Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional


Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional


Congressional Seats Important to MH Industry Facing Tough Challenges

Americans are dissatisfied with both Republicans and Democrats and voters are turning out to turn out establishment candidates. This has played out in primary elections from Alaska to Delaware. The general election in November also threatens some in Congress important to the manufactured housing industry, including Joe Donnelly (D) and Baron Hill (D) of Indiana, Nevada Senator Harry Reid (D) and Massachusetts Senator Barney Frank (D).

In an August 16-21 survey of likely voters in the Midwest, the American Action Forum found that 54 percent of respondents chose “It’s time for someone else” over “deserves reelection”. Voters in the heartland also say the country is on the wrong track by more than a two-to-one margin. Sixty-five percent of the likely voters in these districts say the country is off on the wrong track, while just 26 percent say the country is heading in the right direction.

A plurality of voters also prefers a Republican on the generic ballot test. Voters in these districts say they prefer a Republican to a Democrat as their next congressman by a 38 to 33 percent margin.

Joe Donnelly, the author of several recent pieces of legislation concerning manufactured housing, is running for re-election for Indiana’s second congressional district and is being challenged by Libertarian Mark Vogel and Republican Jackie Walorski.

According to, Donnelly has a slight edge in a tight race. The site projects he will save his seat, beating opponents by 6.7 percent. However, more recent polls show a closer margin and a tightening of the race. Donnelly could be hurt by important recent endorsements, including the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, which just this week threw its weight behind Walorski. Walorski currently serves as a state representative from Elkhart. A second district congressional race debate involving incumbent Donnelly plus Vogel and Walorski will air at 8 p.m. EDT Oct. 27 on Indiana station WNIT-TV.

Fellow Hoosier Baron Hill is also having a challenging campaign. Hill faced no primary opposition, but is now projected to lose his seat to Republican Todd Young by about two percent. Rep. Hill introduced the Energy Efficient Manufactured Housing Act (H.R. 1749) in 2009. A Tea Party favorite also carrying the Republican moniker of “Young Gun,” Young is married to former Vice President Dan Quayle’s niece, Jennifer Tucker.

In Nevada, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is running neck and neck with his opponent, former Nevada State Assemblywoman Sharron Angle. gives Reid only a .6 percent lead over his opponent. Earlier this summer, Angle held an 11 point lead in a Rasmussen poll.

In the Democratic stronghold of Massachusetts, Barney Frank has a larger comfort zone than Donnelly, Hill or Reid, but with the help of conservative commentators and bloggers, is still facing a tougher than usual challenge from former Marine Sean Bielat. A poll conducted by OnMessage Inc. Sept. 15-16 of 400 likely general election voters showed Bielat at 38 percent and Frank at 48 percent, providing a comfortable lead for Frank, with 13 percent undecided. While the race has not yet been labeled as competitive, the big news accompanying the poll was that Frank had dropped below 50 percent.

In all, the House is expected to turn some 40 seats over to the Republicans from the Democrats. In addition, seven or eight seats in the Senate and six Governorships are expected to switch from blue to red.

Thayer Long, executive vice president at the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) says MHI is non-partisan, and will support those who support our industry, including the millions of Americans who live in manufactured homes and the tens of thousands of American jobs dependent on providing high quality homes at a reasonable cost.

Up to Date Election Info:

Watch an ad for Joe Donnelly:

Watch an ad for Jackie Walorski

Watch an ad for Baron Hill

Watch an ad for Todd Young


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