Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional

Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional


In the Midterm Elections, are we feeding the hand that bites us?

After reading Eric Miller’s report on how the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has supported so many Democratic candidates that voted for HERA, I had to ask myself this question: As an Industry, have we been lulled into somehow unintentionally feeding the hands that bite us?

If you haven’t read the article in question, please take a moment now to better understand the importance of this issue and the remainder of my comments.

The content of my monthly articles in typically covers personal development topics. I am temporarily departing from this theme because there are issues that I feel need to be exposed to discussion. We face topics that are critical to the Industry and our nation as a whole. This may mean that my message today goes from ‘Feel Good’ to ‘Oh My Gosh, how can this happen?’

Eric’s fine election and MHI-PAC report was well balanced. It reminded me of the old TV show Dragnet’s “Just the facts, ma’am” style. Which is precisely why we have to ask, what is going on? Didn’t we read just days ago that MHI and various states are organizing an effort to lobby the government on laws our ‘friends’ in Congress passed? Let’s review, and you will see my point.

For about two years, we have heard about all the good things that will happen for financing for our industry as a result of the Duty to Serve provision and the reform of FHA Title 1. We got used to just calling those topics DTS and Title 1! But the reality is that Title 1 as it is currently structured is effectively limited to two Berkshire-Hathaway lenders. The FHFA and the GSEs have done nothing good for the Manufactured Housing Industry about the DTS. So where does that leave us?

We still have a vacuum waiting to be filled for chattel financing! With some 60% of all HUD Code home transactions being chattel loans, this is serious.

On top of that, the same law that gave us the DTS and Title 1 reform also gave us the so called SAFE Act. Do you feel safe from SAFE? Thousands in our Industry would answer that question with a strong “No!” The Industry is getting ready to spend big money to lobby federal bureaucrats and the MHI-PAC is funding legislators who put a knife to the throats of our great industry.

Am I missing something or are some in the Industry missing the fact that we are feeding the hands that have failed to deliver meaningful finance reform – AND – these same elected officials have put a choke hold on smaller operations that could drive many out of business?

Why would we fund with our PAC dollars candidates that are in trouble with voters over issues we typically don’t like ourselves? Do we like the ObamaCare legislation and the added costs it will force onto businesses of all sizes? Some 60% percent of Americans say no.

Do we like all these federal giveaway programs that arguably have failed at stimulating anything other than government growth? For those who are pro-life or pro-family, do you like funding with MHI-PAC dollars candidates that oppose those important principles?

Principles vs. Positions. I read that memorable phrase some years ago. Principles are at the core of what my messages are, learning how to serve our customers in part by listening to and respecting them. I respect the hard work that MHI and the many who volunteer time, treasure and talent give. But when some are saying we should get out the vote for candidates that gave us the SAFE Act, where is the logic in that position?

Believe it or not, Lily Tomlin is the inspiration behind this message when she said, “I always wondered why somebody didn’t do something about that; then I realized I was somebody.”

With that said, I want to ask the Industry’s leaders and readers to support candidates who have respect for sound moral principles and for candidates who are fighting for economic recovery vs. fighting for a more bloated government. It was George Washington who said, “Government is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” I agree with Ross Kinzler’s point in his recent article ‘Hoping for Change Doesn’t Cut It:’ we need to work with government officials; they are people, too.

What we don’t need to do is give PAC dollars to candidates who may say they support us, but who have given us the SAFE Act, ObamaCare and nothing of much use. I would ask Community operators not to get out the vote for candidates who are biting the hands that feed us.

If we want positive change, we have to make positive changes. To reelect the same crowd to Congress that has failed us or fueled our ills makes no sense. Let us not feed the hand or vote for the hand that bites us. # #

Greg McClanahan
Durango, CO 81303
(970) 759-1767


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