
Home For Christmas

One of the most powerful images of home are during the holidays, and Christmas for billions stands at the pinnacle for those visual and musical memories. Let’s share are few Christmas music videos, with a sincere and hearty Merry Christmas from our family to you and your loved ones. 

George Canyon Home for Christmas (Official Music Video)

We wish our Jewish friends and colleagues a Happy Hanukkah as well.   



O Come, O Come, Emmanuel – BYU Vocal Point


We hope these videos will refresh your Christmas and home-for-the-holidays spirit.

Rascal Flatts – I’ll Be Home for Christmas – Official Music Video


God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen – BYU Vocal Point [Official Video] 

For those of us involved in the quality, affordable housing profession, one might reflect for a few moments that The Christmas story ought to have compelling connections. The Creator-Child’s parents find “no room at the inn.” Before beginning the Divine mission, Jesus grows up doing carpenter work, building homes.



From all of us to you and yours, Merry Christmas.



L. A. “Tony”  Soheyla and Tamas Kovach. 



Practicing to Perfection

Pablo Casals, the famous Spanish cellist who lived to be 97 years of age, when he reached 95, a young reporter threw him a question: “Mr. Casals, you are 95 and the greatest cellist that ever lived. Why do you still practice six hours a day?”


And Mr. Casals answered, Because I think I’m making progress.” ##

Source, the Quote Investigator.

dwayne-somerville-fairfield-homes-land-com-posted-inspirations-blog-mhpronews-Submitted by Dwayne Somerville

Fairfield Homes and Land.

Making Impossible Dreams Coming True

It is grand to get good lessons from within your own profession, but often there are equally good or better success tips from others who do quite different work.

Don’t think its crazy to set a higher goal for yourself, for your location and company.

It may seem impossible to some to change the image of manufactured housing, but guess what? Some people once thought that cars would never catch on. Some thought radio, TV, cell phones, the internet and later social media or smart phones and tablets wouldn’t succeed.

What are you prepared to do? Training to do what others won’t do, so that you can get results that others will only think is “an impossible dream.”

Who is going to rock the housing world?

This version shows the lyrics.

Excellence is found in all walks of life and fields of endevor. Here is excellence in table tennis, and oh, by the way, don’t call it ‘ping pong’ when you are talking to a table tennis pro. You’ll see why when you watch this video!

Here are some tips in table tennis. Stop and think…of the precision they are focusing on. You get similar precision in almost every sport. You get similar precision in medicine. You want similar precision on the factory-builder’s floor, which is why they use jigs. So why don’t we expect precission in marketing and sales?

l.a.tony_.kovach-publisher-manufacturedhomelivingnews-com-mhpronews-com-mhc-md-com-1Food for thought, videos for inspiration!

Post submitted by, L. A. “Tony” Kovach.

Home – Lyrics and two Videos – Happy Thanksgiving!

Home – Lyrics and two Videos – Happy Thanksgiving!

Two versions of Home, and the Lyrics. Should this be a Manufactured Housing Theme song? Happy Thanksgiving to all.

First, the video you’ve probably not seen…

The Piano Guys, “Home.”

Then the one you likely have.

Phillip Phillips – Home


Image Credit:

Lyrics for “Home”

Hold on to me as we gohappy-thanksgiving-flickr-creative-commons-Muffet-4132916633_451032634e
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave (wave) is stringing us along

Just know you’re not alone
‘Cause I’m gonna make this place your home

Settle down, it’ll all be clear
Don’t pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble—it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found

Just know you’re not alone
‘Cause I’m gonna make this place your home

Ooo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo. Oo-oo-oo-oo [2x]
Aaa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa. Aa-aa-aa-aaaaaa [4x]

Settle down, it’ll all be clear
Don’t pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found

Just know you’re not alone
‘Cause I’m gonna make this place your home

(Come on!)

Ooo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo. Ao-oo-oo-oo [4x]
Aaa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa. Aa-aa-aa-aaaaaa [4x]

Thanksgiving Image Credit – Muffet-FlickrCreativeCommons.

latonykovach-com-brushed-cutting-edge-marketing-sales-blog-mhpronews-comPost submitted by,

L. A. “Tony” Kovach.


Castles in the Sky and the future of MH

We are all influenced by others and through our interaction with others.  Sometimes, we are also influenced by those we’ve never met, but whose words and/or deeds inspired us.

Can’t say exactly when or where the thought of “Castles in the Sky” hit me as an inspirational theme.  But this quote below is close.


Image credit, Quotery.

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”

– Henry David Thoreau

MHProNews and were both “castles in the sky” concepts. We saw what the industry needed. We set our sights out to build them, putting “the foundation” under the vision to make it happen.

So visions are grand, so long as the steps are taken to make the visions into reality. In a recent visit to Downtown Disney with my bride Soheyla and our son, Tamas, I saw a quote like this:

“Everyone needs deadlines. If we didn’t have deadlines, we’d stagnate.”

  • Walt Disney

We know MH Pros who are building their own castles in the sky. Get your motor running with a vision, then set the steps and deadlines needed to make them happen. ##

l.a.tony_.kovach-publisher-manufacturedhomelivingnews-com-mhpronews-com-mhc-md-com-1Post submitted by

L. A. “Tony” Kovach

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