“It Reads Like a Crime Novel” is a pull quote from Barbara Loe Fisher’s article via the Mercola website and used below with their permission. Another pull quote is: “This is not the America my parents and I grew up in. It is not the America I want my children and grandchildren to grow up in. And I am not alone.” Fisher was invited to write about her experiences to U.S. House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. That 80+ page document is attached below and contains over 400 references in its footnotes. Millions already grasp what millions more are perhaps awakening to, namely, the reality that several in big tech, big media are at times working with public officials in a manner that reduces or limits their Constitutionally protected rights. That impacts essentially everyone in the U.S.A. And because health related issues, like housing, also impacts everyone these broadly fit into periodic reports we publish on MHProNews under the tag line of “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing.” © The declared Covid19 pandemic is a vivid recent event that still has ripple effects on our profession and all others. Fisher didn’t say it, but it is worth noting that while at one point a high proportion of the nation was accepting “the jab” which was being described as a vaccine, that has significantly shifted. Per left-leaning Politico on 10.24.2023 only: “3 percent of Americans have gotten the new Covid shot …” But Politico added that despite the fact that: “3 percent of Americans have gotten the new Covid shot, but the CDC director remains confident.” Really?
Millions obviously know and millions more may be waking up to the combination of fear, “mandates,” censorship, and information manipulation tactics that flowed from the Covid19 event which upended the U.S. The nation was previously in period of low inflation, low unemployment, rising earnings, rising homeownership, lower federal spending, less crime than is now being experienced in many parts of the U.S.A., and greater peace.
Part I of this report will include the article via Mercola. How that sheds light on issues of interest to our industry will be examined in Part III below. Part II is also from Mercola, and as it explains, sheds light on issues that will also be unpacked in Part III below. Part IV will be our Daily Business News on MHProNews macro- and manufactured housing specific market reports and left-right market-moving headlines recaps.
Part I.
Via Mercola.com on 11.1.2023 and used with permission by MHProNews.
Blacklisting and Censorship Violates Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience
Analysis by Barbara Loe Fisher
- This is a commentary about a special report that was researched and written on the systematic abuse of parents with vaccine injured children and the silencing of information published by NVIC
- Entitled “The Silencing of Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine Information Center in the Digital Public Square: A Violation of Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience,” the report is anchored with more than 300 live linked references
- In my report, I take the reader on a chronological step-by-step journey from 1982 through 2023, giving an overview of the history of the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in America against the backdrop of the creation of a global mass vaccination infrastructure facilitated by public-private business partnerships encouraged and funded by Congress
- I have connected the dots so the reader can appreciate the scope and influence of the great wealth and political power held by those who have built the spider web of a global infrastructure institutionalizing censorship of freedom of thought, speech and conscience about vaccination and health, especially in the new digital public square
- Please read my report and share it with everyone you know. Join NVIC’s mission and take action to educate your friends, family and community about vaccination, health and autonomy
Freedom of thought, speech and conscience are inalienable natural1 and civil rights recognized in America and in countries where respect for autonomy2 and protection of bodily integrity3,4,5 places limits on the power of the state. Under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, Americans have the legal right to peacefully dissent and “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”6
The freedom to use our intelligence and follow our conscience7,8,9 is absolute when we make a decision that involves taking a risk of injury or death for ourselves or on behalf of our minor child,10 and the freedom to speak in the digital public square about what that means should be absolute as well.
This is a commentary about a special report I have researched and written on the systematic abuse of parents with vaccine injured children and the silencing of my voice and information published by the charitable National Vaccine Information Center in the digital public square both before and after the declaration of a coronavirus pandemic in 2020. I have submitted the report to the US House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.11
Entitled “The Silencing of Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine Information Center in the Digital Public Square: A Violation of Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience,” the report is anchored with more than 300 live linked references.12
It contains information about the collaborative actions taken by government officials, political operatives, corporations, academic and financial institutions, media, philanthropic foundations, and global governmental organizations to target, discredit, discriminate against and censor me and NVIC for our mission since 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education, and to defend the legal right of Americans to make voluntary decisions about vaccination without being coerced or sanctioned for the decision made.13
NVIC’s Long Record of Vaccine Safety and Freedom Advocacy Targeted for Censorship
In researching this report, I was shocked and saddened by the evidence I found to substantiate that I and NVIC have been blacklisted, even though we have a long, transparent credible public record of working responsibly in the U.S. with the federal and state governments, and urging others to do the same.14,15,16,17,18,19
It is clear that we have been subjected to demonization and sanctions because for four decades we have exercised our right to dissent and criticize the safety and effectiveness of government recommended vaccines, and we have asked federal health officials to fill in vaccine safety science knowledge gaps, and we have worked in the states to reform U.S. public health policies and vaccine laws.20
I spent three months researching and writing this report because I wanted to understand who, what, when, how, and why NVIC was ghosted on the Internet and my voice was silenced.
While we were being demonized and our presence on the Internet was slowly being suppressed — particularly between 2009 and 2019 — which was followed by de-platforming from four major social media platforms and Pay Pal in 2021,21,22,23 I and NVIC’s staff and volunteers were so busy trying to deal with the blocking of public access to our information that we did not have time to stop and analyze exactly who was responsible.
We poured all of our resources into educating and empowering Americans at the grassroots level in support of the legal right to make informed and voluntary decisions about vaccination.24,25
Access Report
The decades of grassroots education and advocacy that NVIC has performed, particularly at the state level between 2010 and 2020 through the online NVIC Advocacy Portal, culminated in a national rejection of proposed COVID vaccine mandate bills for children to attend school in America.26
All 50 state legislatures refused to mandate the federally recommended COVID-19 vaccine for children as a condition of receiving a private or public school education, even though the government mandated the vaccine for federal employees and large private corporations as a condition of employment.27
It is an historic milestone in the history of state-based grassroots advocacy that no legislature in America forced parents to choose between denying their children a school education or injecting them with a biological product recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a product which has proven to be highly reactive and unreliable in preventing infection and transmission.28,29,30,31
The Rise of the Censorship/Disinformation Industrial Complex
In my report, I take the reader on a chronological step-by-step journey from 1982 through 2023, giving an overview of the history of the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in America against the backdrop of the creation of a global mass vaccination infrastructure facilitated by public-private business partnerships encouraged and funded by Congress.32
I describe the major players who, for the past decade especially, have sought to block online conversations about vaccination that do not conform with government and World Health Organization policy, and have used public opposition to vaccine mandates as a political tool to help build what is being aptly characterized as the “Censorship Industrial Complex” or the “Disinformation Industrial Complex.”33,34,35,36,37,38
In the early 1980s, parents of DPT vaccine injured children went head-to-head with the mandatory vaccination lobby led by the pharmaceutical industry, public health and medical trade, and we managed to secure historic acknowledgement in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 that vaccine safety should be made a national priority.39,40
That accomplishment was based on the fact that federally licensed and recommended vaccines for children, which are mandated by states, can and do injure and kill a minority of them.41
Acknowledgement of that inconvenient truth in the late 20th century, a truth still often denied by those conducting the business of vaccination, planted the first seeds that grew into a national and international Censorship Industrial Complex in the 21st century, which targets not only “vaccine hesitancy,” but a cross-section of political, economic, cultural value and belief issues.
Connecting the Dots on the Silencing of Vaccine Policy and Law Critics in the Digital Public Square
In this report, I have told the story from an eyewitness perspective of a mother whose child was brain injured by a crude pertussis vaccine in 1980 that could have been made safer;42 and as co-founder of a charity that worked for 14 years to get a less reactive pertussis vaccine licensed for America’s babies in 1996;43,44 and as the author of referenced articles and books; public presentations and television debates; congressional and state legislature testimony; and video commentaries that have been posted on NVIC.org’s four websites and in other forums on the Internet since 1995.45
I have connected the dots so the reader can appreciate the scope and influence of the great wealth and political power held by those who have built the spider web of a global infrastructure institutionalizing censorship of freedom of thought, speech and conscience about vaccination and health, especially in the new digital public square.
I provide readers with live links to papers, articles and documents using language to denigrate individuals and groups that criticize vaccine policy and law that were published by or under the guidance of individuals associated with the United Nations,46,47,48,49,50 U.S. Department of Homeland Security,51,52,53,54 Director of National Intelligence,55 Department of State,56 Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation;57 Department of Defense;58 Department of Health and Human Services;59,60,61 the US Surgeon General,62 and other government agencies.
There are links to published evidence that big philanthropic foundations and think tanks, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,63,64,65 Rockefeller Foundation,66 Bloomberg Philanthropies,67 World Economic Forum68 and Aspen Institute,69 as well as organizations representing Big Pharma, like the Sabin Vaccine institute70 and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance,71,72,73 have funded and collaborated with universities and government agencies and for-profit media companies like NewsGuard74,75,76,77 to urge censorship of free speech.
There are live links to reports by a foreign political operative, Imran Ahmed, who founded the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) in the United Kingdom,78 and has spread false information and engaged in defamatory attacks on me, NVIC and a number of speakers, who presented at NVIC’s Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century, that was held online in October 2020.79,80
He created the first blacklist of individuals and organizations like NVIC targeted for defunding and elimination from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and You Tube,81,82,83,84,85 a blacklist that was used by government officials and media outlets to put pressure on social media companies to silence my voice and NVIC’s presence on the Internet.86,87,88,89,90,91
In my report, there are live links to medical literature and media articles in which professors at major universities and medical organizations hurl abuse at parents of vaccine injured children and call for those they label “anti-vaxxers” to have their freedom of speech taken away, including professors and doctors affiliated with Johns Hopkins University,92,93 University of Pennsylvania,94,95,96 Emory University,97 Baylor University,98,99 New York University,100,101 Stanford University,102,103 Brown University,104 University of Washington,105 University of California,106 Mayo Clinic,107 George Washington University,108 Harvard University,109 and more.110,111,112
Some have called for physicians sharing information with patients about vaccine risks and failures that does not conform with government policy to lose their medical licenses,113,114 and for Americans who decline vaccines for themselves or their children to be sued and fined and arrested.115,116
When I finished and reviewed the report, I thought to myself: it reads like a crime novel. That is because the blacklisting and censorship of ordinary Americans, who are treated like enemies of the state simply because they exercise freedom of thought, speech and conscience, is a crime that should never have happened.117,118,119
NVIC Struggling to Overcome Blacklisting, Needs Help
Today, NVIC is struggling to survive. We are doing everything we can to stay on course and connect with parents desperately searching for information they need to protect their children from harm, information we did not have when we were young parents and had been kept in the dark by the very same players who are operating the global Public Health Empire and Censorship Industrial Complex today.
We need your help because people tell us over and over again, that when they conduct online searches, it is almost impossible to find NVIC.org, a website we established in 1995 and today is the oldest and largest consumer operated website on the Internet publishing information about vaccines and diseases.
They tell us they don’t know about the NVIC Advocacy Portal, a free online communications network that helps residents of every state work to protect their legal right to make vaccine choices for themselves and their children; and to protect their medical privacy from being violated in electronic vaccine tracking systems; and to protect their right to hold a job without getting every government recommended vaccine.
Most people don’t know that NVIC publishes a digital weekly journal newspaper at TheVaccineReaction.org, which was re-launched online in 2015 after being founded in print published form in 1995.
And they don’t know they can read descriptions of vaccine reactions filed in the federal vaccine adverse event Reporting System by going to the MedAlerts.org website, a user friendly search engine that NVIC has sponsored since 2006.
Before being blacklisted, NVIC was in touch with hundreds of thousands of Americans every day on major social media platforms and we had a stable donor base. Now, if anyone shares NVIC’s well referenced vaccine information or talks about vaccine safety concerns on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, their accounts are in danger of being cancelled so they can’t have conversations with friends and family members online.
Mothers tell us that, if they ask a doctor a question about vaccine reactions, or want to alter the CDC’s vaccination schedule and give their infants and children fewer vaccines on one day, they are thrown out of the doctor’s office and their children are denied medical care.120
A lot of people tell us they are afraid that one day, they will be forced to get vaccines they don’t want, or be fired from their jobs, or denied medical insurance or a passport, or blocked from entry to a hospital when they or loved ones become ill — or worse.121
We all remember what was done to Americans in the name of public health and national security during the COVID19 pandemic emergency declaration. We remember how sick we or someone we cared about felt after suffering a COVID vaccine reaction.122
Many are still suffering from the long-term effects of those vaccine reactions, just like many of us are still suffering from the long-term effects of having been infected with SARS-CoV-2,123 a mysteriously mutated virus that appears to have leaked from a Chinese biohazard lab that received U.S. federal agency funding.124
We want to be free to talk about what we think about all of that with our friends, family and colleagues in the virtual public square, which is the First Amendment right of every American. And when we realize our cell phones and computer searches are being secretly monitored by government and Big Tech, and we are blocked from speaking freely on the Internet about health and vaccination issues we care deeply about, we know something is very, very wrong.
This Shameful Era in US History
I never imagined that after I had spent more than two decades serving as a consumer member on federal vaccine advisory committees and responsibly participating in public engagement projects, begging government officials to do the science to identify genetic, epigenetic, and other biological high risk factors that make some individuals more vulnerable to suffering vaccine reactions so their lives could be spare, that I would be thanked with overt discrimination and abuse.
I was devastated to learn that government officials have worked with political operatives, corporations, the media and academic institutions to characterize public conversations about vaccine risks and failures as a threat to national security in order to pejoratively label me and others as “anti-vaxxers,” using words like “malignant” and “domestic threat actor,” for the purpose of blacklisting and justifying the silencing of our voices in the public square.125,126,127,128
This is not the America my parents and I grew up in. It is not the America I want my children and grandchildren to grow up in. And I am not alone.
I know that my life’s work and the mission of NVIC in memory of the vaccine injured is — and has always been — just. And I know the truth will shine bright and clear when all the evidence about this shameful era in U.S. history is revealed by others with access to far more information than I have.129
In the meantime, I and the staff and volunteers at NVIC will not be silent and surrender to the Censorship Industrial Complex. As we have done for 41 years, we will stand and defend the natural right of all Americans to freely choose when and for what reason we are willing to risk our life or the life of our minor child without being punished by the state.
Because if the state can tag, track down and force individuals against their will to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.
Please read my report and share it with everyone you know. Join NVIC’s mission and take action to educate your friends, family and community about vaccination, health and autonomy. Please make a donation to NVIC during this 14th Annual Vaccine Awareness Week.
Access Report
Be the one who never has to say you did not do today what you could have done to change tomorrow. With your help, NVIC’s mission will continue: No forced vaccination. Not in America.
Stand Up for Your Right to Make Informed, Voluntary Vaccine Choices
The 14th Annual Vaccine Awareness Week, from October 29 to November 4, 2023, features important information about current vaccine science, policy and law that you can share with your family and friends.
During the COVID pandemic, the government collaborated with Big Pharma, medical trade groups and businesses to promote COVID shot mandates. Even worse, our right to free speech came under attack and owners of social media platforms were told to censor online conversations about vaccine risks and failures.
That censorship continues online today as only medical policy approved and recommended by government health officials and the World Health Organization (WHO) is allowed to be posted or discussed.
Compounding the problem is the recommendation for everyone to get more and more COVID booster shots, regardless of lack of valid clinical testing to scientifically demonstrate safety or effectiveness. It is clear that Big Pharma lobbyists and their partners won’t stop until they accomplish their goal — laws that force every American to get every government-recommended vaccine (and every biological product they label a “vaccine”).
Time is of the essence. It is critical you act now to protect your legal right to make informed, voluntary vaccine choices.
Thankfully, for more than 40 years, the NVIC, a nonprofit charity advocating for vaccine safety and informed consent rights, has been providing the public with independent, well-referenced information on vaccination, health and autonomy. NVIC operates four websites:
- NVIC.org, established in 1995, is the oldest consumer-operated website publishing information on vaccines and diseases on the internet;
- NVICAdvocacy.org, launched in 2010, advocates for the inclusion of vaccine safety and informed consent protections in public health policies and laws.
- TheVaccineReaction.org is a journal newspaper founded in 1995 in print form that was re-launched in 2015 as a digital weekly publication;
- MedAlerts.org, created in 2003 and sponsored by NVIC since 2006, provides the public with a user-friendly way to search the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
The NVIC’s work in state legislatures with families in every state over the past decade is one big reason why no state legislature has mandated the COVID shot. An historic victory, but the fight is far from over!
Every donation you make during Vaccine Awareness Week can help support your right to know about vaccine risks and failures and your legal right to make an informed, voluntary vaccine decision. During this week, I’ll match your donations up to $100,000 to the NVIC.
Resources Where You Can Learn More
NVIC Advocacy Portal — Become a registered user of this unique and free online communications network that connects you directly with your own legislators and emails you action alerts about vaccine-related bills moving in your state, so you can be an effective vaccine choice advocate and protect your rights.
You will only receive emails related to your own state but, as a registered Portal user, you also can stay up to date on vaccine-related bills being proposed in other states.
Use it to inform your legislators about why it is necessary to protect vaccine exemptions and your legal right to make voluntary vaccine decisions for yourself and your children. |
Ask 8 Vaccine Information Kiosk — Download brochures and reports on vaccination and how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms, as well as posters and web badges you can share with your family and friends. Access the illustrated and fully referenced “Guide to Reforming Vaccine Policy & Law” to educate your legislators when you advocate for vaccine informed consent rights. |
State Law & Vaccine Requirements — On this NVIC.org page, you can easily obtain your state’s current vaccine policies and laws. |
Vaccine Reaction Reporting — Search for and read descriptions of vaccine reaction reports made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). |
Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall — Read real stories from people who have been threatened, bullied and sanctioned for trying to make voluntary decisions about vaccination for themselves or their minor children. Post and share your own experience. |
Guide to Flu & Flu Vaccines — The “Mini Guide to influenza & Flu Vaccines” summarizes facts about influenza and influenza vaccines. |
To save space, footnotes, sources and references for the above are linked here.
Fisher’s heavily footnoted report to Congressman Jim Jordan (OH-R) is linked here.
Part II
Via Mercola.com on 11.1.2023 and used with permission by MHProNews. While both are health related, there are other apparent connections to the above.
Newborns Could Spend Half Their Lives on Prescription Pills
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
- Prescription drug use is at record highs, with about 19 prescriptions filled for every American in 2020, amounting to 6.3 billion prescriptions — and it’s getting worse
- S. girls born in 2019 may spend 60% of their lives on prescription drugs, while boys may spend 48%
- In modern medicine, drugs are designed to be taken for extended periods and, often, for the rest of a lifetime
- For those born in 2019, women can expect to take prescription drugs for 47.54 years while men may take them for 36.84 years
- By the age of 40, most U.S. men take prescription drugs; for women, however, this occurs by age 15
Prescription drug use is at record highs, with about 19 prescriptions filled for every American in 2020, amounting to 6.3 billion prescriptions.1 Though the figure is staggering, it appears to be getting worse for the next generation. U.S. girls born in 2019 may spend 60% of their lives on prescription drugs, while boys may spend 48%.2
“The years that people can expect to spend taking prescription drugs are now higher than they might spend in their first marriage, getting an education or being in the labor force. It’s important to recognize the central role that prescription drug use has taken on in our lives,” study author Jessica Ho, associate professor of sociology and demography at Penn State, said in a news release.3
Americans Set to Spend Even More of Their Lives on Drugs
Antibiotics, which were among the earliest prescription drugs, were designed to be taken for short periods of time to treat infection. In modern medicine, drugs are designed to be taken for extended periods and, often, for the rest of a lifetime. High blood pressure medications are one such example, as are statins.
“Individuals with hypertension are expected to take antihypertensive medications for the rest of their lives,” the team explained. “Similarly, the United Kingdom’s National Health Service states, ‘You usually have to continue taking statins for life because if you stop taking them, your cholesterol will return to a high level within a few weeks.’”4
Using data from the 1996–2019 Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys, the Human Mortality Database and the National Center for Health Statistics, the researchers provided estimates of prescription drug use patterns over a lifetime. For those born in 2019, their results suggest women can expect to take prescription drugs for 47.54 years while men may take them for 36.84 years.5
Further, by the age of 40, most U.S. men take prescription drugs. For women, however, this occurs by age 15. Ho explains:6
“We see that women start taking prescription drugs earlier than men do, and some of that is related to birth control and hormonal contraceptives. But it is also related to greater use of psychotherapeutic drugs and painkillers among women. If we consider the difference between men and women, excluding contraceptives would only account for about a third of the difference.
The remaining two-thirds is primarily driven by the use of other hormone-related drugs, painkillers and psychotherapeutic drugs used to treat conditions such as depression, anxiety and ADHD.”
Statins, high blood pressure drugs and antidepressants were among the drugs commonly being taken for longer portions of a lifetime.7 Such long-term use of medications that were only developed 50 years ago is unprecedented, and the related side effects are completely unknown.8
Human Life Becoming Increasingly Medicalized
Prescription drugs are already “the most common therapeutic intervention” worldwide, quite an accomplishment when you consider that modern prescription medications didn’t emerge until about the mid-20th century. The Penn State study noted:9
“With few exceptions, most commonly used drugs today were developed after 1950. Beta-blockers were discovered in the mid-1960s, and statins and calcium channel blockers were not introduced until the late 1980s. Our most frequently prescribed drugs are relatively new medical innovations that have quickly become widespread over a short time period.”
Now, an estimated 85% of adults aged 60 and over take prescription drugs, as do 45.8% of all Americans. A number of factors are driving this high — and rising — rate of prescription drug use, according to the Penn State study, which was published in Demography:10
An aging population | Increased incidence of chronic disease |
Medicalization, “when aspects of normal life become viewed as medical conditions to be treated by drugs and other therapies” | The ascendance of drugs to first-line treatment for an increasing number of medical conditions |
Continued development of new drugs | Finding new uses for existing drugs |
Institutional factors related to the health care and pharmaceutical industries |
The trend toward medicalization has been “predominant” in the U.S., the team noted, with society expecting and demanding “a pill for every ill.” In its updated guidance on childhood obesity, the American Academy of Pediatrics, for instance, recommends weight loss drugs and surgery in children as young as 12 and 13. While drugs were once viewed as ancillary treatments, they now take center stage of many treatment plans:11
“Numerous aspects of daily life are increasingly regarded as conditions requiring medical diagnoses and treatment, especially using prescription drugs. Medicalized phenomena include obesity, substance use, hyperactivity, loneliness, childbirth, pain, and aging … Prescription drugs thus moved from the periphery to the core of medicine.
Drugs have become the go-to treatment, a shift reinforced by factors relating to the culture of medicine, changing institutional constraints in health care, and health policy. Increased prescribing is spurred by physicians’ curative orientation and factors that became increasingly salient during the managed care era, including increased time constraints, the tying of physician pay to patient satisfaction, and uncertainty in clinical practice.”
Insurance Companies, Big Pharma Contributed to the Shift
Big Pharma’s role in increased prescription drug use comes as no surprise as the industry with the most to gain financially. From 1997 to 2016, medical marketing rose to $29.9 billion, up from $17.7 billion, with prescription drug advertising the driving force behind the increase.
For instance, television advertisements for prescription drugs are illegal in most countries — but not in the U.S., where 80 such ads air, on average, every hour on Americans’ televisions.12
Sources and References
- 1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 18, 20 Demography (2023) 60 (5): 1549–1579
- 2, 3, 6, 8, 21, 23 PennState October 6, 2023
- 7 Science Alert October 12, 2023
- 9 Demography (2023) 60 (5): 1549–1579., Introduction
- 12 YouTube, Vox, How Americans got stuck with endless drug ads, August 29, 2016, 0:13
- 13 YouTube, Vox, How Americans got stuck with endless drug ads, August 29, 2016, 1:24
- 14, 15 DeepIntent June 1, 2022
- 16, 17 DeepIntent October 27, 2021
- 19 KFF August 9, 2019
- 22 The Journal for Nurse Practitioners March 1, 2020
- 24 US Deprescribing Research Network, What We Do
- 25 US Deprescribing Research Network, What Is Deprescribing?
Part III Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary in Brief
Per NVIC’s Fisher: “During the COVID pandemic, the government collaborated with Big Pharma, medical trade groups and businesses to promote COVID shot mandates. Even worse, our right to free speech came under attack and owners of social media platforms were told to censor online conversations about vaccine risks and failures.”
Per Dr. Mercola: “U.S. girls born in 2019 may spend 60% of their lives on prescription drugs, while boys may spend 48%.2” While some may not think much about that factoid, consider the point that a century ago prescription medications were relatively few in number. Meaning, humanity existed for untold millennia without the pharmaceuticals that have steadily become more common. While some drugs have no doubt proven beneficial, at what point has the cost-benefit been disturbed in a fashion that benefits Big Pharma with either little, no, or even documentable harms for tens of millions?
Information which was thwarted by Big Tech and/or governmental officials during Covid19 has in many cases since been confirmed to be largely correct. The snatching or limits on our constitutional liberties are routinely beneficial to insiders and are routinely harmful to the vast majority of the population.
This inquiry to Bing AI will yield an interesting response, because it is largely the view of “the establishment” sources it cites. The ‘balanced’ or blue setting was used with Bing AI. It is interesting, or as Spock fans might muse, “fascinating.”
> “The notion that the COVID19 virus emerged from a lab in Wuhan China was for some time dismissed as misinformation, but as time has passed, is now generally accepted as the likely origins of the virus, correct? What financial links are there between the Wuhan Institute of Virology, U.S. federal funding, and the Gates Foundation?”
> “Did the World Health Organization (WHO) have financial or other connections to the Wuhan Institute of Virology?”
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Learn more:
Stating the obvious can bring clarity. Bing AI is software. Software has programing. On such a hot-button issue for years – like Covid19 – Bing AI is likely to have had specific programming.
> “Bing, what is your connection to Microsoft? And what are the links between William “Bill” Gates the III with Microsoft?”
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> “Berkshire also has investments in Shaw, NAI Iowa Commercial Realty, John Mansville, and other companies that have an interest in manufactured housing related activities? And don’t several of those brands, including Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage Corporation hold memberships and at times board seats in the Manufactured Housing Institute?”
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>> “Is it fair to say that the Manufactured Housing Institute has been charged with several conflicts of interest in recent years? And is it also fair to say that Warren Buffett has made donations to nonprofits which in turn fund MHAction, which in turn has been a critic of some of the business practices of various Manufactured Housing Institute members?”
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> “There are articles like the ones linked here: https://www.manufacturedhomelivingnews.com/manufactured-housing-action-mhaction-funded-by-warren-buffett-chairman-of-private-equity-berkshire-hathaway/ and here: https://www.manufacturedhomelivingnews.com/new-report-deconstructing-warren-buffetts-and-bill-gates-agenda-masked-by-charity-duos-agenda-examined-philanthro-feudalism-philanthro-capitalism-cha/ that document the ties between Buffett funded donations which in turn funded the Tides, which in turn funded MHAction, correct? With that isn’t it true that MHAction – which is part of the Private Equity Research Project – has been a critic of several Manufactured Housing Institute member corporations, correct?”
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I hope that helps!”
> “During the COVID19 outbreak in 2020 and 2021 Manufactured Home Pro News and Manufactured Home Living News did several reports on Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and aspects of the political, economic, and social scene in the U.S., is that correct?”
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>> “Pardon me, but Allied Market Research has been called into question by several sources that basically alleges that their are phony research reports, ish’t that correct? And I’m not asking you to speculate on motivations, I’m asking you to draw a logical conclusion based on your own comments in this thread. If a party has the means to do something, and that party (be it a group, corporation, individual, or whatever) says they want to do that something, and then doesn’t do what they said, it can be inferred that they decided not to do what they said, correct? Isn’t that just common sense or good deductive logic?”
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It is important to note that while there are differing opinions on the future prospects of the manufactured housing industry, it is important to rely on scientific evidence and avoid spreading misinformation.
I hope that helps!”
> “Besides Strommen, others like Doug Ryan have argued that manufactured housing is steadily being monopolized, correct? Can you cite some examples from others on the notion of the monopolization of the manufactured housing industry in the 21st century?”
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Someone can agree or disagree with this or that from the Mercola website (we at MHProNews may editorially agree with some, disagree with others). But there are times that Mercola provides thoughtful insights that are well researched and merit thoughtful consideration. The articles in Part I and Part II above fall in that category.
Fisher said: “I was devastated to learn that government officials have worked with political operatives, corporations, the media and academic institutions…” Powerful big business, big media, big tech, and some in government appear to work in concert at times to manipulate, limit or attempt to shut down individual rights, nonprofits, or business interests. While it would be an exaggeration in our case to say we are “devastated to learn that government officials” have worked with special interests, it would be fair to say that things are worse than we imagined 5 or 10 years ago.
Meaning, matters nationally and in the case of manufactured housing have the fingerprints of foul play and corruption at a profound level. As MHI member Andy Gedo remarked in his own words, it can be useful to look at other industries and professions to get more clarity on what is occurring in increasingly consolidated manufactured housing. Looking at Fisher’s remarks are useful in that respect.

Now, as a closer look at Gedo’s thoughts would reveal, he was quite aware that MHProNews does act as a contrarian to the narrative that MHI and their allies seek to propagate.
Manufactured housing has been steadily consolidated since Buffett led Berkshire began to buy up pieces of the manufactured housing industry.

There are sellouts to big corporate interests that span the political spectrum.
There are apparent examples within our industry of thousands of firms that once existed that have either shut down or sold out. Those who sold out routinely did so to consolidators. Isn’t that in keeping with what Kevin Clayton said below?

In a technical sense, Bing AI is correct in saying that these issues are not resolved ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ to the extent that these issues have not been litigated. But Bing AI has also admitted that Strommen’s thesis has not been credibly controverted. The critics of this site routinely don’t do so in writing that is published. When they do, we from time to time engage with them directly and demonstrate that they are demonstrably incorrect, and routinely acting as a kind of cats paw for MHI.
“It Reads Like a Crime Novel” said Fisher in the article in Part I. Doesn’t a lot of what has been occurring in manufactured housing in the 21st century read more like fiction than fact? What informed person would believe that after passing the MHIA of 2000 that manufactured housing would shrink? Who would believe that some 15 years after the enactment of the Duty to Serve (DTS) manufactured housing financing that the industry would be selling roughly the same number of buyers a year as in 2008?
While Bing AI appears to have been tweaked to not draw conclusions about people or organizations, it is absolutely logical that if Buffett, Gates, or the backers of MHI wanted to see manufactured housing growing, the legislation needed to do so are already in place. Restated, the powers that be apparently want the manufactured housing industry underperforming, at least at this time. Informed sources have speculated that there may be reasons why the chassis issue has suddenly been revived.
You don’t have to be a fan of Elon Musk to realize that his release of the Twitter Files made clear just how much government officials and Big Tech where colluding with each other.

When someone follows the money trail, there is plenty of evidence that our industry is underperforming due to a confluence of several factors. Among them are those withing the industry who have settled on a business model that is focused on consolidation. This isn’t a matter of speculation. As Bing AI observed, we provide evidence on MHProNews and MHLivingNews with our allegations.
For a time, MHProNews contracted an award-winning journalist. She advocated making articles ‘bullet proof.’ By that, she meant that each article should withstand close scrutiny.
The financially and politically powerful in this country – which includes Buffett and Gates but is not limited to them – have to borrow the phrase, rigged the system. That is what Fisher is describing, a system that has been rigged. That allegation has been made by people across the left-right spectrum.
A Berkshire attorney, and leaders in MHI including attorneys have been given several opportunities to answer the evidence-based allegations raised on our pages. They have thus far declined. Some of these are from individuals and organizations that previously praised the objective reporting of our platforms.

The America we who are over 50 grew up in was never perfect. But the America we grew up in was willing to take on the social and political issues of the day and work to fix them.
Today, some of the same arguments that were made during the Civil Rights or other movements have at times been turned on their head. Instead of questioning big government or big business, all too often Big Media and Big Tech are defending big government and big business. Yet the evidence for that collusion is supplied by people just like Warren Buffett. There are times you can take Buffett at his own word.

Manufactured housing ought to be soaring during an affordable housing crisis. The legal tools to do so already exist, as Bing AI has indicated in several threads, not just the one above.
There are sound reasons to believe that the powers that be that rule the roost at MHI want the industry underperforming. They are keeping out, in their “moat” view, new competitors, limiting current ones, and steadily eliminating others. That is the moat at work.

Even so called ‘philanthropy’ is better described as philanthro feudalism, as Buffett’s own son Peter discussed and others have documented.

Fisher’s letter to Rep Jordan said in part the following.
We believe that every life has value and that the lives of those more vulnerable to suffering complications from vaccination and those more vulnerable to suffering complications from communicable diseases are equally deserving of protection. 11 There are long recognized significant gaps in scientific knowledge about vaccine related injury and death. 12 Since 1982, NVIC has called for more and better quality scientific research into the biological mechanisms and genetic, epigenetic, and environmental high risk factors for increased individual susceptibility to harm from vaccination so the lives of the vaccine vulnerable are valued and not written off as unavoidable casualties of the war on communicable disease,13 14 but that call has been ignored or denigrated by federal health officials, medical trade and the pharmaceutical industry.”
We have had some similar experiences in our sphere of expertise and interest, so we are empathetic to what Fisher said.
There is a need to broom much of what is occurring in the Biden years and for much of the 21st century. To learn more, see the linked and related reports.

Part IV – is our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.
This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report, so that investors can see at glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Thus, our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines.
The macro market move graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
Reminder: several of the graphics on MHProNews can be opened into a larger size. For instance: click the image and follow the prompts in your browser or device to OPEN In a New Window. Then, in several browsers/devices you can click the image and increase the size. Use the ‘x out’ (close window) escape or back key to return.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 10.31.2023
- Sam Bankman-Fried’s fourth day on the stand did not go well
- Close-up of for sale rider on real estate sign post in front yard of house
- Biden administration wants to kill ‘junk’ fees in retirement investments and advice
- Commuters ride inbound into Boston from Oak Grove on the MBTA Orange Line on the first day of its reopening after a one month shutdown for renovations September 19, 2022 in Boston, MA.
- US paychecks grew faster than expected in the third quarter
- Products sit behind plexiglass at a Target store in the Harlem neighborhood in Manhattan on September 28, 2023 in New York City. Citing “theft and organized retail crime,” the retail giant has said it will close its East Harlem location next month along with eight other stores across the country. Numerous retail chains have experienced a surge in mass theft in recent years, resulting in injury to staff and having to lock-up many products in their stores.
- Chains are using theft to mask other issues, report says
- A car with the Fiat logo badge is seen on display at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan, U.S., January 16, 2018.
- Fiat, maker of Italian cars, is opening an apartment building in New Jersey
- Feb 25, 2022; Los Angeles, California, USA; Los Angeles Clippers owner Steve Ballmer looks on as players warm up before the game against the Los Angeles Lakers at Crypto.com Arena.
- Steve Ballmer, who started as Bill Gates’ assistant, is the 5th-richest person in the world
- OpenAI CEO Sam Altman addresses a speech during a meeting, at the Station F in Paris on May 26, 2023. Altman, the boss of OpenAI, the firm behind the massively popular ChatGPT bot, said on May 26, 2023, in Paris that his firm’s technology would not destroy the job market as he sought to calm fears about the march of artificial intelligence (AI).
- Sam Altman warns AI could kill us all. But he still wants the world to use it
- Shoppers in the Times Square neighborhood of New York, US, on Friday, Oct. 27, 2023. The US economy grew at the fastest pace in nearly two years last quarter on a burst of consumer spending, which will be tested in coming months.
- US consumer confidence dropped for third consecutive month despite the booming economy
- Bottles of Bud Light beer are seen at a grocery store in Glenview, Ill., Tuesday, April 25, 2023.
- Bud Light sales keep sinking
- US home prices rose in August for the seventh straight month
- Europe’s economy risks a recession after output falls in the third quarter
- Stellantis takes $3 billion revenue hit from autoworker strikes
- Judge shuts down Fox bid to subpoena George Soros in Smartmatic case
- Apple unveils its fastest iMac and MacBook Pro models yet
- It’s a spooky Halloween for markets. Here’s why
- The auto strikes are probably — but not definitely — over. Here’s what comes next
- Carlsberg says Moscow stole its Russian business
- The Big Three are paying a big price to end the UAW strike — but that won’t necessarily jack up car prices
- China’s factory activity unexpectedly contracts in October as demand drops
- Canada bans China’s Wechat from government devices citing security risks
- Hollywood actors and major studios make progress in talks, signaling possible deal on horizon to end strike
- Hedge fund billionaire Leon Cooperman, in rare public rebuke of a Republican candidate, says Trump ‘belongs in jail’
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