“We have so many Americans who think that the American dream is not for them, but it is for them. And I think the president wants them to know that for sure. But he is never going to convince them of that by telling them that. But by showing them, eventually they will open their eyes and they will not be able to deny what they are seeing.”
– HUD Secretary Ben Carson, M.D.
In under 4 minutes, this Fox Business video covers quite a bit of interesting ground.
The speaker is one that is familiar to manufactured housing professionals. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Ben Carson (M.D.), leads the federal agency that has primary responsibility for the regulation of our industry.
The video raises some important questions. Among them is the American Dream.
Carson Flashback…
Secretary Carson addressed a thousand or more manufactured home professionals last year in person, and thanked the industry for doing its part to support the American Dream.
But the Fox Business video interview also addressed the question that is bandied about quite often. Is the 45th president, as many accuse him of being, a racist?
Carson said he hasn’t “seen any evidence of it [racism] whatsoever.”
Secretary Carson reminisced about an appearance decades ago by then businessman Donald J. Trump on the Oprah Winfrey Show. What isn’t mentioned is that for decades, blacks like Winfrey had no such concerns – or made no such allegations of racism against Mr. Trump.
It took a political campaign to spark those charges.
Why did the president run? Why does he do it? Carson answer is simple. “He [POTUS Trump] does it because he loves our country and he wants it to be successful,” Carson said. The president’s philosophy – per Carson – is that “the rising tide raises all boats.”
“It detracts from their argument that capitalism is horrible. That we are a horrible country. That we treat minorities the wrong way, we are racist,” the HUD Secretary said. With wry, dry wit he said, “I guess that’s why there are caravans of minorities trying to get in here.”
When millions see photos or videos of African Americans such as Kanye West or Tiger Woods with President Trump, surely many realize, and some wonder – would they be hanging out with him if they thought he was racist? Don’t they know him better than those who only watch on TV or read about him?
One of the oldest tricks is that of the often repeated lie. Tell a fable often enough, and it seems more believable.
Carson spoke about opportunity zones too. The good thing about them is that investors aren’t just here today, and then gone tomorrow. “Here today, here to stay” – with opportunities that lift the boats of people who may have had little hope for good, honest work in the absence of specific community investments.
That’s this morning’s look at “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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