Lessons of Hate and Love applied for Manufactured Housing Growth
Have you ever known a former smoker? Ever notice that the one who once ‘loved’ smoking, may now hate it passionately?
A similar dynamic can happen in relationships, business, religion and politics. The one who was once strongly in favor of this or that belief, if they ‘leave’ or separate from that fold, may now become its most bitter opponent. The one who loved someone strongly, may suddenly hate that person with a passion, if the relationship comes to an unhappy end.
At this point, we are merely observing. The above is not praise or blame, merely the recognition of a fact we have all seen, or experienced ourselves.
Now let’s apply this to manufactured housing growth.
There are those out there in the public who vilify what they do not know, or do not understand. Our job is to get them ‘to see the light.’ Because those who once ‘opposed’ manufactured housing, if we win them over, can become our greatest ally!
No one person will accomplish this, we all must take a part in one way or another.
To learn more about a practical process that we can use to change those who are indifferent to our industry or those who oppose us into our strongest allies, please see the latest Cutting Edge in Marketing and Sales Blog.
We can make misunderstanding, old myths and even hate yield to love.
We have a great product, in manufactured and modular homes! Community living can be a very fine way of life for millions. One person at a time, we can win millions over. Let’s just take the daily steps to do it. # #
Blog post submitted
by L. A. Tony Kovach
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