According to a study published in RVBusiness, Indiana ranked as the best state in the Midwest and the fifth best nationwide in which to do business, as noted by the Polllina Corporate Top Ten Business States of 2012 in conjunction with the American Economic Development Institute. In its ninth year, the study rates taxes, human resources, education, right-to-work legislation, energy costs, infrastructure spending, workers compensation laws, economic incentive programs and state economic development efforts. Indiana has moved up 18 notches since 2010, marking it as “the most improved state” this year. Dan Hasler, secretary of commerce and CEO of the Indiana Economic Development Corp., says, “This ranking is the latest validation of this administration’s focus since 2005 to make economic development efforts a top priority. Above all else, business climate matters and the payoff for Hoosiers is new careers and opportunities.” As MHProNews knows, Indiana is a large manufactured housing production state, in MH components and homes, with hundreds of communities and dozens of retailers.