There are common-sense steps everyone should take, such as making sure your virus protection is up to snuff.
Beyond that, there are suggestions on ways to avoid scam artists who may use the phone or web to scam a business. The holidays can be a particularly vulnerable time, as professionals are often distracted by personal as well as professional obligations.
PC Pit Stop provided MHProNews with this helpful list of tips.
Internet scamming is on the rise
- Never disclose your checking account number or pay with Western Union/money order.
- Never will PC Pitstop or Microsoft call you to tell you that your computer has a virus
- Never pay for “Support” because a website told you that your computer is infected
- Never give personal information over the phone unless you can verify the source
- Never believe what an internet stranger tells you about your computer status
- Never use support hotlines from search engines. They are rarely legitimate.
- Never let an unsolicited party have access to your computer
- Never obtain support phone numbers from paid ads on search engines (i.e. Google, Bing, Yahoo…).
A number kind of scam is when someone is trying to buy online. The Denver 7 video above could prove useful.
A pair of prior scams related concerns are noted above and below.
Possible Professional, Media Scam Alert, So-Called Manufactured Home Industry “Researchers”
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