January 6: Hundreds of Minor Cases, Some Serious Charges But “No One has been Charged with Sedition—Attempting to Overthrow the Government” Says CBS; Exploring if Feds Incited Some to Breach the Capitol? Plus, Markets & Manufactured Housing Stock Updates

“A year after January 6 Capitol riot, hundreds face charges but questions remain, said CBS News on 1.5.2022. Some 19 paragraphs later, left-leaning the CBS report stated: “Thus far, no one has been charged with sedition — attempting to overthrow the government.” Just the News cut to a key point … Continue reading January 6: Hundreds of Minor Cases, Some Serious Charges But “No One has been Charged with Sedition—Attempting to Overthrow the Government” Says CBS; Exploring if Feds Incited Some to Breach the Capitol? Plus, Markets & Manufactured Housing Stock Updates