While providing ‘fair and balanced’ coverage, as was reviewed earlier today in a separate report, it was a strategic decision to editorially support the Trump campaign in 2016.
One year later, the fruits of that decision ought to be clear.
While Nobel award winning Paul Krugman at the New York Times, Paul Krugman, an Op-Ed columnist, who writes about macroeconomics, trade, health care, social policy and politics predicted an economic meltdown in the wake of a Trump victory. “It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging…” said Krugman.
MHProNews believed otherwise, based strictly on the stated positions of the candidates.
This publication has a pro-industry agenda, and we strive to pursue that with what we hope are clear eyes and minds, daily.
We mention this because like the data below, it’s a fact.
To see our election plus one year report, click here.

This evening’s Cavco Industries spotlight portion of our Daily Business News market report reflects and hints at the kind of added information that pure financial analysts may not know or miss. Perfect? No who is? But what we’ve consistently proven to thousands of daily readers for years is that “We Know the MH Biz.” ©
Faith, flag, freedom, free enterprise, family, and fellows. These are some of the core principles we strive to operate under. Long time readers know we provide written fact checks and analysis others can’t or won’t do. As 1 year ago snapshot, and other examples suggest, our track record on facts and analysis is one of the reasons why – from firms large, small or operations in between – we’re the most read, most followed, news source in manufactured housing.
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