Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional


Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional


The 2013 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show was Fantastic!

What a fantastic turnout for the Tunica Manufactured Housing Show! The optimism of lenders, manufacturers, suppliers, community managers, retailers and association leaders was evident. There was much “buzz” over new innovations in the homes AND the participation of a couple of new retail and wholesale lenders.

I was very impressed by the attendance at the seminars. I overheard a couple of gentlemen discussing how they had been to all of the seminars and gained valuable and useful information that would benefit their respective businesses.

It also seems that manufactured home community management involvement has increased since last year’s show – wonderful news!!!

As the economy continues to slowly recover, consumers will become more aware of the affordable housing options. This shift will help every facet of the industry. More importantly – it will increase consumer awareness and (hopefully) education about the product.

I had the privilege of discussing my dissertation topic with a few fellow Tunica Show attendees. The commonality between the conversations was the need to improve the perception of manufactured housing to accurately reflect the high quality and extreme value the product offers.

Everyone seemed to agree that the biggest challenge was changing the way the general public viewed manufactured homes. While there is no magic cure that will solve issues, having conversations about benefits and challenges can lead to grassroots efforts that spur change. Movement of any kind in the right direction will have a positive impact. After all, our current President achieved his first election through grassroots movements and social media. If seemingly small changes can result in a sea-change of that magnitude, imagine what similar grass roots forward momentum in the manufactured housing industry can do…

One thing I like about the Tunica Show is that you never know who you will run into! I was able to meet “Uncle” Si Robertson from the hit show Duck Dynasty as he was touring the CMH displays. Later that evening (thanks to the awesome folks at CMH), I was able to meet Phil and Miss Kay Robertson AND listen to Phil’s testimony at the CMH Award Banquet & Celebration.

Phil shared that he had toured a manufacturing facility and witnessed outstanding work ethic. Not only did he recognize the value of the product, he appreciated the hard work of every person in the industry.

Talk about a great opportunity to change the consumer perception of manufactured housing! The stars of the most popular television show recognize, understand, and appreciate the product – how about THAT for validation and perception change!

There are lots of positive things happening in the manufactured housing industry. Whether in the developmental phases or getting ready for implementation, there are abundant opportunities for involvement and participation. ##

Lisa Tyler
Walden University
(Editor's Note: Lisa Tyler is a veteran of manufactured housing retail and is currently doing her dissertation en route to her PhD on a topic focused on Manufactured Housing)

(Photo credit: Lisa Tyler (right) with Uncle Si Robertson – left – from Duck Dynasty)


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