It's that time of year again for bad weather, and of course, the local news weather reporters, The Weather Channel & the National Weather Service are busy scaring the hell out of Manufactured Home owners and residents with ridiculous 'info' about 'trailers' during storms.
Recently, a new 'weatherman' at a Dallas/Fort Worth station told his audience to just get out of "mobile homes" & other poorly built structures. He didn't say to go to a shelter, or underground, basically just for people to go outside of their "mobile home."
We need a national campaign to educate media 'Weather' reporters, the National Weather Service, and the like in the mainstream media about two things:
Manufactured/mobile homes are not trailers. TRAILERS are travel trailers & aren't tied down.
2. Manufactured homes are anchored & the walls are built to withstand direct force sustained winds of high mph minimum standards set by HUD, meaning its federally regulated.
As you know, the average Manufactured Home goes through a dozen earthquakes and 2 hurricanes just getting from he factory to a dealer's lot!
Can you use your vantage point to forward this message to State & National MH groups to get an organized campaign going to stop all this negative & incorrect publicity?
Thank you.
Frank Woody, Owner
Republic Homes
Weatherford & Early, Texas
p.s. I'll follow up on Jody's letter to the Princeton WordNet team, as well.
Karl Radde – TMHA, MHI, Southern Comfort Homes – Addressing Bryan City Leaders, Letter on Proposed Manufactured Home Ban
To All Concerned [Bryan City Officials, Others]: As the retail location referenced by Mr. Inderman, I would like to take a moment to address the …