L.A. 'Tony' Kovach

The Meramec Ex. Once is not Enough

Are you an owner, manager, executive or front line in the manufactured housing or factory built home industry? If so, this is important for you and/or your team’s growth, development or improvement.

“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” Jim Rohn

“Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” Bobby Unser

In most areas of our life, we don’t do something once and expect it to work forever. We don’t eat once, sleep once, put fuel in your vehicle once, try to walk or talk once. We must do most things of value or necessity repeatedly.

To master something, we must constantly be monitoring our performance and/or that of our team, and then be willing to adjust actions to enhance our performance.

Repetition is a key to learning, communications and marketing. From business to sports to living or loving, doing the basics well and often demands attention.

You may be the top performing person in your role at your firm. If so, that’s wonderful. But how about in comparison to a competitor’s firm? To that new, rising star over there? Are you routinely advancing your skills and that of your team to stay ahead of the game?

One reason for sharing the critical importance Silver Bullet Challenge is precisely the points noted in the quotations in this post. When you learn and routinely apply the fundamentals, when you routinely prepare for improvement by reading, studying and applying what you learn, success or enhanced success becomes more likely; with persistence, success even becomes a given.

The importance of repetition was struck home for me on the drive across Missouri on the way to and from The Great Southwest Home Show in Tulsa, OK at the QuikTrip Center in Expo Square. On I44, you can’t help but notice the signs for Meramec Caverns. Billboards dot the landscape once or more a mile for dozens of miles in either direction of the exit for Meramec Caverns. A novice might ask, why do they have so many signs? Isn’t putting that sign up once enough?

No, it isn’t.

The Meramec Example tells us you must repeat a message many, many times if you are to get a successful outcome. The same is true in any endeavor. The first time you try to prepare a certain recipe, the outcome is not likely to be as good as the 10th or the 50th time you do the same recipe.

A key to the recipe for success is learning. Another key is repetition. Don’t just ask your team to read something once and expect them to get it. Don’t just read something important once yourself and expect to get it. Repeating and honing your skills in “The Basics” or fundamentals are keys to success.

Weight Reps by jesset23
Proper Repetition is a key to Success in any endevor. Photo by jesset23

We’ve all heard and believe that “Knowledge is Power!” if you want the power to succeed in manufactured housing and factory home building, come to where the experts share their wisdom here at www.MHMSM.com If you want to succeed, don’t just read once, repeat often!

“Success doesn’t come to you… you go to it.” Marva Collins

Come to or enhance your manufactured housing success. Read the tips of top pros. Repeat often. Come to www.MHMarketingSalesManagement.com a.k.a. www.MHMSM.com – if you want success for your team, organization or yourself badly enough – you’ll be glad you do this daily.##

Posted by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach – www.MHMSM.com editor

Vince Lombardi Quotes

Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you’re willing to pay the price.

Vince Lombardi

Coaches who can outline plays on a black board are a dime a dozen. The ones who win get inside their player and motivate.

Vince Lombardi

Vince Lombardi Statue at Lambeau Field, photo courtesy of acopperpenny

Fatigue makes cowards of us all.
Vince Lombardi

Football is like life – it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority.
Vince Lombardi

I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle – victorious.
Vince Lombardi

Team Work

It has correctly been said that there is no “I” in “Team.”

Team Work - Manufactured Home Marketing Sales Management Trade Journal Magazine
Difficult and challenging things can be accomplished through team work!

A team, working together for a common goal, can accomplish what the individual working alone can’t do or can’t do as easily or as rapidly.

Team work, photo courtesy of filedownload
Pulling together in the same direction, each with a different view but complementary effort. Team Work can accomplish more rapidly what individual effort can't.

Think about the concept of team work, your enterprise and the Manufactured Housing Industry at large. I’ll bet those three guys working together in the photo above have different points of view on a number of issues. But it doesn’t keep them from working together successfully to accomplish a worthy goal!

There is no I in Team.

Building Bridges

Building a bridge takes time.

Building a bridge across the Little Elm, photo courtesty of acoanimal
Building a bridge across the Little Elm, photo courtesty of acoanimal

Building a bridge has a cost.

But once  the investment is made and the bridge is built, the bridge frees the people ‘trapped’ on both sides. The bridge has beauty, strength and provides inspiration too.

sacramento tower bridge photo courtesty of C y r i l l i c u s

Building Bridges – Sacramento tower bridge photo courtesty of C y r i l l i c u s

Is there a bridge – personal or professional – in your life that you need to build? Or a bridge that you need to cross?

– submitted by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach, editor, www.MHMarketingSalesManagement.com, writer of the Masthead Blog and http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach —> new connections are invited and welcome.

It’s About Time

Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock. The clock of time stops for no one. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.

It’s about Time. How will you use your time? The next 60 seconds? The next hour?  The next day, week, month or year? Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.

Its_About time_tourist_on_earth_2010-03-14_1336
It's About Time - graphic by Tony Kovach, photo courtesy of tourist on earth

The woman in the photo is about to give birth.  She is in labor.  She is in pain.  The man holds the Clock of Time with a look that says so much.  Anticipation, concern, joy…much more.  The image gives one a Sense of Urgency.   It reminds us to Act swiftly with Good Purpose.

Our MH INdustry is in labor too.  As with any labor of new birth, we are in pain, as perhaps many industry readers and their enterprises are today.  There is a Sense of Urgency.  A new birth is both a crisis and an opportunity for a new start, a new life!

We could, of course, delay what must be done.  We could just let this new life die.   We could use some Excuses.  We could be react with fear. We could overlook the power that could readily change our image and our professional world. Out of some misguided fear or the paralysis of over analysis, we could wait too long, and the new birth that could be will instead be a death.  So with it, could die what could well be our bright new future.

Or we could embrace this new birth.  We could embrace the changes that have brought you here in the first place.  It is precisely new methods, new out-reaches and new approaches that have caused you to be here.  Think about it!

It’s about Time.  It’s about a new beginning.  While we’ve watched our industry shipments fall, did you realize that our market share for factory-built housing out of all new housing starts has risen? It has! HUD Code and modular have risen from about 5% market share some 3 years ago to about 20% market share today.

The best of the old, combined with the best of the new.  They can position us for a new birth that can lead factory built housing into the brightest possible future!

It’s about Time.  Time is the measure of Change.  It’s about time to embrace that change, and let this new life, this promising new future take hold of us.  The tools and the resources for that change – for the best of the old and the best of the new – are all found on these pages…

Its_About time_tourist_on_earth_2010-03-14_1336
It's About Time graphic by Tony Kovach, photo courtesy of tourist on earth

This woman can’t go back. She can only choose to move ahead.

It’s About Time.#


– submitted by Tony Kovach, editor, www.MHMarketingSalesManagement.com, writer of the Masthead Blog and http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach

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