Is it Bad Enough Yet for Manufactured Housing and in the USA? July 2024 Manufactured Housing Production-Shipments Data for 50 U.S. States and D.C., plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Review


“If you want something bad enough, take the steps needed to make it happen, no matter how long it takes. Sometimes you get lucky and can skip some steps, but most of the time you can’t. The secret to achieving any goal is nothing more than putting in the necessary time and effort.”

― Bill Loguidice, per GoodReads. But on the popular Dan Bongino Show (WMAL noon to 3 PM ET and syndicated nationally), Dan Bongino periodically frames those words differently: “Is it bad enough yet?” Meaning, is it bad enough where people stuck in their ruts are willing to actually make changes to improve their lot in life? Is it bad enough to question one’s own habits, perhaps misguided understanding, groupthink, and problem-plagued beliefs that can lead to positive and authentic change?

According to Medium on ‘bad enough.’

If you want a thing bad enough to go out and fight for it, to work day and night for it, to give up your time, your peace and sleep for it.

If all that you dream and scheme is about it, and life seems useless and worthless without it.

If you gladly sweat for it and fret for it and plan for it and lose all your terror of the opposition for it.

If you simply go after that thing that you want with all your capacity, strength and sagacity, faith, hope and confidence and stern pertinacity.

If neither cold, poverty, famine, nor gout, sickness nor pain, of body and brain, can keep you away from the thing that you want.

If dogged and grim you besiege and beset it, with the help of God, YOU WILL GET IT! — Les Brown


More on is it bad enough further below. But next up is the headline promised state-by-state data for new HUD Code manufactured homes in July 2024 issued in September 2024 by the Institute for Building Technology & Safety‎ (IBTS), HUD’s contractor for official data on manufactured housing industry production and shipments.

Part I

Institute for Building Technology & Safety‎
Shipments and Production Summary Report 7/01/2024 – 7/31/2024


State SW MW Total Floors
Dest. Pending 6 2 8 11
Alabama 190 219 409 629
Alaska 0 0 0 0
Arizona 38 109 147 257
Arkansas 55 68 123 191
California 47 152 199 359
Colorado 31 33 64 97
Connecticut 2 3 5 8
Delaware 3 15 18 33
District of Columbia 0 0 0 0
Florida 197 395 592 991
Georgia 116 228 344 572
Hawaii 0 0 0 0
Idaho 19 24 43 68
Illinois 51 25 76 101
Indiana 116 33 149 182
Iowa 27 7 34 41
Kansas 22 6 28 34
Kentucky 132 203 335 538
Louisiana 275 154 429 586
Maine 23 44 67 111
Maryland 15 5 20 25
Massachusetts 6 7 13 19
Michigan 108 120 228 348
Minnesota 28 33 61 94
Mississippi 130 166 296 464
Missouri 52 61 113 174
Montana 13 14 27 42
Nebraska 22 2 24 26
Nevada 4 27 31 61
New Hampshire 7 7 14 21
New Jersey 7 2 9 11
New Mexico 27 67 94 163
New York 60 103 163 266
North Carolina 203 336 539 875
North Dakota 36 26 62 88
Ohio 119 53 172 225
Oklahoma 93 104 197 301
Oregon 29 91 120 214
Pennsylvania 45 48 93 141
Rhode Island 3 2 5 7
South Carolina 176 242 418 662
South Dakota 8 14 22 36
Tennessee 116 188 304 492
Texas 568 778 1,346 2,131
Utah 9 13 22 35
Vermont 3 9 12 21
Virginia 35 67 102 169
Washington 12 81 93 177
West Virginia 25 60 85 145
Wisconsin 84 28 112 140
Wyoming 21 8 29 38
Canada 0 0 0 0
Puerto Rico 0 0 0 0
Total 3,414 4,482 7,896 12,420


State SW MW Total Floors
States Shown(*) 186 258 444 705
 Alabama 623 733 1,356 2,097
*Alaska 0 0 0 0
 Arizona 35 126 161 289
*Arkansas 0 0 0 0
 California 37 137 174 318
*Colorado 0 0 0 0
*Connecticut 0 0 0 0
*Delaware 0 0 0 0
*District of Columbia 0 0 0 0
 Florida 59 177 236 416
 Georgia 171 374 545 921
*Hawaii 0 0 0 0
 Idaho 41 76 117 200
*Illinois 0 0 0 0
 Indiana 506 203 709 911
*Iowa 0 0 0 0
*Kansas 0 0 0 0
*Kentucky 0 0 0 0
*Louisiana 0 0 0 0
*Maine 0 0 0 0
*Maryland 0 0 0 0
*Massachusetts 0 0 0 0
*Michigan 0 0 0 0
 Minnesota 40 70 110 180
*Mississippi 0 0 0 0
*Missouri 0 0 0 0
*Montana 0 0 0 0
*Nebraska 0 0 0 0
*Nevada 0 0 0 0
*New Hampshire 0 0 0 0
*New Jersey 0 0 0 0
*New Mexico 0 0 0 0
*New York 0 0 0 0
 North Carolina 207 298 505 803
*North Dakota 0 0 0 0
*Ohio 43 33 76 109
*Oklahoma 0 0 0 0
 Oregon 35 162 197 364
 Pennsylvania 155 212 367 579
*Rhode Island 0 0 0 0
*South Carolina 0 0 0 0
*South Dakota 0 0 0 0
 Tennessee 478 706 1,184 1,892
 Texas 798 917 1,715 2,636
*Utah 0 0 0 0
*Vermont 0 0 0 0
*Virginia 0 0 0 0
*Washington 0 0 0 0
*West Virginia 0 0 0 0
*Wisconsin 0 0 0 0
*Wyoming 0 0 0 0
*Canada 0 0 0 0
*Puerto Rico 0 0 0 0
Total 3,414 4,482 7,896 12,420

Ashok K Goswami, PE, COO, 45207 Research Place, Ashburn, VA


Part II – Additional Information and Commentary Plus the Sunday Weekly Headlines in Review 

1) This may seem hard to believe at first, but the following fact is tremendously revealing. On

Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner, a Harris-Biden Administration (D) official to Congressman Tony Gonzalez (TX-R) and others in Congress.  My post on the Patch ranked #5 on the Google News search, as is shown below.




3) Curiously absent from that list of mostly mainstream and alternative news media outlets are left-leaning publications and news sources such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, etc.  See a reasonably comprehensive list of major left and right leaning media in the illustration linked here.

4) For decades, the Media Research Center (MRC) and their affiliates such as NewsBusters monitor mainstream media and report on how little (or no) time is devoted to subjects that may be a poor reflection on some Democratic or left-leaning policy, law, person, etc. Meaning, to them and others who grasp this vexing pattern, the above is no surprise. On September 28th, Alex Christy for Newsbusters reported: “only NBC found time to mention it on their Friday evening newscast. ABC and CBS, meanwhile, not only failed to cover it, but tried to spin the border situation as positive.”

4) Per Cristy at NewsBusters, Bruce also hyped, “While apprehensions at the border hit a record high under the Biden administration, over 8 million. On the ground in Nogales, Arizona, Border Patrol telling us they’ve seen a notable difference since the president put new limits on asylum claims. Riding along with them on patrol, we get a firsthand look. Since President Biden enacted those new asylum restrictions back in June, they have seen a drastic decrease in the encounters along the border, 60 percent in this sector alone.”

5) Concluding her report, Bruce again promoted, “Harris here tonight is arguing that we can be a nation of laws and also a nation of immigrants. You don’t have to choose between securing the border and creating an immigration system that is orderly and compassionate.” In short, their report was little more than pro-Harris-Walz campaign propaganda.  But they weren’t alone.

The next day, fellow White House correspondent MaryAlice Parks told Good Morning America, “I mean, long gone, Whit, are the days Democrats talking about wanting to decriminalize the border. This was the toughest language we have maybe ever heard from a Democrat when it comes to the border.”

Parks also recalled, “I also talked to one immigration expert that gave Harris some credit for how she talked about fentanyl as a law enforcement issue, not an immigration issue. We know that the vast, vast majority of fentanyl is actually trafficked into this country by U.S. citizens at ports of entry. Harris talked about needing to crack down on that without blaming migrants, guys.”

On Friday’s CBS Evening News, White House correspondent Ed O’Keefe likewise painted the situation as under control, “foot traffic across the entire U.S.-Mexico border is down in recent months amid Mexican attempts to stop immigrants and the Biden administration’s push to restrict asylum requests.”

O’Keefe’s colleague, Adam Yamaguchi, also reported, “While the numbers of illegal crossings has dropped significantly, it still isn’t zero. People are still crossing over into the U.S. illegally on a daily basis.”

6) Imagine for a few moments, what would national or state level polling look like if every voter clearly understood that the southern border has team Biden-Harris’ fingerprints all of it via executive orders, federal spending, incentives for illegals to enter the U.S., and the like?

7) What if every American understood that thousands of veterans are going homeless, hundreds of thousands born in the U.S. Americans are going homeless? But illegals are being housed at taxpayer expense? And that is per a Democratic administration’s HUD annual report to Congress. The election outcome could likely be quite different than the supposedly neck-and-neck race being depicted by pollsters who often say that Harris has a slight edge over Trump.


8) Due to the law of supply and demand, record levels of immigration mean record demand for housing. Democrats knew what they were doing. Who said? The number three Democrat in the U.S. House, then Majority Whip James Clyburn (SC-D). This was all economics 101. MHProNews signaled the coming inflation months in advance of official reports that confirmed it. How is that possible? Because it was entirely predictable for those who did enough reading and research across the left-right spectrum.


Pumping trillions of dollars into the economy may have seemed like a boost to the poor or lower incomes initially. But increasing the money supply resulted in inflation, as then Democratic House Majority Whip James Clyburn (SC-D) plainly told MSNBC. Inflation hits the lower incomes harder. But even the middle class has been harmed, as some 50 percent of the U.S. now says they are living paycheck-to-paycheck.

9) Former 17-year and award-winning CNN journalist Chris Plante, who became an award winning WMAL satirical pundit (nationally syndicated, 9 to noon ET), has often said that the mainstream media’s greatest power is their power to ignore.

Meaning, mainstream (often left-leaning) news outlets can simply act as if a story never happened. MRC and confirms that time and again and has for decades.

10) News operations can opt to not report on whatever it is that they may want to reveal for their own reasons, including something as simple as management doesn’t think a news item fits their narrative. For those who may want to think that only conservatives believe that to be true, they need to look carefully again (or for the first time) at the full-length version of Shadows of Liberty. That highly acclaimed documentary drama is made up almost exclusively of short interviews with people mostly from the political left and who are often involved in the mainstream media. But to be clear, both left-leaning and some right-leaning media can play that same game. If a news item pops up that doesn’t fit an organization’s narrative, either may downplay or ignore it. Shadows hits media from both the left and the right.








11) To Bongino’s question, “is it bad enough yet?” for Democratic supporters to question their own party’s leadership, and by extensions, their national/local candidates?  It is almost unimaginable that someone would vote Democratic in 2024 if they truly understood the degree of responsibility Democrats have for crime, inflation, a lack of affordable housing, a range of regulations and tax policies that often punish smaller businesses more than larger ones, etc.



12) MHProNews has been periodically sharing that National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) produced graphic above since September 28, 2018 (see below and note the impact of inflation in just 6 years).


Cost of regulatory compliance graphic creditnational association manufacturers nam posted manufatured housing mhpronews com


13) While our outreach as a Patch contributor is obviously a mainstream media effort, it has clear manufactured housing industry implications. There are reasons to believe that some of our audience are already folloowing our periodic series on the Patch, and of course, the Patch has its own audience.

14) On this date (9.27.2024), it is 37 days to November 5, 2024. According to the left-leaning Associated Press (AP): The 90-minute debate [between Governor Tim Walz (MN-D) and Senator J.D. Vance (OH-R), the running mates for Kamala Harris (D) and deposed 45th President Donald J. Trump) will start at 9 p.m. EDT on Oct. 1. It’s being moderated by “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan of CBS’ “Face the Nation.” Time will tell, but it may be even better than the Harris-Trump debate.




15) Is it bad enough yet?

‘Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner said 13000 illegal immigrants convicted of murder-15,000 sex offenders entered U.S.’

More specifically:

“Your letter requests the number of noncitizens on ICE’s docket convicted or charged with a crime. As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket, which includes those detained by ICE, and on the agency’s non-detained docket. Of those, 435,719 are convicted criminals, and 226,847 have pending criminal charges. Please refer to the following chart.” So says part of the Immigration and Customers Enforcment (ICE) letter linked here the details and contents of which are posted below.

15,811 cases of convicted felons for sexual assault have been allowed into the U.S. under Harris-Biden ‘open border’ policies. 13,099 convicted murders have also been admitted under Harris-Biden open border policies. Thousands more are accused of those crimes, and others. “662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories [is] on ICE’s national docket” “Of those, 435,719 are convicted criminals, and 226,847 have pending criminal charges…”

16) Is it bad enough yet?

It is ludicrous if not shameful to blame Trump for Harris-Biden policies, which is what Kamala Harris is trying to do. And she may succeed, if the mainstream media keeps covering up bad news for Democrats.

17) WMAL’s Plante, a media professional from a media household, says that the corrupt media is the biggest threat to America. That is debatable, unless you count big tech as part of big media. But that nexus of big tech, big media, big corporate power, and their obvious influence with big government – that is demonstrably at the root of what is going wrong in America and has been for years. Because those forces aligned with Democrats years ago. Who says? Democrats, Democratic leaning media, and leftist billionaire George Soros funded OpenSecrets among others. That’s not to disagree per se with Plante, it is rather to point out that his one-liners may illustrate a point, but other puzzle pieces are necessary to complete the picture.




18) Among the topics this writer for MHProNews has addressed on our platforms and more recently is an article for the Patch on the methods of “deception and misdirection” also known as paltering, posturing, and projecting. Gaslighting and illusions have become common fare in the U.S. and in much, but not all, of mainstream media and MHVille.




19) The Patch is obviously open to this writer’s politically independent perspective on national, housing, and other issues. Kamala Harris bemoans billionaires and corporate leaders who support Trump. But Harris has more billionaires and more corporate leaders who support her than Trump and Vance have. Why doesn’t much of the left-leaning mainstream media call her out for such hypocrisy? Apparently, because it doesn’t fit their corporate narrative. Media operations are routinely tied to corporations.


For more details, see linked reports. and and the remarks of Democrat and former Democratic presidential hopeful, Rep. Seth Moulton (MA-D)


20) Facebook deleted the Walk Away movement account some years ago. It had thousands of testimonials of Blacks, LGBTQs, and others who had left ‘the Democratic plantation.’  Apparently, left-leaning billionaire Mark Zuckerberg couldn’t allow those millions upon millions of views to occur. It might cause still more to ‘wake up,’ smell the coffee, and leave the Democratic plantation of the 21st century. As Plante likes to point out, the Confederate States of America were Democrats. Those slave states were Democrats. Every Jim Crow law, said Plante, was enacted by Democrats. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was made up of Democrats.  Who confirms those points? How about a former Black Democrat, Professor Carol Swain.



21) Former Congressional Representative Tulsi Gabbard (HI-D) carried water for Democrats for years and was the Democratic Party Vice Chair while she was still in Congress. But Gabbard dared challenge Kamala Harris and Joe Biden for the 2020 presidential nomination. Gabbard is widely credited with the fact-laced hits that caused Kamala to drop out before the first primary was held. Nevertheless, it is Harris who is the nominee and Gabbard who is outside looking in. The Democratic Party, as Plante says, isn’t democratic.



22) Bongino bluntly says that Republicans may not be the solution to all of your problems, but that Democrats are the cause of your problems.

23) Chris Plante says that “The Left is coming for your rights.”

Plante also says: “The Democratic Party isn’t” just like “Friendly fire isn’t.” Meaning, the Democratic Party isn’t democratic, an analogy to who so-called friendly fire (when your fellow soldiers mistakenly fire on you) isn’t friendly.

24) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) is vilified by the left and Democrats. But he was a lifelong Democrat, until he broke with his party over what he said was a rigging of the 2024 primary in Joe Biden’s favor. RFK Jr. isn’t just any Kennedy. RFK Jr. is the son of assassinated Senator Robert F. “Bobby” Kennedy (D), and the nephew of assassinated President John F. “Jack” Kennedy (D). RFK Jr. holds to much of Democratic Party orthodoxy on issues like abortion and climate change. But because RFK Jr. has flatly accused Democrats of being anti-free speech, anti-freedom of choice on vaccinations, of rigging the primary and handing the “nomination” over to Kamala Harris, who Kennedy points out has never earned a single primary vote. The Democratic Party thus isn’t democratic, as Plante has mused for years.

“If you want something bad enough, take the steps needed to make it happen, no matter how long it takes. Sometimes you get lucky and can skip some steps, but most of the time you can’t. The secret to achieving any goal is nothing more than putting in the necessary time and effort.”

― Bill Loguidice, per GoodReads

25) If the truth being shared on this writer’s periodic series on the Patch were being shared by media and big tech across the U.S., there is no way Harris and Walz would win. Many, not all, Democrats for Congress or other offices would also go down in defeat. The fact that the election, per polls, is close with some saying Harris is slightly ahead, others saying Trump has a lead in key battleground states, is largely due to the influence of big tech, big media, and yes big government. Some absolutely must understand that Democrats are not the solution to their problems, but they believe the claims that Republicans will take away their benefits, leaving them to starve or go homeless.

Propaganda and related methods, in short, works on millions.  That said, because numbers check into alternative media outlets, including this manufactured home industry leading platform, there are also millions who to various degrees ‘get it’ that the system is rigged to favor insiders. See the rigged system report among the headlines on the Patch, linked further below.


As MHProNews has explored in numbers of reports, the propaganda model of media has been demonstrably linked to over a century of potentially avoidable wars that the U.S. became involved in. Policies that ultimately harmed the interests of most Americans were ‘sold’ to Americans through this propaganda model of media of much (not all) media. Let’s note again for new readers that not all news is fake news. If all news was pure propaganda, it would arguably might be easier to spot. But when news obscures advocacy with reporting that is one of many subtle to blatant ways that media pushes the agenda of corporate interests.






IllusoryTruthEffectDefinitionTruthSandwhichInsightsIntoPsychology-ManufacturedHomeProNewsMHProNews and


26) Back to housing. Homelessness is already at record levels under Biden-Harris. Harris cast the key votes to make the Biden agenda possible. Harris obviously covered up Biden’s cognitive issues that caused him to step down after the Trump-Biden debate.





27) If someone hates the current state of affairs in America, the choice should be easy. Vote Trump-Vance and their down-ballot supporters. You obviously don’t change the course of the country by re-electing those who brought the misery. But this is where Malcom X’s point from some 6 decades ago is still valid today. The corporate media and corporate entertainment influences are so powerful they can make the guilty seem innocent and the innocent appear to be guilty.

Some cheer others jeer Malcom X, but this quote is an insightful example of separating the wheat from the chaff. While quite different than Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcom X had some interesting thoughts on media.


28) Let’s circle back to the Google screen grab shown earlier. By simply monitoring the news on the radio while working on another project, this writer for MHProNews heard the initial report aboutActing ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner, a Harris-Biden Administration (D) official, to Congressman Tony Gonzalez (TX-R) and others in Congress.  By keeping it focused, and publishing rapidly, my post on the Patch ranked #5 on the Google News search, as is shown below. While the hunch wasn’t a guarantee that it would be page one on this Google News search, that is how it ended up.  As noted, the post was kept very simple. It provided the full text of the letter with an intro and wrap up. See that among the Patch headlines in review further below.




29) So, this isn’t as simple as ‘fake news.’ It is also cherry picking news, framing news that is reported in a certain way, and that includes others being selective about how news is or isn’t reported about modern manufactured housing. From the Blue Orca Capital report linked further below for the headlines for the weekly recap is this key line.


The allegations involving and against [Sun Communities CEO Gary] Shiffman have received minimal media coverage.

One of those few places online that much (not all, the Blue Orca report does break some useful and insightful ground) of the allegations regarding Gary Shiffman is found is on MHProNews. See that among the headlines for the week in review. Precisely because we dare cover items that others in MHVille do not report at all, or when they do, they do so in a biased fashion that benefits insiders, is it any surprise that MHProNews is the runaway #1 platform for “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use.” © Of course not. Curious minds want to know. Left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot has confirmed several times that apparently none of our rivals that we have critiqued about their claims has dared to respond publicly. Thus, we are the apparently unchallenged dominating source for news and cogent, expert views.  When this writer appeared for a Frank Rolfe guided tour bus trip, Rolfe spotted me, and introduced me as an ‘industry celebrity.’  One may wonder if that same introduction would be made by Rolfe today?

Much appreciation for the valuable (and often thankless) job that you [MHProNews] do. You have truly become the preeminent news source for the manufactured housing industry, and I wish you many more years of success.” – Darren Krolewski, senior executive with Datacomp, MHVillage, MHInsider.
Don’t miss the postscript.

With no further adieu, here are the headlines for the week that was from 9.22 to 9.29.2024.


What’s New on MHLivingNews



‘TakingFromPeopleThatCantAffordItDylanOlsonTellsReporters100sOfManufacturedHomeCommunityResidentsFightingBackAgainstRHP_PropertiesDisputed30PercentSiteRentHikeMHLivingNews (1)
Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac fame owned a manufactured home.


What’s New from Washington, D.C. from MHARR



What’s New on the Masthead

Two more months of data are found in the report linked above, but this monthly report has a brief history on the evolution of trailer houses into mobile homes and mobile homes into manufactured homes.

What’s New this Week on the Patch

> Attorneys Cite Blue Orca, Warn Sun Communities CEO Should Be in Prison


> 435,000+ Convicted Criminals Entered U.S. Under Biden-Harris per ICE


> Gallup Says-‘2024 Election Environment Favorable to GOP’-Election Time


> The Rigged System-Who Rigged the System and How to Fix a Rigged System


> Confidence Plummets in Sept-Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index


> Fannie Mae-Existing Home Sales Near 30-Year Low Despite Lower Rates


> Knight-‘Govt Exists to Promote and Protect Ordinary Happiness in Life’


> Doublespeak Doublethink and Insightful Orwellian Lessons from the Left


> Manufactured Housing Institute & Next Great Affordable Housing Debate?


> American Leviathan-Ned Ryun-CEO of American Majority and Voter Gravity


> Former Famed Tampa Bay Bucs & Colts Coach Tony Dungy to Kamala Harris


> TARK-Drill Down on Tyranny vs. Faith; Freedom and Upcoming Election



What’s New from Tim Connor, CSP, Words of Wisdom



What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews

Saturday 9.28.2024

GaryShiffmanSunCommunitiesCEOShouldBeInPrisonEgregiousConflictsOfInterestDubiousExecutiveBehaviorPerBlueOrcaLawFirmsLaunchSUIshareholderProbesMHI LinksMHMarketsMHProNews


Friday 9.27.2024


Thursday 9.26.2024




Wednesday 9.25.2024



Tuesday 9.24.2024

PatchManufacturedHousingInstituteNextGreatAffordableHousingDebateFrankRolfeSamuelStrommenDannyGhorbaniOthersSaidMHIisProblemNotSolutionMHProNews and


Monday 9.23.2024



Sunday 9.22.2024




Postscript (Part III)

If you are an employee, a manager for an insider firm that is not happy, or a small to mid-sized business owner, pay close attention to this screen grab from this morning on left-leaning MSN.  “Financial guru Grant Cardone recently expressed skepticism about the traditional American Dream of homeownership, arguing that it is more of a financial burden than a benefit. In his view, the symbols of middle-class prosperity, such as cars, homes and college education, are hindering wealth accumulation.” That may or may not be Cardone’s authentic thinking. While it is possible that some may for a time benefit from renting, the number one form of intergenerational wealth building in the U.S.A. for a century has been home ownership. This is not the first time, nor will it likely be the last time, that MHProNews or MHLivingNews will have to address this sort of likely agenda driven propaganda.


Recall that during COVID19, MHProNews featured the following. This wasn’t a conspiracy theory, it was straight from the World Economic Forum and their then Twitter (now X) feed.


“In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” – Warren Buffett. That begs a key question. Why don’t more people LOOK at the rearview mirror so they can learn more about the patterns that influence what’s ahead? Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.


“It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness” is a proverb that means it’s better to take action on a problem than to just complain about it, said left-leaning Google’s AI powered Gemini. Some attribute it to a Chinese saying. It is the motto of the Christophers. It was spoken by Eleanor Roosevelt. 

Some might think this writer was slow on the uptake of what was going wrong in MHVille. To some degree, there is truth to that notion. But after a few years at MHI, it became obvious that they kept doing and saying the same things over and over again, with the emphasis or the current ‘action’ alert changing perhaps, but the overall thrust remaining the same.

All the while, consolidation of the industry continued while the industry continues to underperform during an affordable housing crisis. Nor can MHI insiders effectively deny it, because some of their own members have essentially said the same things in their investor relations packages.



59061/7 = 8437.28571429. 8437.28571429 x 12 (annualized at current YTD pace) = 101,247.428571. So, if the current pace more or less (MOL) held steady, roughly 100,000 new HUD Code homes would be produced. That would be less than 2021 or 2022. That estimated 101,247 new HUD Code manufactured homes would only be about 27.133565415 percent of the 373,143. That’s a data point difficult if not impossible to find on numbers of websites on the public side of the Manufactured Housing Institute website and/or MHI-linked trade publications and bloggers.


When MHProNews dared publicly call out MHI’s staff leadership for apparently deliberately misleading their own members in an emailed message, with those MHI staff leaders at the time being President and CEO Richard “Dick” Jennison and EVP Lesli Gooch, that was a bridge too far for some. Later, MHProNews publicly called out Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage Corporation, and others for their apparent role in what was later deemed by other researchers to be apparent antitrust violations.

Media in the ideal present facts. Expert opinions and analysis can help guide people’s understanding of facts, evidence, and reality.

Our nation is being herded by insiders in a certain direction that routinely benefits them and routinely is contrary to the interests of the vast majority of Americans, regardless of their skin color, gender, beliefs, or political views.  The mainstream media and big tech are often part of that process. Who said? How about leftist award-winning journalist Glen Greenwald? Interesting that Greenwald was once celebrated by the left and now is considered persona non grata because like Kennedy, Gabbard, Swain or others who have left the plantation he holds views that are not in lockstep with the insiders messaging and agenda.




Is it bad enough yet? If more Americans understood what is actually occurring, the threats to themselves, their families, friends, and loved ones, this upcoming election would not be close at all. Time will tell if enough people see if it is bad enough or not. That said, there are hopeful signs as our reports for the week that was reflect.

Changing events and dynamics can change the timing of any report on MHProNews or MHLivingNews.  That noted, there is yet another special report tentatively planned for tomorrow (Monday) morning. Don’t miss it.  ##




“There are many kinds of journalism, but at the heart of their constitutional responsibilities, journalists are in the business of monitoring and keeping a check on people and institutions in power.” – American Press Institute.
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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.

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