
Coach Potato Quarterbacks

We have all met (and/or have been? 😉 Coach Potato Quarterbacks (QB). There is nothing wrong with being the Monday morning QB. It can be entertaining to cheer or jeer what went right and wrong in the last game. A problem with the coach potato QB is that being one changes nothing.

To make a difference, you have to be more directly involved in the game.

We can criticize most any one for most any thing.

When we are honest with ourselves and each other, then we have to admit in any aspect of life, we are either acting as part of the problem or are involved somehow in the solution.

For example, I ponder at times those who are critical of manufactured housing associations. The need for and advantages to associations are compelling. If the association we are a part of needs to improve somehow, are we:

  • playing the role of the couch potato quarterback?
  • Or are we hands on involved, and are acting as a catalyst towards positive goals and solutions?

It takes more sustained effort, discipline and work to build up something good than it does to tear some thing down. While at times we must remove debris or the old and risky structure to make room for the good and the new, the end value is found in building. We must not confuse criticism with construction. We must begin with a candid check of our own attitudes and intentions.

The right attitude, the right intention, goal and solution orientation are the keys to advancement in a career, project, company, association or most any other aspect of life.

Being part of the solution is far more exciting and rewarding than playing the critic or the role of coach potato QB. Those involved in positive solutions are often those who end up ahead of the curve, rather than behind the curve or moving with the herd.

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L. A. “Tony” Kovach, MHM or
Innovation – Information – Inspiration for Industry Professionals

Office – 815-270-0500 or


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