There has been a whirlwind of activity within the industry as of late. Specifically, polarized and heated arguments regarding the direction we need to take both legislatively and image-wise. I have read countless articles saying, “The industry needs to do this…,” and “The industry must do such…,” all highlighting our very survival.
Who is ‘the industry?’
I, for one, do not want our survival to be in the hands of faceless organizations known only by acronyms. Here’s the key: Our survival is in our hands.
I stumbled into the MH Industry a year ago when I was transitioned from project manager to unemployed. Though I have known people residing in MH communities, I did not know the business model.
I voraciously consumed all information I could get my hands on. Basic management principles remain timeless however, property and land-lease legalities are an entirely different animal.
I learned from reading and other publications that this industry is limping along. Depressed home sales, lack of direction, poor image, on the verge of oblivion, etc. I got excited. If history tells us anything it is not to listen to the masses and the masses are lamenting which means there are opportunities to be had in abundance.
One historical reference comes to mind. Two-hundred thirty-five years ago, the Declaration of Independence was signed when the complainers felt oppressed by unfair taxation. Eleven years later they drafted the U.S. Constitution which began with three crucial words. These words have as much power today as they did then but they are often neglected as cliche. The words are: “We the people.”
The industry is not politicians, non-profit entities, organizations having turf wars, or a handful of names we look toward for leadership. They are us. You. Me. The directors of your association. The retailers, manufacturers, community owners, employees, contractors, and yes, especially the residents.
We are the industry. The thing to do is not complain but to take action.
One voice is like a mosquito – it can be swatted and ignored. But not a swarm. If each of us does not take a least a little action, we are each to blame for the demise of our industry.
That means call your representatives, write letters, meet with those who are influential and keep doing it! Could we fail? Possibly, but without action failure is guaranteed.
We are the industry and we have a voice. Make yours heard today. Make at least one phone call or write one letter and do it now. # #
(401) 402-0373
Fax (815) 572-5255
Karl Radde – TMHA, MHI, Southern Comfort Homes – Addressing Bryan City Leaders, Letter on Proposed Manufactured Home Ban
To All Concerned [Bryan City Officials, Others]: As the retail location referenced by Mr. Inderman, I would like to take a moment to address the …