The National Housing Corporation (NHC) in Kenya, in east central Africa on the Indian Ocean, plans to build 30,000 modular housing units this year—10,000 low income units and 20,000 built in conjunction with landowners as well as county governments. Government statistics show there is a need for 150,000 low income dwellings, according to The homes are constructed of expanded polystyrene panels (EPS) reinforced with a wire mesh and coated with concrete. Curved walls and openings for doors, windows, wiring and plumbing are created before the concrete is applied. Mr Andrew Saisi, the general manager of an EPS factory, said, “The panels factory is expected to reduce construction periods as well as direct and indirect building costs. When proper construction methods are applied with EPS, one is able to save up to 30 per cent of the total cost. It is also important to note that EPS technology is durable and can withstand environmental disasters like earthquakes.” has determined the cost per modular home is one million Kenya shillings, approximately $11,600 per unit at the current exchange rate.