Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional


Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional

San Antonio Media Spotlights ‘Deceptive’ Community Operator, a Texan’s take


Thanks for bringing this article to my attention.  Let me give you my short answer first:  More information is needed to make an educated comment!

My very basic initial take at this point is that it seems to be a situation where a city is wanting an owner to repair infrastructure and for reasons unknown from this article, the owner isn’t or hasn’t.

However, as what is many times missing from these kinds of articles is the degree of failure and what the remedy would be.

Certainly, like the Austin gardening plots conundrum, some things at first glance reading seem to be very good and simple ideas or solutions.

In this case however, IF, the city is saying the repair is to dig up the old system, have hazmat crews remove the contaminated soil within three feet around the distressed area, pay exorbitant fees to have it disposed of at a recognized contaminated soil disposal site, and then install On-Site Sewage Facilities (TCEQ’s hundred-dollar word for septic system) that may not physically be possible in the space allowed; then they may as well be condemning it, just not going through the condemnation process.

Some cities, again not commenting on the city in this article, use regulations and fines to effectively attain the same result as condemnation without going through the costly and technical condemnation procedures.  I have watched a city building official cringe when another city employee commented that “That’s how we get to them.  Hit’em in their checkbook…”

Graphic by MHProNews. Links, headlines and illustrations in a guest post are routinely those provided by the publisher, and that is also the case with this letter-to-the-editor.

From the city’s perspective, IF, all they are wanting is to have the field line dug up and replaces because the old ones are clogged up and not functioning, then for the safety and well-being of the residents of the community, the owner may have to pony up and spend some money.

Although when using that fancy OSSF hundred-dollar word, it’s almost never that simple.  Nevertheless, no well-meaning community owner in the industry truly wants our customers to ever be intentionally put in dangerous or unsanitary situations.

Therefore!  I have given you a mere two possible scenarios.

Coming full circle, the original reporting is incomplete, so let me stress again, more information needed to make a more educated comment!

Sadly, that is a commentary that in our age of sensationalism, many folks have seemingly lost the ability to do.


KarleRaddeSouthernComfortHomesBryanTX-postedDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews-Karl Radde, GM

Southern Comfort Homes




(Editor’s Note: a number of other sources on this topic have come to light since Karl Radde’s thoughtful comments.  A full report will be posted on the Daily Business News, and the original article is linked here. Other perspectives on this or other issues that impact manufactured and factory-built housing are welcome.)


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