Inspirations for Manufactured Housing Professionals

Leaders Know and Believe…

People are spirit, mind and body… Keeping it in that order is a priority.

Attitudes come from the spirit, the mind holds skills and knowledge and the body performs the actions.

Attitudes are more important than skills.

Skills can be taught when the attitudes are right.

Actions do speak louder than words.

People move in the direction of their dominant thoughts.

If you manage results, you'll be too late.

Managing attitudes is their job.

They have a higher purpose.

People are more important than things.

Character is more important than reputation.

They are always being watched and judged by those who don't want to learn, grow and improve, so they'll have an excuse not to.

The truth is always beyond what they can see.

They'll have to do the things they don't want to do, to get what they want.

They'll have to motivate and inspire people to do the things they don't want to do, to help them get what they want and become their best.

The truth is always the best information and communication tool.

Being present, paying attention and listening is a requirement.

Communicating openly, honestly and directly is the best policy.

Selling isn't something you do to someone or even for them. It is best done with them, to help them… Selling is serving people, not pleasing people.

Most people don't really want to be extraordinary but they also don't like the idea of being average.

The easy way will almost never produce the best results.

People won't always like you when you challenge them to be their best.

They'll have to make the hard decisions and act on them.

The lowest form of behavior they allow or accept is who they are as a leader.

They need to spend time with the people that need them the most, and that's probably not who they would naturally choose to spend it with.

Culture is the cumulative, pervasive or dominant attitude of the people they lead.

It's their job to help people be prepared to, and perform to, their best.

It's a strength to be humble, gracious and forgiving.

Forgiveness doesn't mean acceptance.

Leadership is an act of service, caring and love.

There is a higher power with a higher purpose.

Keep moving forward but make sure you check the direction you are going or you may end up somewhere you don't want to be. # #

Post by
Mike Moore
Making Customers

The Greatest Glory

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
-Nelson Mandela
Once imprisoned, and became President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999
"What's dangerous is not to evolve."
– Jeff Bezos
Founder, President and CEO of
"Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional."
-Roger Crawford
Motivational author and speaker
Quotes submitted by
Robin Crow

Dieting and Selling

Dieting and increased selling, what is the relationship between the two?
No, I don't want you to think you must shed pounds before you or your team can sell more.  I've known short and tall, big and small (and in between those all) who have disciplined themselves for sales, marketing or management success.
Diets have the goal of better health.  Part of the goal may be to lose weight (for some, the proper nutritional balance or weight gain may be the desired outcome for better health).  Regardless of the specifics, all diets have a common point.  Diets can only work when they are followed.  Change or veer from the diet, and you have only yourself to look to if you fail to achieve the goal and want to complain.
From time to time, we touch on the theme in articles that all professional or business success can be reduced to following a proven system.   What is true for a diet – a nutritional system that demands that it be followed if you are to achieve your desired goal – holds true professionally in marketing, sales or management.  Follow a proven system – learn and apply it faithfully – and you will achieve improved results.
At times people make excuses as to why they do not want to change.  But there are real benefits to those who invest the will and effort to make a positive change a reality. We also all know the maxim, that the popular definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things in the same way, and to expect a different result.
Using the diet analogy, look at the excitement on the faces of those who lost say 20 or 30 pounds.  They made a real effort, no wonder that they feel good about the outcome!
The same can happen professionally.  Learn a sales method, focus and dedicate yourself to its principles and disciplines and you are the winner in terms of more income, more awards, respect and recognition.
Change is a decision – a commitment – away.  If you HAD to change, you could or likely would.  As a trainer taught me years ago:
"If it is to be, it is up to me!"
The best system in the world, improperly used, will produce a diminished result. But the reverse is also true, even a so-so system, applied within vigor, will produce a better outcome than no system or a poorer system will.
Let's close on a point that Zig Ziglar taught me years ago.  "You can get everything out of life you want, if you help enough other people get out of life what they want."
When you learn how to market and sell better, you are learning how to get more people what they want out of life.  You are helping others, and in turn, you gain a reward.  It truly is a mutual victory.  
Make the commitment – decide and do what it takes – to be better professionally yourself, to help your team do better and to serve more customers well.  Commitment and discipline to a prove system may not sound sexy, but the results reward all who make the sincere effort. ##


post by

L. A. “Tony” Kovach, MHM or
Innovation – Information – Inspiration for Industry Professionals

Office – 815-270-0500 or


Coach Potato Quarterbacks

We have all met (and/or have been? 😉 Coach Potato Quarterbacks (QB). There is nothing wrong with being the Monday morning QB. It can be entertaining to cheer or jeer what went right and wrong in the last game. A problem with the coach potato QB is that being one changes nothing.

To make a difference, you have to be more directly involved in the game.

We can criticize most any one for most any thing.

When we are honest with ourselves and each other, then we have to admit in any aspect of life, we are either acting as part of the problem or are involved somehow in the solution.

For example, I ponder at times those who are critical of manufactured housing associations. The need for and advantages to associations are compelling. If the association we are a part of needs to improve somehow, are we:

  • playing the role of the couch potato quarterback?
  • Or are we hands on involved, and are acting as a catalyst towards positive goals and solutions?

It takes more sustained effort, discipline and work to build up something good than it does to tear some thing down. While at times we must remove debris or the old and risky structure to make room for the good and the new, the end value is found in building. We must not confuse criticism with construction. We must begin with a candid check of our own attitudes and intentions.

The right attitude, the right intention, goal and solution orientation are the keys to advancement in a career, project, company, association or most any other aspect of life.

Being part of the solution is far more exciting and rewarding than playing the critic or the role of coach potato QB. Those involved in positive solutions are often those who end up ahead of the curve, rather than behind the curve or moving with the herd.

# #

post by

L. A. “Tony” Kovach, MHM or
Innovation – Information – Inspiration for Industry Professionals

Office – 815-270-0500 or


Joy and Excellence in Work

The secret of joy in work is contained in one word – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.
~ Vince Lombardi


Progress comes from the intelligent use of experience.
~ Elbert Hubbard


It takes two to speak the truth – one to speak and another to hear.
~ Henry David Thoreau


The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist, the opportunity in every difficulty.
~ L. P. Jacks

The Wrong Time and the Right Time

“People are more interested in how much you care, not how much you know.”
from an attendee at the Peak Retailer Summit

“People sometimes act funny at those career applicants who have had a lot of jobs.  Why?  When a mechanic has worked on multiple cars, that experience makes him more of an asset to someone who needs automotive work done. Find out why the changes were made, and if other factors like integrity, dependability check out, you may discover a wealth of talent.”
The Elk

There is no wrong time to do the right thing.  There is no right time to do the wrong thing.
Lou Holtz

“Oh, Say can you Say!”

Our almost 5 year old son and I were reading “Oh Say can You Say” by Dr , the other day.

This page made me think.  It says something true.  It should be remembered by me and by you.

You may be an owner, or maybe a boss.   Or perhaps in the ranks, which is not a loss.

We need each other, we really do.  One needs others to earn, live and do.

Work for your company, as if someday you will lead it.  Let each company know, that each person is needed.

That’s almost enough of such stuff for today, a lesson from Seuss‘ ” “Oh, Say can you Say!”


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