emails from the named parties that will include the entire email from Dave Reynolds that includes the denial that Frank Rolfe is his partner in Impact Communities.
Given the troubling reality that mainstream media has developed and is fostering a reputation for deceptively editing video and otherwise shaping or framing ‘news’ items in a manner that can become more spin than reality, the vast majority of what the various parties – including MHProNews – said and claimed in their various messages will be provided. Certain details like signature line and other emailed blurbs will be edited out for length and smoother fact flow.

In reality, that granular level of detail will be useful to third-party researchers as well as those who want to get into the weeds. With the facts at hand or linked, curious minds can better discern what appears to be true from what appears to be deceptive.
With that plan for this news-analysis, the following is from the KJCT8 Gray.TV affiliate news website. The logos were added in the image below, but otherwise it is as shown in the original report, which is linked here.
Impact Cares donates time and resources to local mobile home park
The organization provides home repairs to mobile home communities across the country
By Tom Ferguson
Published: Apr. 3, 2021 at 9:12 PM EDT
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) – Impact Cares, a charitable organization based in Cedaredge, assisted residents of the Rose Park mobile home community on Saturday. The group provides assistance to mobile home residents across the county with repairs that homeowners are unable to do themselves due to financial or physical difficulties.
According to Tory Wilson, Impact Cares Project Leader, the group is “a Christian organization, we travel across the country, and we try to bless different mobile home communities, all from south Texas up to the [Upper Peninsula] of Michigan.”
Founder David Reynolds drew from his own experience living in mobile home communities when building up the organization. He sees that they organize these events “just as a giving back to the residents… just really trying to help them out. We’ve lived in properties ourselves, we saw the need, and we were able to find a great team… to run this organization. And it’s just a wonderful thing for the residents and for the overall spirit of our communities.”
Volunteers Amy Barglof and her husband traveled from Iowa to help out in Grand Junction today. She said that they “jumped on in Denver, Iowa, when they came to our community, and our church helped them out, and we saw the integrity and the good that they were doing.”
The American Legion Post 73 from Montrose distributed American flags to community residents and also assisted. Impact Cares will also be organizing events at the Garfield Estates and Paradise Valley Park communities in Grand Junction over the next couple of weeks. ##

As attentive MHProNews readers may recall, reports like this one often hold their SEO positioning for months or years on end. That could make this a useful case study in how things work behind the curtains in manufactured housing, but also with mainstream news organizations. Some respond to evidence-based requests regarding an issue in a story that merits modification or follow up, while others do not. So far, Gray.TV’s KJCT8 and NBC11News arguably falls into the second category.
As the second screen capture illustrates, our follow up reports on topics like this often rank well in online searches too.
The dates and times for the emails involving this Impact Cares-Impact Communities related issue are as follows. All times shown are for the Eastern times zone.
- Apr 6, 2021, 10:48 AM Email to news stations’ staff, Dave Reynolds, Tom Hodges, Lesli Gooch, John Greiner, et al.
- Tue, Apr 6, 3:57 PM Fred Neil, 3rd District, Dover City Council, Dover DE to news stations’ staff, Dave Reynolds, Tom Hodges, Lesli Gooch, John Greiner.
- Apr 7, 2021, 6:46 PM Dave Reynolds Replies
- Apr 7, 2021, 10:22 PM TK replies to Dave Reynolds, news stations, Tom Hodges, Lesli Gooch, John Greiner, et al.
- April 8, 2021 6:02 AM TK follow up to KJCT8 and
- April 8, 2021 7:05 AM TK replies to Dave Reynolds, Frank Rolfe, Tom Hodges, Lesli Gooch, John Greiner, et al.
Much of Fred Neil’s message, less an attached item, has been quoted above. The balance of the items will be shown in the time sequence as shown. As of 3:00 PM ET, no further follow up from the named parties has occurred.
1) Email to Thomas Ferguson and Sarah Schwabe @ KJCT8 and KKCO11, Dave Reynolds – Impact Communities/Impact Cares, Tom Hodges Clayton Homes/MHI Chairman, Lesli Gooch MHI CEO, John Greiner MHI outside attorney, et al. Apr 6, 2021, 10:48 AM
Sarah and Thomas,
Your article below came to my attention.
As the largest and runaway most read trade media in our profession – that includes readers on Capitol Hill, investors, advocates, and others – pardon me, but I’m wondering.
1) Did you do some background research on David “Dave” Reynolds and his partner Frank Rolfe? Note that I’m copying Dave, we know each other. I could just as easily copy Frank, but Dave will likely share this with him. I’m copying John Greiner, with Graydon Law. John is one of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) outside attorneys. Frank and Dave are MHI/NCC members, which John can confirm. Others at MHI and Clayton Homes are among the CC’s.
2) Below is “David’s” LinkedIn profile
3) Below is one of the Private Equity Stakeholder Project documents on Dave and Frank, or Frank and Dave if you prefer.
4) Impact Cares just happens to have a very similar logo to Impact Communities. Did you ask – are they doing this work outside of an Impact Community?
Is Impact Cares a tax shelter that also allows them to buff up their firm’s problematic image?
5) Anyone can claim to be anything, including a Christian, isn’t that right? When was the last time that a sincere Christian attempted deceptive trade practices, which CBS 4 out of Denver alleged about David and his partner just last year? Were you aware of this when before you published your article?
6) If you go to the Impact Cares website, Clayton Homes is a co-sponsor. Clayton and several MHI member firm’s were the subject of legal research by Samuel Strommen of Knudson Law. He called the practices of some of those MHI member firms as a “Rube Goldberg Machine of Human Suffering.”
7) Have you listened to some of their Impact Community residents? Or watched how Dave’s partner Frank preaches how to create a monopoly in a local market?
As someone who has worked in media and with journalists for years, I understand that at times a report is rushed for deadline or whatever reason. But now that you have some exposure to other sides of this story that were missed, will you make any adjustments to your puffy story about Impact Cares?
KKCO11 – please email your reply. Certainly, Dave, MHI, and others in the loop are welcome to offer any corrections to factual errors or any analysis that we may have published that is not supported by factual evidence. We plan to do a report on this in the next day or two, so if you could have a reply before then, that would be great.
Thank you.
Oh, PS. When it comes to Christianity, I realize that Christians are sinners that make mistakes. But last I checked, Jesus repeatedly told his followers to ‘go and sin no more.’ Two of our more recent reports linked below shed light on how the problems in our industry are impacting affordable housing, and how Christianity should enlighten how people should behave vs. how they do behave. Ours is an industry that has numbers of fine people in it. But there are others too.
## The linked articles below were the ones sent to the station and others. ##

## End of quoted email. ##
3) Apr 7, 2021, 6:46 PM Dave Reynolds Replies to KJCT8 and copying MHProNews, Tom Hodges, Lesli Gooch, John Greiner, et al.
In light of Tony’s email, I feel compelled to send you a response. It is unclear why Tony copied others on his email, but I have also included those folks, as well as Tony, on this email.
Needless to say, I disagree with Tony’s perspective, and am very proud of my businesses, including IMPACT MHC Management, as well as the non-profit entity of Impact CARES. Indeed, not everything you read is true, and I have had many untrue statements said about me and my business. It’s particularly disheartening that someone in the industry is referencing those untrue statements and is trying to take something positive and make it seem negative. I respect Tony and his business, and I would hope for the same from him.
As far as my background, I run IMPACT out of a small community in Colorado. I started the business with just one mobile home park and, early on, I actually lived in some of the communities while I worked hard to turn them around. In short, the business has been built organically, one property at a time based on happy residents. Today, IMPACT employees more than 400 people, who help operate and manage 185 manufactured home communities in 28 states. Every year, we invest millions of dollars in property enhancements and capital improvements at these communities, as we view our commitment to these communities as long-term commitments. Nationwide, IMPACT rents or sells roughly five homes per day, which demonstrates the quality and affordability of the housing options being offered. IMPACT also offers renters in our communities a path to home ownership through the rent credit program. Over the course of the lease term, residents receive rent credits for paying rent on-time and taking care of their homes. Accumulated credits can then be used toward the purchase of their home.
I am particularly proud of IMPACT Cares and how we have helped hundreds of IMPACT residents nationwide. Tony is correct that IMPACT Cares helps residents of IMPACT communities. As you know, IMPACT Cares organizes large teams of volunteers, in addition to the IMPACT Cares staff, to help residents improve their home and yards at no cost to them. Over the past two years, IMPACT Cares has helped make improvements to more than 1,504 homes in 13 states. These efforts included things like repairing homes, cleaning yards, and installing playgrounds, athletic fields and/or picnic areas and grills in 57 different communities nationwide – all of which are personally funded by my family and me.
Finally, in regard to Frank Rolfe, Frank is neither an owner nor employee of IMPACT MHC Management, and Frank otherwise has no involvement in the management of IMPACT’s communities.
Thank you for your prior story on IMPACT Cares and for your consideration of these additional comments.
Dave Reynolds
President & CEO
PO Box 457
Cedaredge, CO 81413…”
## End of body of quoted email. ##
4) Apr 7, 2021, 10:22 PM TK replies to Dave Reynolds, Colorado news stations KJCT8 and NBC11News, Tom Hodges, Lesli Gooch, John Greiner, et al. It bears mention that Dave’s reply escaped this MHProNews writer’s attention for about the first 2 hours and 40 minutes following him sending it.
I’m so pleased you decided to weigh in. Let me do a series of follow up for you Dave that will hone in on some points from my first email to you and KKCO11 News. Kindly reply all. For our mutual clarity, please reply after each of the questions below. No word limits.
1) Do you recall this Denver CBS 4 news report linked here and below? I notice that you did not address that in your reply. Do you deny your Impact Community residents made the statements they reported?
2) Do you deny that you and Frank Rolfe are partners in other manufactured housing industry ventures? Or that you and Frank have been partners in the manufactured home community sector for – how many years?
3) Please explain the evolution from RV Horizons, which some have said that you and Frank were partners in, which later changed its name to Impact Communities?
4) Do you deny the previously linked reports that your firm aggressively raises site fees (“lot rent”) and other charges to residents following an acquisition? Or do you deny the allegations made by Senator Elizabeth Warren that named your/Frank’s operations?
5) Do you and/or your business get tax benefits from Impact Cares? Would you say that Impact Cares provides Impact Communities with a mechanism to burnish the otherwise problematic image that Denver 4 or other allegations leveled by third parties against Impact Communities?
I think that is sufficient for now. Kindly reply all, and why not encourage KKCO11 to do an investigation on your firm, its involvement in the Manufactured Housing Institute, and its history, to see how it comports with their favorable report about Impact Cares?
Thank you,
## End of the body of the quoted email. ##
The illustrations above and below were not part of the messages transmitted, but sheds light on the statement that there is a lack of trust in media as well as government and business leaders.
5) April 8, 2021 6:02 AM TK follow up to KJCT8 and NBC11 News staff.
To address Dave’s reply. Based upon what I’m seeing, your news team has apparent overlap between KKCO and KJCT. You are also part of gray.tv. Pardon me, but that understanding did not hit me until a few minutes before I started this follow up, and that is a useful insight in several ways. There are various types of corporate structures. And there are statements that can be made about those structures that might be true in some technical, but are nevertheless incomplete, correct?
Your story on Impact Cares is labeled on your KJCT site as “news.” Dave Reynolds has personally confirmed, through his reply message, several aspects of what my initial email brought to your attention.
He has also seemingly denied involvement with Frank Rolfe. However, that link to Dave Reynolds LinkedIn profile that I initially provided to you – which Dave no doubt authored or had posted on his behalf – says the following: “In June of 2008, Dave Reynolds and his partner, Frank Rolfe, another experienced mobile home park investor, started conducting Mobile Home Park Bootcamps held 4 times per year where we share our experiences and develop lasting business relationships to buy additional mobile home parks.”
Dave is part of what he and Frank call Mobile Home University.
From that page, there is this quote:
“Frank Rolfe has been an investor in mobile home parks for almost two decades, and has owned and operated hundreds of mobile home parks during that time. He is currently ranked, with his partner Dave Reynolds, as the 6th largest mobile home park owner in the U.S., with over 170 communities spread out over 20 states.”
Under Dave Reynolds name is this:
“Dave Reynolds is a household name in the mobile home park business for many reasons. First is the fact that he, along with his partner Frank Rolfe, are the 6th largest owner of mobile home parks in the U.S. with over 8,000 lots spread out over 17 states.”
I’ve handed you the initial elements of a significant local news story that you may have innocently stumbled into with your report linked below. As an expert in this field that covers the manufactured home industry day-by-day and has for years, who happens to have worked in this profession for some 30 years, I’m letting you in on the what is behind the veil of your seemingly innocent puff piece – no disrespect intended – about “Impact Cares.” I get it that someone can stumble into something. But once a different reality is presented, isn’t what the Society of Professional Journalists says in the Code of Ethical Conduct about the need to correct or modify apply?
Our firm would freely admit that several things that we do are different from traditional journalism. But we are trade journalists and where I come from – going back to the days of high school ‘news’ reporting that got me into a one year J-scholarship, reporters were taught to ask questions. Perhaps there has been messaging or other communications with Dave Reynolds. But so far, no one has so much as sent a reply email. Pray tell. Why not? Your station asks for news tips. You have one. Significant parts of the leg work are done and emailed to you.
Where is the intellectual and journalistic curiosity?
Senator Elizabeth Warren, among other lawmakers, has made “Frank and Dave” a background issue in the manufactured home communities world. As was noted in my initial email, a Denver station accused Impact of what they alleged amounts to deceptive trade practices. Is the Impact Cares going to be the story that you leave on your readers’/viewers’ minds? Isn’t it possible that Impact Cares is just what my message alleged?
This message is just between myself and your staff, there are no BCC’s or others, as you can see. But we may publish this message in our own report, which is tentatively planned for later today.
Out of professional courtesy, if nothing else, I’d like to hear from someone at your station.
- Will you do a follow up report to your Impact Cares?
- Will you modify or put a disclaimer on your current Impact Cares ‘news’ story?
- Or will you make Chris Pante’s claim above true?
Please look carefully. Not one thing that I sent you originally has been categorically denied by Dave, has it?
Please, do not miss the fact that Dave also copied Tom Hodges, Clayton Homes General Counsel, who is currently the Chairman of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI). Or that Dave too copied Lesli Gooch, MHI’s CEO. That too is significant, and I will circle back to it.
If you opt to do a real story about allegations made by a sitting U.S. Senator that addressed part of the corporate investment upline from Frank and Dave – David Benderman Chairman of TPG Capital – consider this.
Senator Elizabeth Warren, whom you recall ran for president as a Democrat and she visited a manufactured home community investigating claims of predatory practices in land-lease communities that arguably operate much like Impact Communities does. When you read Warren’s letter linked below, the last in the series the senator sent names RV Horizon. That was the common name prior to rebranding as Impact Communities, but please, dot the i’s as Dave suggests that the relationships may be fluid.
In an affordable housing crisis, how can this not be real news? When Denver made a story about Impact Communities an issue – a story that revealed quite a different mood from residents that station interviewed than what Dave’s response painted – how can the current state of your report be left unaddressed?
Fred, who sent a comment, is a Dover, Delaware councilman and an activist in manufactured home communities. As a former newsman, Fred called your story “sweet” and a “feature.” Fair enough. But if you do a more serious news report and ask relevant parties questions, consider this. Kindly ask the MHI leadership if they have enforced the MHI/NCC code of ethical conduct with members like Frank and Dave? Or any others that Senator Warren, or others in mainstream media have reported on?
Impact Cares website shows Clayton Homes as a sponsor of some type. I can only suggest that there seems to be several ties between various Berkshire Hathaway brands – such as Clayton Homes and 21st Mortgage Corp – and the business interests that Frank and Dave are involved in.
If you start with what has already been shared, you will have a story that could rival what the Seattle Times did some years ago, and still periodically reports on. While they used improper terminology, much of what they had to report is sobering.
Please confirm that you have this message and my first one – which our system has already verified, but you would simply be providing the proper professional courtesy – and thank you.
With my deadline in mind, I would value your advising me if you plan a serious follow up. Yes or no.
Respectfully yours for journalism to be done,
## End of the body of the quoted email. ##
6) April 8, 2021 7:05 AM TK replies to Dave Reynolds, Frank Rolfe, Tom Hodges, Lesli Gooch, John Greiner, et al. Note that a typo in original of Dave’s last name is corrected in the below.
Dave – in a separate message, I’ve encouraged those local news networks in the thread below to investigate your denial of a partnership relationship with Frank Rolfe. The station is not BCC’d in this, but you are welcome to forward this follow up inquiry to them or anyone else that you wish. Note that this may be part of our planned report.
Dave, given that several places online and your own LinkedIn profile describe Frank as your partner, please explain for the record what is the precise relationship between you and Frank with respect to Impact Communities?
I’d also value a follow up to the other questions sent yesterday.
- Please explain the genesis of the Impact Cares report that started this topic and thread.
In your message to myself and those mainstream news people, you said in part: “I feel compelled to send you a response. It is unclear why Tony copied others on his email, but I have also included those folks, as well as Tony, on this email.”
In reply. Tom Hodges, as you likely know Dave, is MHI Chairman and last I checked, also Clayton Homes’ General Counsel. Clayton Homes is listed as a sponsor of some kind on the Impact Cares website. Tom is also MHI chairman. Your firm is an MHI member. MHI says that they have a code of ethical conduct.
That said, what is Clayton’s role in Impact Cares? Is Impact Cares a tax break for you and/or your business interests?
Similarly, perhaps you would elaborate on the relationships between you (Dave), you and your self-declared partner’s various business interests, and specific brands involved in Berkshire Hathaway? I’d like these topics on the record, if you do not mind. You and Frank know the drill. Please email me your reply of whatever length for our mutual accuracy and for our reporting. Feel free to provide documents and references.
Tom, Lesli, and John,
To my knowledge, per sources inside MHI, there has been no case of the MHI/NCC Code of Ethical Conduct being invoked. Please clarify that claim for our readers by sending me a reply. I’d also like to give you an opportunity to respond to our ‘almost midnight’ report, linked below.
You are also invited to respond to any prior report on MHLivingNews or MHProNews. Without limiting you as to topics:
- I’m still keen on why there has been no response to the Samuel Strommen at Knudson Lawlegal research and the allegations of possible “felony” antitrust and RICO violations?
- Or to the James A Schmitz Jr and his fellow Federal Reserve reachers allegations?
- Or were there any inaccuracies or views not supported by evidence in my presentation to the FHFA Listening Session?
If there are any factual errors or logical disconnects that you would like to point out in those or any of our reports in the last 2 years or so, please so advise me directly via email for our mutual accuracy and precision in handling.
If you are aware of any logical errors in analysis and commentary that are not based upon evidence, please similarly advise of that concern in writing.
Then, please explain why you have not – per various legal requirements – provided bylaws and other records that have been requested several times in the past few years?
I’m also curious. Are you willing to open up the books at MHI for a forensic audit by a third-party that is not connected to any of you or your brands? Or would you be willing to turn over your MHI related records, emails, and meeting minutes voluntarily to federal officials for such an examination?
Frank and Dave, that same invitation to clarify or correct the record on our previous reports goes for you gents too.
Dave, more specifically, you wrote: “It’s particularly disheartening that someone in the industry is referencing those untrue statements and is trying to take something positive and make it seem negative.” Please specify what was said was untrue and who made supposedly untrue statements?
Last but not least, Dave — to be very specific. “Finally, in regard to Frank Rolfe, Frank is neither an owner nor employee of IMPACT MHC Management, and Frank otherwise has no involvement in the management of IMPACT’s communities.”
- Are you saying that Frank Rolfe has never visited any Impact Community?
- That Frank has never made or shared any communications with you whatsoever about any Impact Communities?
- Aren’t reporting and inspections part of managerial or consulting functions? Why do you refer to Frank as “a partner?”
- Specifically, why do you and Frank send out emails that call each other partners in communities? In what sense is that true? Why does your own MHU and LinkedIn Profile – among other places – call each other partners?
Please be clear on all of that, as I’m reasonably sure readers, regulators, and others may have an interest.
At this time, the working plan is for us to report on these issues later today. Kindly keep that in mind as you ponder the promptness, or lack thereof, in replying.
Thank you.
## End of the body of the quoted email. ##
Additional Information, MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
There is really not much commentary beyond the messages sent needed at this point in time. The case can be made – by carefully reading the above – that the concerns raised to KJCT8 and NBC11News were in significant parts confirmed by Dave Reynolds personally.
What ‘denials’ occurred from Reynold’s to the stations – carefully read – may arguably have been more of a dodge than an authentic denial. Note that Reynolds did not respond to the follow up inquiries.
While the contentions from outside researchers peering into manufactured housing such as Samuel Strommen of Knudson Law, or Minneapolis Federal Reserve researcher James A Schmitz and his colleagues had differences from this specific report and analysis. Nevertheless, this incident sheds light on the allegations by Schmitz of what he called “sabotage monopoly” practices. While Frank and Dave’s operations are not a REIT per se, they fit Strommen’s contention that there is “A Rube Goldberg Machine of Human Suffering” that manufactured home resident and activist Fred Neil arguably confirmed.
It is also worth noting that Schmitz’s broader contention of the harm done by monopolistic practices that undermine the free marketplace is arguably illustrated in the slippery methods spotlighted and linked.

One can not compel a media outlet to make a correction or do a follow up. While it is apples and oranges, the points raised by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and some of his colleagues may apply. When significant sums of advertising dollars are at play, mainstream media may be less willing to address issues that involve those ‘big boys.’
Those points may help explain why there is a dedicated following by thousands of industry professionals to what is published here. The linked and related reports will be useful to learn more.

Stay tuned for more of what is ‘behind the curtains’ as well as what is obvious and in-your-face reports. It is all here, at the runaway largest and most-read source for authentic manufactured home “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
Connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach
Related References:
The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.