The scheduling conference originally set for April 11th has been delayed until April 25th, per the copy of the official court document linked here. In this factual update plus analysis and commentary to the case filed by attorneys on behalf of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA), it may seem to the legal layperson that the case is off to a hopeful start. That is not unwarranted, says a manufactured housing industry attorney monitoring the case and who is providing periodic insights to MHProNews, and through us, to manufactured housing industry professionals, advocates, investors, public officials, and others who have a keen interest in protecting affordable housing and consumers. That noted, it is also true that MHI’s own update and published remarks in the wake of the suit which was consistently urged by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) that indicate that MHI appears to be poised, once more, to do the unthinkable. That would be to snatch defeat for manufactured housing independents, professionals, and affordable housing consumers – say MHI observers and critics – from the proverbial jaws of victory. It is voices from inside and outside of MHI’s ranks that are interested in the long-term well being of the industry, including but not limited to MHARR, who began and continue to remind MHVille pros of MHI’s checkered history in this DOE manufactured housing energy rule scenario before Case No. No. 23-cv-00174 was ever filed. It is informed third-parties to MHProNews, but voices that are pro-manufactured housing, who are saying that the industry is in this metaphorical pickle precisely because of MHI. How so? Because of MHI’s previous mischief in working behind the scenes off and on for years to advance this energy rule process with DOE via ‘negotiated rule making’ and by evidence supported steps to put manufactured housing independents in the current tough spot. The evidence and allegations supplied by a former MHI pro published at this link here made that case well in advance of the current legal action. That report remains essential information for those seeking to grasp the twists and turns of the years of DOE regulatory maneuvers by MHI, and now in the evolving legal landscape.
In short, fact- and evidence-backed critics of MHI assert that MHI and its dominating brands have weaponized the regulatory landscape against the industry in a fashion that obscures their involvement to the detriments of smaller competitors.
In almost any aspects of the industry that someone is in, MHI’s ‘powers that be’ are working – say MHI critics – to hobble the industry for years to come. Intelligent and honest people may wonder – why would they do so? While hobbling the industry from within may seem counterintuitive to the honest person, it is precisely for that reason that MHI’s leadership tactics are purportedly cruelly cunning. These are self-serving leaders who want to consolidate the industry by keeping it underperforming (see the report linked below and other linked- and cross-linked items).
In that vein, it is important to recall that from among MHI’s ranks are those voices who have told MHProNews that the industry is heading for an avoidable downturn well before the current downturn came to be. The manufactured home industry owes a debt of gratitude to those tipsters and sources – which include, but also go beyond MHARR – who have flatly told the industry’s pros that the manufactured housing industry will ‘never recover’ from its 21st century slide from far greater days of production (see third linked item, below).

And while rumored possible presidential primary contender, Senator Tim Scott (SC-R), has come out on the manufactured housing energy rule as described below, it seems that the industry needs to rouse itself on the sobering reality that it has been the victim of what astute legal and other researchers outside of the ranks of the industry have referred to as ‘sabotaging monopoly’ tactics.

- It is with that rapid-fire, evidence-based background in mind that manufactured housing stakeholders should view Part One of today’s report, which provides the latest pleadings by MHI-TMHA attorneys.
- Part Two of today’s report gives additional information with more MHProNews analysis and expert commentary in brief.
- Part Three of this article is our Daily Business News on MHProNews update of the macro-markets as well as manufactured housing industry connected stocks, plus the timesaving and insight-generating ‘market moving’ headlines recap from left-leaning CNN and right-leaning Newsmax.
With those facts, evidence and MHProNews commentary preface, let’s pivot to Part One and the latest pleadings by MHI’s attorneys vs. the DOE et al in Case No. 23-cv-00174.
Part One
Case 1:23-cv-00174-DAE Document 35 Filed 04/07/23 Page 1 of 22
) Civil Action No.: 23-cv-00174-DAE
Plaintiffs, )
- )
Secretary of the United States )
Department of Energy in her official )
capacity only, )
Defendants. )
Plaintiffs submit this reply brief in further support of its Motion to Stay Agency Action
(“Motion”), Doc. 5, and in response to the Department of Energy (“DOE”) Memorandum in
Opposition to the Motion (“Response,” “Opposition” or “Opp.”), Doc. 32.[1]
While DOE’s Response ostensibly opposes the Motion, DOE actually agrees that the interim relief sought by Plaintiffs—postponement of the Final Rule’s May 31, 2023 compliance date—is warranted. DOE, in its recent Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NOPR”), asserts that delaying the compliance date until after it has promulgated enforcement procedures is “necessary,” would provide “clarity to manufacturers,” and would remedy the current “absence of a clear, workable enforcement framework for manufacturers [which] jeopardizes the full realization of the
[Final Rule’s] consumer benefits.” 88 Fed. Reg. 17,745, at 17,746–47 (attached as Exhibit 1). Thus, despite its nominal Opposition to the Motion, DOE now concedes that the current compliance date should be amended (likelihood of success on the merits), that manufacturers face harm resulting from the current lack of clarity (irreparable harm), and that the public will benefit from a delay of the compliance date (public interest). See id. Plaintiffs could not agree more; therefore, the Court should stay the current May 31, 2023 compliance date.
Now that its hand has been forced by the filing of the Complaint and this Motion, it appears DOE’s principal reason for opposing the Motion (despite seeking the same result) is that DOE would rather attempt to cure the “legal defects” in the Final Rule through the administrative process, and thereby avoid or delay judicial scrutiny. Opp. at 27. Plaintiffs are willing to allow DOE to attempt to resolve the many problems with the current Final Rule through rulemaking.
Plaintiffs agree that the likely near-term result of that process—delay of the compliance date— would, at least temporarily, moot the relief sought by this Motion. However, Plaintiffs have no assurance that the administrative process, with its notice and comment requirements, will ultimately delay the compliance date or prevent irreparable harm to their members. Thus, the prudent course of action is for the Court to receive complete briefing and obtain a proper evidentiary record, including an evidentiary hearing, see Docs. 16 & 22, so that the Court will be in a position to provide meaningful relief before May 31, 2023, in the event the current compliance date is not delayed effectively or sufficiently through the administrative process. [2]
Each of DOE’s arguments in the Opposition—many of which contradict DOE’s own
conclusions in the NOPR—lack merit:
First, Plaintiffs, associations representing the directly regulated entities, have standing.
Second, this Court has broad authority expressly provided by Congress under Section
705—as well as under its inherent Article III powers—to grant the relief sought.
Third, DOE’s failure to consider testing, compliance and enforcement in the Final Rule
was improper, which DOE effectively concedes in the NOPR.
Fourth, DOE’s failure to account for the extraordinary economic environment in which it conducted its rulemaking is not saved by its purported “corroboration” with other obsolete cost and interest rate data.
Fifth, as effectively conceded in the NOPR, the current compliance date is unreasonable and should be delayed.
Sixth, DOE’s decision to isolate its affordability concerns to Tier 1 homebuyers ran counter to the evidence before DOE showing that a substantial number of Tier 2 homebuyers are lowincome purchasers for whom the Final Rule’s standards are not cost effective.
Seventh, DOE—which, after eight months, has still not responded to Plaintiffs’ FOIA requests—has failed to show “some evidence” of its consultation with HUD related to the Final Rule.
Eighth, Plaintiffs’ members will suffer irreparable harm in the event DOE does not delay compliance in accordance with the NOPR because such an administrative about-face would leave manufacturers incapable of complying by the current deadline.
Ninth, as DOE acknowledged in the NOPR, the public will benefit from a stay of the Final
Rule’s compliance date.
Last and perhaps most importantly, Plaintiffs have submitted extensive evidence with their Motion supporting each element necessary to the grant of a stay. DOE has submitted no evidence, but merely legal argument. Indeed, the administrative record, on which DOE would otherwise rely, does not currently exist and has not been provided to Plaintiffs or the Court. Thus, Plaintiffs have met their burden of proof, and a stay is warranted.[3]
[1] Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the same meaning as ascribed in the Motion, Doc. 5. Page citations to the record use the ECF page number.
[2] DOE opposes the evidentiary hearing on the grounds that Plaintiffs’ evidence is not properly before the Court. Doc. 20. For the reasons stated in Plaintiffs’ reply, Doc. 22, the Court can and should consider the evidence in this failureto-consider case. Moreover, the Court would benefit from a full evidentiary hearing with witnesses and documents on the complex issues before the Court, especially when the “administrative record”—what DOE contends is the scope of the Court’s review—does not yet exist. Cf. Texas v. Biden, 2021 WL 4552547, at *7 (N.D. Tex. July 19, 2021).
[3] As one example only, Plaintiffs offer evidence that 98% of low-income borrowers using chattel loans to finance the purchase of multi-section homes (borrowers who are far more likely to be from minority and historically underrepresented groups) pay more in increased purchase costs as a result of the Final Rule than they gain in energy savings over their tenure of home ownership (assuming they can purchase the home at all). See Motion at 14. DOE offers no evidence to rebut this. Thus, it is unrebutted that the Final Rule is not cost-effective for these borrowers. …##
The entire 22 pages of the MHI-TMHA case pleadings dated 4.7.2023 are found at this link here.
Part Two
Additional Information with more MHProNews Analysis and Commentary in Brief
Once more for emphasis, it is important to stress that in some ways the MHI-TMHA case appears to be off to a promising start. Which is why it is odd at best, or duplicitous at worst, that MHI in their own words is asking their members to support a delay instead of delivering a death blow to the pending DOE manufactured housing energy rule. There is no joy sharing the evidence-based allegations that MHI is duplicitous, mendacious, and routinely working on behalf of the consolidators of the manufactured housing industry rather than on behalf of ‘all segments’ of the industry, as the trade group claims.

MHI leaders have for years ducked accountability for their various actions and inactions.

MHI leaders have to ‘sign off,’ literally and figuratively, every year in documents filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in order to maintain their nonprofit status.
Despite the written claims of various MHI connected attorneys, they have routinely de facto declined commenting on the mounting evidence against them. One may draw the logical inference from outside MHI attorney David Goch’s remarks, shown below, that MHProNews has not ‘wrongfully disparaged’ the trade group in our reporting. Put differently, there are good reasons to doubt MHI and their leaders’ sincerity and veracity.

The industry’s current woes in the 21st century can be summed up in two broad categories that intersect in various ways.
- 1) There are threats that have or could depress the industry’s production. In that category are MHI’s years of problematic handling of the DOE Energy Rule. It is the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) which developed a measure of the possible harm that could be caused to manufactured housing for every $1,000 of price increase. The NAHB Priced Out research for 2023 is found at this link here. Applying the DOE energy rule’s estimated costs, hundreds of thousands, perhaps a million or more individuals and families will be unable to afford a new HUD Code manufactured homes IF these regulations go into effect in their current form. Thus the need, argues MHARR President and CEO Mark Weiss, to kill the rule, not just delay the rule.
- 2) The second set of obstacles are limitations and constraints such as financing and zoning. While Freddie Mac research asserted that some 25-26 million Americans who are “mortgage ready” are living in ‘MH friendly’ zones, there are nevertheless millions more that could buy a new HUD Code manufactured home for about the same cost as rent IF they had access to lower cost lending or could have zoning barriers removed. Nor can MHI deny that potential, given that their prior CEO publicy said when prompted by an MHProNews inquiry and outreach that the industry could achieve 500,000 new manufactured home production levels. When a law professor who has saluted a Clayton Homes management professional recently said (February 2023) that the industry needs a trade group to advocate to remove zoning barriers, that is an oblique indictment of MHI.

MHI, as all trade groups, has a board of directors from which the association’s staff takes their marching orders. When the trade group’s leadership ignores clear evidence of conflicts of interest by their current CEO, Lesli Gooch, that begs for an explanation that MHI’s board has apparently not publicly provided to the industry in a known written form.
The fact that others involved in what passes for the balance of non-MHProNews/MHLivingNews industry-focused ‘trade media’ won’t publish or mention such evidence is an apparent failure to hold the powerful to account. That violates the precepts of journalism in America. But perhaps as or more insightfully, it reflects how bloggers and publishers have close ties and apparent loyalty to MHI, despite the ‘damning evidence’ against them.
Manufactured housing ought to be soaring. Instead, it is operating at less than 1/3rd of the level that it was in 1998.

It was not so long ago that Cavco Industries Bill Boor, MHI’s vice chairman, remarked to those following a corporate earnings call that he said that the industry had an opportunity to catch up with conventional construction (see specific quotation below). In making that statement, which based on third-party research is demonstrably true, it is yet another indication that MHI’s leaders are either inept and/or corrupt. How else can someone explain the fact that the industry is underperforming during a well-documented affordable housing crisis, when our profession’s homes are a fraction of the price of conventional construction? In seeking to understand the key to decoding what MHI leaders are truly thinking, one should spend more time looking at remarks made by publicly traded firms to their investors. When those remarks stand in contrast with what MHI might claim in an email to their members, check to see if MHI has posted those emailed comments on their own website. In many cases, the evidence from years of fact checks is sobering, but clear. MHI says one thing to members but may fail to post those same remarks for the public who may visit their website to see them. By contrast, MHARR’s emails to members routinely are published on their own website – meaning, there is no similar disconnect to MHI’s. If MHI means their various emailed remarks to rank-and-file industry members, who routinely are those targeted for consolidation, why do they hide them from public scrutiny?

MHARR has been calling, in recent years, for a congressional investigation of the arguably flawed implementation of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA, or what MHARR sometimes calls the 2000 Reform Law) and the equally flawed implementation of the Duty to Serve (DTS) manufactured housing. There may be a tactical reason for MHARR not to ask for an investigation of MHI. If so, MHARR leaders have been publicly silent on that point so far. But there are certainly reasons why MHI’s leadership has exposed themselves to legal action, again, according to evidence and outsider’s research.

The status quo provides thinly veiled cover for industry consolidators. That’s not mere speculation or theory, it is the stated position of several MHI member brands made in their own words.

It is against that backdrop that a recent article in Forbes once more underscores evidence of apparent industry internal ‘sabotaging monopoly’ tactics. Anar Pitre, CEO of Lotus Capital Partners in emailed remarks to MHProNews obtained following the publication of the report linked below, said in part: “We have multifamily properties in 6 states including MHCs. We typically do join local associations. I believe we have MHI membership too.”
As sincere believers in ‘manufactured housing done right’ – MHProNews/MHLivingNews have long advocated for principled business practices that result in robust, sustainable growth.

There are apparently reasons why MHI’s leaders duck accountability and public discussion/debate with the leadership of MHProNews/MHLivingNews, or for that matter, MHARR. It is safer for them to run from accountability than to take it on, is the logical conclusion. MHI and their attorneys are reportedly aware that MHProNews and others are monitoring this case, related pleadings, and remarks. Their words, actions, and inactions will be a matter of record.
The industry is underperforming during an affordable housing crisis. If MHI’s leaders suddenly experience a ‘come to Jesus’ revival moment, fine. But barring some authentic pivot born of healthy motivations, the evidence now known strongly points to MHI being a part of the problem as opposed to part of the solution. To learn more about how that can be challenged and undone, see the analysis linked here.
Part Three
Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets Segment
The modifications of our prior Daily Business News on MHProNews format of the recap of yesterday evening’s market report are provided below. It still includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines. The macro market moves graphics will provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
Reminder: several of the graphics on MHProNews can be opened into a larger size. For instance: click the image and follow the prompts in your browser or device to OPEN In a New Window. Then, in several browsers/devices you can click the image and increase the size. Use the ‘x out’ (close window) escape or back key to return.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 4.10.2023
- Leaving the nest
- How long should you support your adult children? Parents — and their kids — weigh in
- April fool? Elon Musk escalates antics at Twitter, complicating turnaround
- Lawmakers seek details on ‘unusually cozy’ ties between tech executives and SVB
- Tupperware stock plunges after warning it could go out of business
- Some customers are complaining the new olive oil-infused Starbucks drink is making them run to the bathroom
- Consumers feel credit is getting harder to come by, Fed survey shows
- Sky News Australia quits TikTok, says security risks ‘too great’ for media
- Fox News reaches settlement with Venezuelan businessman in election defamation case
- What markets are watching after digesting the US jobs data
- American offices are half-empty. That could be the next big risk for banks
- Tesla is opening a Megafactory for huge batteries in China
- Wall Street says bad news is no longer good news. Here’s why
- WWE apologizes for using footage of Auschwitz in promotional spot
- Twitter brands BBC a ‘government funded media’ organization
- The latest on hybrid work: Who is WFH and who isn’t
- The city without TikTok offers a window to America’s potential future
- OPEC’s surprise production cut complicates the Fed’s fight against inflation
- TikTok banned from school-owned devices at all Florida state universities
- A labor market cooldown: US economy added just 236,000 jobs in March
- Snoop Dogg, his ape and a question of celebrity hype
- China has not provided extensive assistance to Russia as part of its war against Ukraine even as the two countries forge closer ties, senior Treasury officials say
- Where jobs were gained and lost in March
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax
- Latest – Science Uncovers ‘Real Face of Jesus,’ See More Here
- House GOP Subpoenas the FBI
- for Infiltrating Catholic Churches
- House GOP Subpoenas the FBI <br>for Infiltrating Catholic Churches
- The devout light candles at a church. (Dreamstime)
- Trump’s Legal Issues
- Van Drew: Field Hearing Calling DA Bragg’s ‘Victims’
- Trump Appeals to Block Pence’s Special Counsel Testimony | video
- House Judiciary to Hold ‘Field Hearing’ in NYC
- Truump Lawyer: DOJ ‘Desperately’ Seeks Obstruction Charge
- Trump: Dems Rigging 2024 With ‘Boxes Hoax’
- Dershowitz: Bragg Case ‘a Scandal,’ ‘Travesty of Justice’ | video
- Lawyer: Trump Has No More Classified Documents
- Newsmax TV
- McCormick: Biden Blaming Trump for Own ‘Debacle’
- Asa Hutchinson: Trump-Biden Rematch No Good For US | video
- Alex Acosta: Economy ‘Hungering’ for Front-Line Workers | video
- Riley Gaines: After Ambush, I Will Sue | video
- Dershowitz: Bragg Case ‘Scandal,’ ‘Travesty of Justice’ | video
- Peter Schiff: OPEC Cuts Complicate Fed’s Efforts | video
- Archbishop Cordileone: Society Rejecting God Will ‘Fail’ | video
- Matthew Whitaker: Bragg Case Meddles in ’24 Election | video
- Rose: Don’t ‘Jump to Conclusions’ on Shootings
- Newsfront
- Police: Bank Employee Killed 4 in Louisville Shooting
- A shooting Monday at a bank in downtown Louisville killed at least four people and wounded at least eight others, police said. The suspected lone shooter was also dead…. [Full Story]
- US Treasury Sees Continued Global Growth
- The U.S. banking system remains strong and resilient, but American [Full Story]
- Israel’s Netanyahu Vows to Restore Security as Violence Surges
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- Pacific Deterrence Initiative Puts Focus on Guam
- In a potential future conflict between the U.S. and China, American [Full Story] | Platinum Article
- Feds Sue for Stay of Texas Abortion Pill Ruling
- The U.S. government filed a bid Monday for an emergency stay of a [Full Story]
- Ukraine Modifies Military Strategy After Data Leak
- Ukraine has been forced to amend some of its military plans ahead of [Full Story]
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Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

2022 was a tough year for many stocks. Unfortunately, that pattern held true for manufactured home industry (MHVille) connected stocks too.
See the facts, linked below.
- NOTE 1: The 3rd chart above of manufactured housing connected equities includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry finance lender.
- NOTE 2: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE 3: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.
- Note 4: some recent or related reports to the REITs, stocks, and other equities named above follow in the reports linked below.

2023 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.
· For expert manufactured housing business development or other professional services, click here.
· To sign up in seconds for our industry leading emailed headline news updates, click here.

That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.