Inspirations for Manufactured Housing Professionals

Enslaved by Daily Trivia


"In the absence of clearly-defined goals…
we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."

Robert Heinlein, Novelist


"You can't be too busy chopping wood to sharpen the axe."

– Zig Ziglar

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

– Walt Disney

1901-1966-Film Producer-Director-Screenwriter

Post submitted by
Robin Crow

The Daily Drill

"If I do not practice one day..I know it. If I do not practice the next…the orchestra knows it. If I do not practice the third day…the whole world knows it."
– Ignacy Paderewski

(Editor's Note: Ignacy Paderewski, notable Polish pianist and composer. I know some high performing manufactured housing companies that 'practice' what they call 'the daily drill.' Yes, they practice sales or other roles. Is it any surprise when they out-perform the competitors in their market? Appliance and electronics chain HHGregg is touting that their associates know more than other companies sales associates do. “We Help.” is their new tag line. Investing the time, effort and resources into training and motivation is proven to grow results, improve employee morale and performance, plus pays off on your bottom line. Make training a priority in your company, and practice the way, doctors, attorneys and other professionals do.)

"Never stop until your good becomes better..and your better becomes the best."
– Frank Zappa
"Yesterday's successes lead to today's complacencies…which lead to tomorrow's failures."
– Army Saying
Post submitted by
Robin Crow

Sons Of Somerled

There are all kinds of music. Some calms the mind, others embrace romance, still others inspire. The CD by Steve McDonald brings it all on, it is one of my favorites. This is the CDs title song's lyrics.

To me, this is "warrior music." Listen once, then close your eyes and listen again; can you imagine images inspired by the movie, Braveheart? When life seems like a battle, warrior music might be just the ticket. Enjoy!



Sons Of Somerled Lyrics – by Steve McDonald

Through an age of fighting men
When sword was mightier than pen
There lived a clansman bold and true
The very one our name came through
Born of blood line dating from
The hundred battles warrior Conn
Gaelic Viking in his veins
Testify his battle fame
For three hundred and fifty years
The western highlands lived in fear
Fighting to regain the Isles
Down to Islay and Argyle
From the Dalriadan line

Through the centuries there we find
A Scotsman born with Viking name Born to rule through love and pain
Hail to ye sons of Somerled
Hail to ye sons of Somerled

Ruling from the Isle of Man
lslay was the place they'd make their stand
After almost twenty years
He rid the Isles of Norsemen
…then and there< /p>

Hail to ye sons of Somerled
Hail to ye sons of Somerled

Through the timeless history,
Fighting for their destiny
Images fly through my head,
Images of Somerled… (chorus)

The warrior kings lived by the sword
From hill to loch and dark fjord
Battling 'til his life he shed
Leaving the throne
To the sons of Somerled.

[credit: ]##

Post submitted by
L. A.'Tony' Kovach

Occupy Wall Street, the Tea Party and Manufactured Housing Professionals

Let me clearly state that I do not believe that there are a lot of similarities between the Occupy movement and the Tea Party movement. But there are some things similar, and part of that something is that both are born of frustration with the status quo. Each movement seeks in its own way to mobilize those who are tired of just complaining. We may agree or disagree with them, but they are acting to change things!
There are not many manufactured home owners or professionals I talk to who like the status quo either. But only a tiny fraction are politically engaged in getting the changes needed in Washington DC to get Dodd-Frank and the SAFE Act reformed and manageable. Don't be one who sits and complains, get in the game, as others have successfully. If you are already engaged, get others in your team and among your peers to get engaged too. HR 3849 is a political no-brainer for both political parties in an election year. But it will only happen when enough of us talk to our Congressmen and Senators offices. Set an example and then get others to do the same. Let's make the passage of HR 3849 a reality. Your one stop resources for HR 3949 are linked right here. ##


Winning the War

The happy soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him but rather because he loves what is behind him. We fight the good fight for manufactured housing not because we hate other forms of housing, but rather because we love all that manufactured homes is, does and represents for the benefit of millions.

This is not war in the sense of crushing an enemy, but rather an engagement in winning the hearts and minds who now fail to understand the value and benefits we offer millions. It is a conflict waged with the intellect and emotions of those who are darkened at present to what we truly represent.

To win, we must have the right intention. We can not succeed without genuine satisfaction for our customers! When we gain that satisfaction, we have to a degree already won, as have they who benefited.

Consumers. Businesses. Associations. Working together, we are better. ##

Habit Forming

First you form your habits, then your habits form you. This maxim is a powerful truism. It cuts to the heart of why forward looking manufactured housing businesses and associations are or should be focused on developing the best habits, perceptions and beliefs of their team members.

In working with many companies in ownership, consulting, leadership or outreach roles, I've seen over the years numerous examples of people in our Industry – working in organizations like yours – that did not fully believe in our product. The doubting team person or their supervisor may not have realized how their perception impacted their work.

But it does.

One's perceptions always impacts what we say, and what we do. So perceptions influence our habits. Habits form the person. The person's habits forms their activity. Those activities produce – or not – the desired results.

Why does one company in a market do better than another?

Why does one person in a company do better than another?

Arguably, the better the perceptions and the better the habits, the better the performance. It really is as simple as that.

This is why identifying and forming the right perceptions and the right habits – the right activities done the proper way – creates better results for some than others.

So as owners, leaders and managers, if you want success, you want to develop and implement positive perceptions and proven systems which are habit forming. By forming the right habits, then you form the right results. ##


post by

L. A. 'Tony' Kovach, MHM or
Innovation – Information – Inspiration for Industry Professionals

Office – 815-270-0500 or


Moore Thoughts

To live a significant life, live with a purpose that makes people more important than things.

Living with expectations…Investing. Giving from excess…Sharing. True giving comes from our supply, without expectation.

Top performers see order and opportunity in chaos and it energizes them.

If you are pursuing excellence, you can't get lazy when things get crazy

I would rather trust people and occasionally be disappointed, than live life as a cynic, full of suspicion and insecurity.

Submitted by
Mike Moore

Enrichment and Extraordinary

"People do not decide to become extraordinary.  They decide to accomplish extraordinary things."
–Sir Edmund Hillary
1919-2008-Mountaineer-Explorer and Philanthropist
"No man can become rich…without himself enriching others."
–Andrew Carnegie
19th century captain of American Industry
 "The world we have created is a product of our thinking;it cannot be changed without changing our thinking."
–Albert Einstein
Theoretical physicist

Submitted by
Robin Crow

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