Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional

Industry Voices By Savvy Insightful Passionate MH Professional


Will we catch the Tsunami?

I'm so tired of reading and hearing the same ole worn out posts, articles and talk about how to fix our ailing industry. Can't we start using some imagination and common sense?

Don't you realize that there are 10,000, that's right ten thousand "BABY BOOMERs" who will be turning 65 years old everyday for the next 20+ years? Do the math: 10,000x360x20. I think that equals right around 73,000,000 or so. Don't you? Or do I have enough 00000's?

Come on guys and gals. If we can't make hay where the sun don't shine we need to stick our heads in the sand in the Sahara. Right now is probably the best time in the history of our manufactured housing industry. You think the 60's were great? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Anyone with any sense in their thick skulls and a few dollars in their hip pockets that can't see this avalanche coming needs to go down to their closest used car lot and apply for a job as a lot boy because you don't even deserve to be a sales person.

There's a tidal wave, no, a tsunami is coming.

Forget about all those run down, worn out, antiquated ole trailer parks with the plastic Flamingos stuck in the ground at the entrance. Let's start thinking about the future by using the past as our model.

Remember the 60's when they used to go out and buy a hunk a land, throw up some pedestals and some 12×60 foot concrete slabs and place a couple a doublewides and a single wide model in front of the entrance? Then viola…open the pearly gates and let the land rush begin?

Well, happy days are here again. Do you think us "knees and hips are gone" retires are going to be able to continue to work that property, climb those darn stairs, to get to their 2nd story master suite forever?

I don't know about you, but my knees have been replaced and I'm running on pure Titanium. My back ain't what it used to be and my eyes see 4 steps for every two. Not a good thing. I no longer need my two story, one acre spread with all the trees, pool, painting, planting and tending to property.

Show me a nice modest little one story with a pond and a few ducks quacking in it, along with a place to store my RV. Or put an "ADU" in my backyard so's I can keep my happy home and share the big house with my family and I'll be a happy camper.

Are you getting it yet?

Bottom line is that the Baby Boomers are the biggest and wealthiest demographic to come along in the history of the USA! We're sporting 1/3 of the USA's economy and will be spending about 1 trillion a year or so for a long long time.

That's $1,000,000,000,000. Do I have enough 0000's to get your attention? So why all the doom and gloom. Let's get this show on the road and quit all the belly aching.

I'm not suggesting that we re-create the same ole rag tag "trailer parks" of years past. What I'm saying that if RE developers (and I are one) can go out and develop beautifly upscale site built communities then why can't the MH community?

There's so much land out there waiting to be developed. Thousands of already approved parcels that went to moth balls in '07 because of the downturn that are ours for the taking. All we have to do is us a little imagination, ingenuity and put some to the 3 trillion dollars sitting on the sidelines looking for a place to put to work.

Come on. Remember the mantra of the "Field of Dreams;" "Build it and the will come?"

John Arendsen

CEO, Founder & Owner

TAG Real Estate Sales & Invest,

On The Level General Contractors &

Crest Homes Manufactured Home Dealer & Developer


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