‘It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times’ – Make the Current U.S. Crisis Pay – How to Beat Corrupt Leftists at Their Own Game; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap


Charles Dickens memorably opens his classic Tale of Two Cities thusly: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” This op-ed will note that President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel (D), who later became Mayor of Chicago, said: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is [a crisis can be] an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” Emanuel’s point doesn’t apply for leftists only.

Before proceeding, let’s note for clarity of understanding that while liberals and leftists are both ‘left of center,’ there are those who make the case that not every liberal is a leftist. One of our reports for the week below notes ways that ‘right of center’ libertarians and conservatives share common ground with numbers of liberals.  The right and liberals are not the same, but they do have some common ground.

That said, certain Democratic officials in various parts of the U.S. and their deep pocketed “establishment” backers have launched a series of indictments that total some 91 charges against deposed President Donald J. Trump (R). Now that these indictments have occurred, there are those on the political right who believe it is time for the proverbial gloves to come off. As a Georgia lawmaker Colton Moore (R) said recently, “America is under attack.” That remark is found in a potentially important document provided in our Saturday report for the week in review, which is linked in our recapped reports that are linked further below.

Per Moore: “I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents.” Is Moore justified in that regard? See that report linked below for more from Moore and other insights.

The case can be made that now is the time to prove constitutional attorney Jonathan Turley correct.

Turley predicted that the indictments against Trump won’t make him the last current or ex-president to be indicted. The surprise to some is that Republicans haven’t already done what Democrats have been doing in recent months, and what they have been preparing to do for years. Again, see the report featuring Georgia lawmaker Moore, below for more details.

Among the headlines in our weekly recap is Glenn Greenwald’s epic call for classical liberals and conservatives to come together, because he argues that is ‘no longer about the left vs. the right.’ Per attorney turned award-winning journalist Greenwald, it is now anti-establishment Americans vs. pro-establishment Americans.

Don’t trained legal minds like Greenwald and Turley have a point?

Isn’t it time for numbers of Democrats – including Blacks, Hispanics, and others who for years faithfully voted Democratic, yet who are just as hurt by Bidenomics and bureaucratic misbehavior as obviously anti-establishment ‘Trump MAGA’ Republicans?

Aren’t tens of millions of Democratics, independent, and Republican voters routinely harmed by what leftist corporations, nonprofits, and their wealthy often billionaire bosses have done?

It isn’t just about left vs. right, Democrat vs. Republican, any more in the view of what may be a growing number of thinkers and pundits. It is an anti-establishment majority segment of “We the People” vs. a pro-establishment minority. MHProNews laid out an evidence-based case for that in 2021.




When certain pro-Establishment Democratic leaders with their big media, big tech, big billionaires, and their allied corporate interests and nonprofits created a lawfare phalanx and related smokescreen, they have been challenging the 74+ million Americans among We the People who voted for Trump and potentially millions more prepared to do so in 2024. See the lawfare report linked below in our headlines for the week in review. Note that such fine-line but, but often significant distinctions put Republicans like Liz Cheney, Chris Christy, Adam Kinzinger – notably now all out of office – in a pro-Establishment camp along with pro-Establishment Democrats. Such  a for or against the Establishment (or status quo) distinction is perhaps far clearer and more useful than those who talk about the so-called ‘Uniparty,’ as if all Democrats and Republicans are alike. Clearly, there are differences between Democrats and Republicans which makes the ‘Uni-party’ notion more difficult to defend.

The Big Left, Pro-Establishment types trying to jail Trump, they are trying to silence his 74 million plus supporters.  But meanwhile, the leftist Establishment are also apparently guilty of graft on a grand scale. The tip of the iceberg is caught on camera when ‘lunch bucket Joe’ – as in “Let’s Go Brandon” or #FJB – brag about apparent corruption on camera at an “Establishment” Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) event.



Heavy Lifting by Comer

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (KY-R) and his colleagues have done yeomen work in the scant months they have held the gavel in 2023. Documents, whistleblowers, and an array of evidence has been amassed that convincingly demonstrates that Joe Biden (D) has corruptly been peddling influence to foreign sources for years.

The Bidens purportedly gained millions of dollars did while he was President Barack Obama’s (D) Vice President. Are we seriously going to think that ‘lunch bucket’ Joe’s boss didn’t know what was going on?

Look closely at that video above. Recall what Joe braggingly told the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) during that video-recorded address. Money was withheld threatened to be withheld from Ukraine by Biden. Biden openly stated that he challenged Ukrainian officials to fire the prosecutor looking into the business enterprise enriching his son Hunter, and purportedly himself too, while Biden was representing the U.S. government then headed by President Barack Obama. Joe said “call him,” meaning – ‘call the president’ or ‘ask President Obama.’ Presidents get a daily briefing by intelligence services. Are we to believe that U.S. intelligence sources were unaware of these events? It seems obvious from known information that certain officials not only knew, but then helped cover it up. 

That said, Joe had a fine idea.

House leaders have indicated that they plan to call White House resident Joe and his cocaine snorting and prostitute addled son Hunter to testify under oath.


RisingChinaPositiveDevelopmentJoe BidenRidingDragonExposéBidensChineseSecretsVideoDocumentaryMHProNews


Should Joe and Hunter get called before Congress under oath, perhaps the next in line for subpoenas and more testimony should be ex-President Obama.

His Obama Foundation is per some sources akin to a Clinton Foundation 2.0.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are pouring in from sources foreign and domestic to the Obama Foundation. The Chicago Tribune said on 8.8.2023 that the Obama Foundation raised over a billion dollars just for the building. “Former President Barack Obama’s foundation has raised more than $1 billion since 2017 to help build his South Side [of Chicago] museum campus.” The ex-44th president’s foundation website says: “The Obama Foundation has set an ambitious goal of raising $1.6 billion to fuel the Foundation’s pursuit of its mission to inspire, empower, and connect the next generation of leaders.” What did that look like with the Clinton Foundation?


Examples of the connections between people involved in manufactured housing that were also involved with the Clintons and the Obamas.


Left-leaning Axios said on 11.30.2021 that: “Clinton Foundation donations plummet 75%,” noting that “Contributions have declined since Hillary Clinton’s failed run in 2016.” Apparently, after the Clinton influence peddling operation lost its glitter, because Hillary’s chances of being back in office have sunk, the Clinton Foundation lost the vast majority of its big donor funding too.

Anticorruption watchdog Peter Schweizer with the Government Accountability Institute has written books about “Clinton Cash” and “Secret Empires.” Senator Mitch McConnell (KY-R), loathed by many MAGA Republicans, along with Biden and other Democrats were among those featured in his fact- and evidence-packed exposes. Yet with years of evidence that pre-dates the 2020 election, Biden sits in the White House? And Biden is posturing about ‘unity’ while simultaneously threating the millions of Trump MAGA voters? It is almost mindbogglingly brazen corruption hiding in plain sight.



How is Such Apparent Corruption Possible?

The bad news is ironically the silver lining to the good news.

Massive corruption, such as selling the interests of the United States out while Obama was president, and while then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was getting a Russian deal for an interest in Uranium One done. Purportedly that Uranium One deal made the Clinton Foundation millions of dollars, as even the left-leaning New York Times and others reported that “Cash Flowed to the Clinton Foundation.”

Left-leaning PolitiFact admitted that: “As secretary of state, Clinton did serve on a government board that ultimately approved a transfer of uranium, but she wasn’t the deciding vote. And the Clinton Foundation did receive $145 million from parties involved in the transaction.” $145 million dollars for U.S. uranium interests, a chunk of which went to Putin-led Russia. Why isn’t Hillary still asked about that deal when she is interviewed by left-leaning media?

Facebook flagged social media posts on that embarrassing subject, PolitiFact said. PolitiFact admitted in 2018 that “what we know about the Uranium One deal and to this day the details remain murky.” Of course. How is it surprising that corruption is kept “murky,” lest the brazen nature of corruption shock Americans into acting against it? As Chris Plante, former award-winning CNN reporter turned conservative satirical pundit often says, the left and the Democratic party have secured “information dominance” in the U.S. While it is obvious that many non-left-leaning sources remain, it is also apparent that Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others for years leaned left with insufficient pushback to blunt their power. But as evidence that not all Democrats are leftists, Dr. Robert Epstein, Ph.D., and his groundbreaking evidence of public manipulation of information that Plante calls “information dominance” ought to be one of the exhibits.



Republican Misinformation…

The “establishment” Republican George W. Bush’s administration led an apparent (mis)information campaign against the American people and others in the run up to making war on Iraq. Aspects of that corruption are detailed in the award-winning video, Shadows of Liberty, which MHLivingNews and MHProNews have featured for years. Corrupt and illicit behavior that made untold billions of dollars for the military-industrial-spy complex are part of the terrible game. What some call “Fake News” isn’t always fake. But it fake enough to mislead even intelligent people. As a case in point, for a period of time, most Americans bought into Bush-era propaganda about never discovered “WMDs” (Weapons of Mass Destruction) nonsense that was never found. Yet the WMD ‘big lie’ led to the deaths of thousands of Americans dead, many more wounded, and the ongoing trauma of PTSD and post-service suicides that cost the nation’s servicepeople and citizens dearly.




Deepa Kumar quote from the thought-provoking video documentary, Shadows of Liberty, posted on the linked page above or as follows. https://www.manufacturedhomelivingnews.com/fake-news-the-truth-about-american-news-and-views-practical-tips-for-spotting-propaganda-what-facts-evidence-analysis-reveals/
Dan Rather quote from the thought-provoking video documentary, Shadows of Liberty, posted on the linked page above or as follows. https://www.manufacturedhomelivingnews.com/fake-news-the-truth-about-american-news-and-views-practical-tips-for-spotting-propaganda-what-facts-evidence-analysis-reveals/


So, there has been corruption that has infected some on both sides of the two major party system. But again, the more precise point is that some in the donor class, i.e.: the Establishment, have found willing allies among Democrats and Republicans. So again, to Greenwald’s and others contention, it is pro-Establishment vs. anti-Establishment, or should be.

In recent years, as MHProNews has previously documented, there has been more big donors, big media, big tech, and big nonprofits working on behalf of leftist billionaires and the Democratic Party.


There are RINOs just as there are DINOs. The billionaire class and their corporate interests wield enormous influence over U.S. politics. Something similar is often true in other nations too. Numbers have said for years that there is a two-tiered justice system in America, citizens must ponder the meaning of the Trump property raid by the FBI as a possible example of an excessive show of force that have been displayed against other Trump supporters in recent years, often with little or no result in terms of convictions for a serious crime.

This question was put to Bing’s AI chat function: “Is there evidence that billionaires have increasingly supported Democrats in recent years?”


Look again at the Google search screen capture above the Bing AI search inquiry. Those are left-leaning media sources saying the Democratic Party has increasingly been dominated by deep pocketed billionaire donors, either openly or through so-called “dark money” channels. This isn’t some daft conspiracy theory. Rather, it is an evidence-based reality.




Among those with a keen interest in our industry and/or who have apparently put their thumbs on the scales of MHVille are Warren Buffett, William “Bill” Gates III, Michael Bloomberg and BlackRock’s Larry FinkMHProNews and MHLivingNews, has previously reported on those several times, as a use of the MHProNews search tool will reflect. Who else in MHVille has even pretended to provide you this type of in depth, evidence-based information and analysis?

When you wonder why manufactured housing is underperforming during an affordable housing crisis, the reports that follow in our headline recap provide examples, facts, and evidence. By contrast, numbers of bloggers and trade publishers in the MHI orbit consistently obscure rather than reveal the trends that have caused hundreds of production centers that once operated in manufactured housing to simply halt operations.

The raw abuses of crony and corrupt power are only possible because too much of the mainstream media and big tech are owned by the same deep pocketed billionaires who arranged to put Joe, Barack and Hillary into their respective offices. Does anyone who has closely followed the events and evidence doubt that those billionaires and their corporate interests knew precisely what kind of candidates they were buying?


Soros Denied It…

Billionaire George Soros flatly denied knowing Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the first to bring indictments against deposed President Trump, much less did Soros admit to funding Bragg’s campaign.

But left-leaning the Daily Beast reported: “While Soros never directly donated to Bragg or his campaign, he did contribute $1 million to a progressive criminal justice group that endorsed Bragg in 2021. That group, Color of Change, eventually spent $500,000 in support of Bragg’s candidacy.”

MHProNews and MHLivingNews have each previously reported on the Color of Change nonprofit.




Influence Watch chronicles the Color of Change nonprofit’s origins and: “campaigns that seek to attack conservative individuals, silence conservative media pundits, and defund conservative organizations. Color of Change also uses its campaigns to advocate for left-of-center criminal enforcement and domestic policies.” Prosecutorial abuse of power is itself a crime.

The campaign funding for each of the DAs who have brought changes against deposed President Trump should be investigated. Why? Because two can play the game that leftist Democrats and their dark money billionaire backers have been playing.

Bing’s AI Chat function was asked this question. “Can a state’s attorney or district attorney bring a deprivation of rights under the color of law case?” Here is the response.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States1This statute applies to acts done by federal, state, or local officials within or beyond their lawful authority, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials1The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending on the circumstances of the crime and the resulting injury12.

Therefore, a state’s attorney or district attorney can bring a deprivation of rights under color of law case against any person who violates this statute, regardless of their official position or status. However, they would need to prove that the person acted willfully and under color of any law, and that the victim’s rights were deprived or violated as a result.

Learn more:

  1. justice.gov 2. law.cornell.edu 3. uscode.house.gov 4. en.wikipedia.org.”


  • Millions of Americans in every state of the Union have had various free speech rights trampled.
  • Even greater numbers of Americans across the left-center-right divide have had their personal finances reduced by the inflation fueled by the spending plan now being called “Bidenomics.”
  • Yet, as MHProNews previously reported, then House Majority Whip James Clyburn (SC-D) admitted in video recorded comments on left-leaning MSNBC that Democratic party leaders knew that they were going to cause inflation.
Pumping trillions of dollars into the economy may have
seemed like a boost to the poor or lower incomes initially.
But increasing the money supply resulted in inflation, as
Democratic House Majority Whip James Clyburn (SC-D)
plainly told MSNBC. Inflation hits the lower incomes harder.
But even the middle class has been harmed, as some 50
percent of the U.S. now says they are living paycheck-to-


Inflation has been described as a sly transfer of wealth, often from those of modest means to those with greater wealth that are able to not only withstand inflation but benefit from it. As the Mises Institute said in an article that lists the “Ten Reasons to Condemn Inflation,” “Inflation, defined as an expansion of the supply of unbacked money, is an elementary evil, always and everywhere that it occurs.” Mises noted that: “1. Inflation Causes Booms and Busts,” “2. Inflation Redistributes Wealth and Purchasing Power,” and “4. Inflation Causes the Welfare State to Grow.” That post by Andreas Marquart is executive director of the Mises Institute is dated 09/08/2014, years before Biden came to live in the White House following his oath of office on 1.20.2021. Marquart’s insights recall the point that facts and historic insights are nonpartisan, although they may have partisan implications.

Part of the takeaway from this editorial romp is that We the People have the ability to turn the table on those that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., himself and Democrat and a liberal, has called the corrupt union of corporate and governmental power. The tables can be turned against Biden and his apparently corrupt cronies in various governmental offices.

The tables can be turned against corrupt crony capitalists, who ought to have a bright line distinction between them and honest free enterprise businesses of all sizes.

The reports with analysis and commentary for the week that was linked below cover a range of business, economic, political, and other topics.

Each of them shed light on what’s hobbling manufactured housing, or how manufactured housing can ‘break free of its chains’ in order to reach its true potential. These are insights that routinely are not to be found on the so-called news, blogs, and information sites of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and their arguably often corrupt allies. The fact that after years of direct engagement, once their methods began to be understood and exposed that they began to duck discussion or debate their performance in public with this platform’s management speaks volumes.


MHI has been ducking accountability for years, as these documented examples reflect. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/masthead/4-quick-documented-examples-of-manufactured-housing-institute-leaders-publicly-ducking-out-on-explaining-their-performance-or-lack-thereof-els-howard-walker/


But what the powers that be in the Berkshire era of MHI history also can’t duck is the fact that their leaders for years praised our factual and evidence-based approach to reporting news and commentary. See epic examples of that statement and more in the postscript today. Apparently unable to debunk the mounting evidence, they duck and obscure reality as best as they can. Given their wealth, that gives them certain advantages. But the truth and evidence gives us and those on the side of justice and truth certain advantages too.

With no further adieu, here are the headlines for the week that was, from 8.13 to 8.20.2023.

What’s New on MHLivingNews



What’s New from Washington, D.C. from MHARR

Despite Steep Production Decline, Manufactured Housing Institute Gives Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac a Pass

“The Duty to Serve — A Cruelly-Unfulfilled Promise and Mandate” MHARR – ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES AUGUST 2023 by Mark Weiss

MHARR Targets Fannie and Freddie Chattel Manufactured Home Lending Failure in DTS “Listening Session” Comments


What’s New and Recent on the Masthead

OutragedMHECmember CrucifyGoochMHARRsaysMHIshouldNotCommendFannieMaeFreddieMacAndBadFaithExcuseUptonSinclairRulesInManufacturedHousingManHousingExecCouncilLogoMastMHProNews

What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews

Saturday 8.19.2023

Georgia Lawmaker Colton Moore Wants Emergency Session ‘America Under Attack’ – Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, GOP Preps Biden Lawfare Counterstrokes; plus, MHStocks Update

Friday 8.18.2023

“The government wants high-quality low-cost housing and manufactured housing provides that product” Warren Buffett said per Manufactured Housing Institute–Facts-Analysis; plus MHVille Stocks Update

Thursday 8.17.2023

‘May Chill MH Market’ ‘Possible Danger’ in Finance per MHI Linked Sources – Skyline Champion-ECN Capital Announce Strategic Triad Deal – Facts and Analysis beyond PR; plus MHVille Markets Update

Wednesday 8.16.2023

Warren Buffett led Berkshire Hathaway ’Fat Finger’ Other Exits and Buys Included Conventional Builders – Truth Hiding in Plain Sight Facts-Analysis, What to Know; plus MHVille Stock Updates

Tuesday 8.15.2023

‘Lawfare’ Target – America First Legal Sues for Allegedly Misleading Shareholders; Cornelia Woll-Trends in Corporate Crimes; Lessons for Manufactured Housing Industry; plus, MHVille Market Updates

Monday 8.14.2023

Tiny House and Manufactured Home Builder Legacy Housing Corporation (LEGH) Reports Second Quarter 2023 Financial Results w/Earnings Call Transcript, CEO Duncan Bates Talks Traffic, Loan Aps, More

Sunday 8.13.2023

‘What Really Matters?’ The Aggrandizement of Madam, CEO, Dr. Lesli Gooch, Ph.D. – Almost a Woman of Influence Two Years Running; plus Sunday Weekly Manufactured Housing Industry Headlines Review


Solutions to problems routinely should begin with clarity of understanding of the root causes and possible cures to a given issue.

This question was put to Bing’s AI chat function: “Besides MHProNews and MHLivingNews have any other manufactured housing trade media or bloggers written about how nonprofits are used to advance corporate interests in manufactured housing?”

Here was the reply.

But traffic and engagement are also indicators of the fact that this is the runaway most read trade media serving manufactured housing.
Our goal wasn’t to be muckrakers. Rather, our goal in launching MHProNews was to help lead the way for the industry’s recovery. This publication was launched during the year that manufactured housing suffered its worst results in some 5 decades.
Launching in mid-October, 2009, that year the manufactured home industry produced under 50,000 homes. That level of production hasn’t been seen at any time before then since 1960. Yet the U.S. population is significantly higher now than it was then. What accounted for that sharp decline?
The graphic above starts in the mobile home era in 1960 through the start of the start of the Manufactured Housing era which formally began on June 15, 1976. It then continues through the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA) of 2000 era, which is essentially manufactured homes in the 21st century. The Manufactured Housing Institue (MHI) and the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform IMHARR) teamed up in the late 1990s to get the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA) enacted into law. It was supposed to, among other factors, give the industry ‘enhanced federal preemption’ to overcome zoning and placement challenges at the local level. What happened to that once joint push by MHARR and MHI? Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. The report the graphic is from is unpacked in the post linked here: https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/skyline-champion-sky-ramping-up-3-plants-good-credit-quality-retail-buyers-more-details-from-2023-quarterly-earnings-call-transcript-whats-said-not-said-facts-and-analysis/ Then, a similar dive into Cavco Industries report for a time frame report is linked here. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/analyst-to-cavco-why-is-manufactured-home-industry-production-so-weak-paradox-develops-lower-expectations-more-singles-in-q1-2023-cavco-industrie/ The topic of the importance of history is examined in the report linked below. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/in-the-business-world-the-rear-view-mirror-is-always-clearer-than-the-windshield-warren-buffett-mhville-leader-showcases-efforts-to-renew-american-dream-plus-sunday-weekly/
Others by accident or design often share what amounts to half-truths in reply to the question: what caused the industry’s sharp decline in the 21st century?
Yes, absolutely, there was a loss of lending. That loss of lending, combined with a glut of manufactured housing repossessions, brought the industry ‘to its knees,’ as a commentator said in a report linked here and above stated.
What the evidence points to is arguably a combination of forces that included, but was not limited to, illicit and arguably illegal market manipulation that Samuel Strommen and others have said are apparent ‘felony’ antitrust  and possible RICO violations.
Our nation and our industry have been hobbled for too many years. An apparent two-tiered justice system and a lack of consistent enforcement of existing laws are among the causes. To fix what has gone wrong, a level of “lawfare” could be useful, as we reported earlier last week.
But also useful would be a counterstrike against those who have weaponized the bureaucracy and other American institutions. Using a key takeaway from Glenn Greenwald’s contention, there is an opportunity for perhaps 70 percent of the country to join in common cause in an anti-establishment push.
Certain state officials, including state’s attorneys and district attorneys or DAs (terminology may vary some by state), could play a key role in that process. See the discussion above and the GA State Senator Colton Moore focused report linked above and here.
Trained attorneys such as Greenwald, John Whitehead, and others involved in the law have for years warned that America was drifting towards a police state. Some, perhaps with a bit of hyperbole to make their point, say that the police state is already here and has been for some time.  Be that as it may, all is not lost. There are still elections, where we the people have a vote. There are still jury trials, where we the people have a say when we accept the call to jury duty. An informed juror in the U.S. can make all of the difference in a case.
As the Bud Light, Target, and Disney sales slumps and stock losses mount, it is clear that people can and do vote with their wallets.
So, for every leftist billionaire funded tactic, there are countermeasures.
It is only if we the people roll over and play dead that we are guaranteed to lose.
Some well-meaning pundits opine that the Bidens will never suffer for their apparently corrupt behavior. If they are never charged, then obviously, that may be true.
But so long as the House leadership does its constitutional duty, there are an array of possible consequences that could be brought to bear against the Bidens. If, for example, what has been called the “Biden Crime Family” were charged by one or more state’s attorneys or district attorneys, and the House voted to impeach him, it might prove difficult for the Democratically controlled Senate to defend Biden in the face of strong evidence, especially with the 2024 elections ahead. Republican President Richard Nixon stepped down for far less, rather than face impeachment.
If Biden were either impeached by the House, and was successfully convicted in the Senate, he would no longer be able to ‘pardon himself,’ his son, and other possible family members involved in the apparently corrupt multi-million-dollar influence peddling scheme.
But state officials will have to be part of that action, because a Biden-friendly Attorney General Merrick Garland (D) is unlikely to throw the book at his boss.  Or to rephrase that, because federal prosecution is unlikely, it will have to be state based efforts that will be needed if justice is to be served in the ever-growing evidence pilling up on the Biden family case.
Since Democrats are doing it to Trump, Republicans should hardly be afraid to do the same. And there may be some Democratic DAs that have the guts and personal integrity to challenge their own party’s leaders and pursue justice against the Bidens and other Democratic Party linked individuals.
Such actions are in theory entirely possible.
But it is only likely if enough citizens ‘get mad’ and press state and local officials to act. Because: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
Leftists historically come to power not honestly, but rather via dishonestly.
Leftists come to power with attractive sounding words that when examined are revealed to be lies or some form of con job. But the good news is that they are outnumbered. At least on paper, the laws are still on the side of “We the People.” To avoid despair, and to turn a crisis into an opportunity to do good via actionable solutions, re-read the top of this commentary and see the related reports to learn more. ##


Investopedia’s Cautionary Post on Illusory Truth Effect. What Is the Illusory Truth Effect? How Does Illusory Truth Effect Apply in MHVille? Fact Check, Analysis, Viewpoints Plus MH Stocks Update

Trade media can and should be a ‘cheer leader’ when it is appropriate to do so. But authentic trade media also holds the powers that be to account. Who says? The American Press Institute.
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Again, our thanks to free email subscribers and all readers like you, as well as our tipsters/sources, sponsors and God for making and keeping us the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.


Connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach



Related References:

The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.’

Manufactured Housing’s Rorschach Test – How You See the Facts, Visuals, Narratives and Evidence Speaks Volumes; plus Sunday Weekly Manufactured Home Industry (MHVille) Headlines in Review

Warren Buffett Success Tip ‘Lighter or Darker World Ahead,’ ‘Is Obama’s World a Utopian Myth?’ As 7.4 Approaches Revisiting Buchanan’s Historic Lessons; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap

MHARR Washington Update – Fannie, Freddie, Duty to Serve and Latest Concerns on Manufactured Housing Institute Energy Litigation – Facts and Analysis, plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap

‘Dark Triad’ – Researchers Detect ‘5 Key Characteristics of BILLIONAIRES’ – Evidence how Billionaires, Super Wealthy Think Differently Than Most-Takeaways and Lessons; plus Sunday MHVille Weekly Headlines Recap

‘Go to Independent Sales Lot, Spend a Week There During Busy Season and Report on Reality of the Manufactured Housing Industry its Primary Level;’ Sunday MHVille Weekly Headlines Recap

Name Calling, Evidence, Facts, and Manufactured Housing’s Primary ‘Muckraker’ Shed Light on Manufactured Home Industry Underperformance; plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Recap

Manufactured Home ‘Energy Rule Delayed’–Manufactured Housing Institute Aptly Says ‘More Work to Be Done’–Clayton & Independent Builder Insights, Analysis-plus Sunday Weekly Headlines in Review

Andrew Justus, J.D., Niskanen Center Housing Policy Analyst, Hill Op-Ed Asks and Answers – ‘What’s Holding Back Manufactured Homes?’ Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines in Review

Warren Buffett Led Berkshire Hathaway has Over $100 Billion Available for Investing, Why That Matters to Manufactured Housing, MHEC Members Know How Gold Rules; plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Recap

U.S. Housing Market Snapshot April 2023, Manufactured Housing News Includes Eye Popping $500 Million Offer to Manufactured Home Residents; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap

Danny Ghorbani – Manufactured Housing’s ‘Elephant in the Room,’ per Prior Manufactured Housing Institute Chair, Exclusive Q&A on Key MHIndustry Issues, plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap




‘Affordable Homes for Low Income Must Produce in Factory,’ ‘Years to Unravel Sabotage,’ Grad Students Interest in Manufactured Housing, Factory-Home Solutions; plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Recap

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