“As we look back at manufactured housing historically it’s been nine to ten percent of single-family housing in America,” intones Kevin Clayton in the opening words of the video posted below, per an edited version of the YouTube generated transcript. Clayton continued: “It’s an important 10 percent. But the question became ‘why can’t manufactured housing be a higher percentage’ [of single-family housing]. And so the industry embarked on study…” said Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) owned Clayton Home’s CEO. So, on one level, Kevin says he is going to shed light on an issue similar to one that this publication’s routinely raises: why is manufactured housing underperforming during an affordable housing crisis? To get Clayton and their allies ‘answer’ to that, look at Part I A) of today’s report which will be the recent Clayton Homes produced video with transcript that features Kevin Clayton. Part 1 B) is an arguably related interview from fellow Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member MHVillage’s MHInsider. Part II will be a fact check, analysis and more commentary on those Part I items. Part III will pivot to the Daily Business News on MHProNews manufactured housing connected equities (stocks, REITs, etc.) and the ‘market moving’ headlines and related macro- and MHVille-stocks and market graphical summaries at a glance.
Part I A) Clayton Homes Commissioned Video and YouTube Generated Transcript
On 3.12.2023 the Clayton Homes video below had 1,527 views. On 3.13.2023 at about 11:42 AM, the same Nov 21, 2022 posted video was ‘up’ to 1,537 views. While the video is ‘about’ CrossMod©, it opens with Clayton’s historic snapshot of the manufactured housing industry and explains their ‘why’ behind the Clayton-backed and MHI-branded CrossMod© plan. Per their YouTube page remarks: “Clayton CEO Kevin Clayton sits down to give an overview of the homeowner benefits, construction process and unique features of a CrossMod® home. These homes blend off-site construction and site-built features to produce a more affordable, innovative home. CrossMod homes can be financed on-par with site-built homes and appraised using similar comps, while drastically increasing the inventory of attainable housing due to the efficiency of the home building process. Find out more about the exciting future of CrossMod and the potential to open doors for more families to achieve homeownership” which then linked to more propaganda, err, information about their ‘vision’ for CrossMods. Missing from what follows are several facts and important context, starting with the information provided by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) research shown below. That NAR research reveals that manufactured housing once commanded far more than 9 to 10 percent of single family housing starts.
As a preface, note that Clayton has some 20,000 employees, per Forbes and ZoomInfo. So given 1537 total views after about 4 months, that is the equivalent of less than 8 percent (1537/20000 =.07685) of Clayton’s own team members having watched this video a single time.
That begs the question: who is the target audience of this video? Is it manufactured housing pros? Regulators, public officials, who? If this important to Clayton, why have they accepted such a tepid response?
The transcript that follows has some minor edits (punctuation, sentences, correction on transcript typos). That said, this is the YouTube transcript, not MHProNews’. Our aim was to make it more accurate view the edits provided. Bracketed remarks are by MHProNews.
As we look back at manufactured housing
historically it’s been nine to ten
percent of single-family housing in
America. It’s an important 10 percent. But
the question became ‘why can’t
manufactured housing be a higher
percentage’ [of single-family housing]. And so the industry [“the industry” is often shorthand for MHI] embarked
on study and [in it] they found that if
you’ll add the aesthetics: roof pitch
permanent foundation covered porch a
garage or a carport people would
consider a manufactured home as a viable
housing choice. [Those points fail to mention that homes with 5/12 or greater roof pitch and those features were built by some builders to the HUD Code prior to CrossMods. It also failed to mention that many HUD Code builders offer modular housing that have similar/CrossMod like features. Other missed factual points are shown in Part II, below] The number jumps from 10
percent when surveyed to 46 percent [This appears to be a reference to an MHI commissioned study that yielded similar claims to Clayton’s remarks, which are linked here].
so cross mod home means that it has to
have steeper pitch roof, 4/12 minimum,
covered porch, carport or garage area.
It’s going to have permanent foundation
around the home and landscaping. Full
drywall and so with those qualities,
which are not that difficult to
accomplish, then it gets labeled as a
CrossMod home. Appraisers are looking
for that * so when they see that it’s in a
crossbow [CrossMod] they know that they’ve either
got to appraise against other CrossMods
or find site built and that’s really
what helps.
CrossMod will play an important role in
helping us overcome some hurdles and
challenges that our industry has
historically faced and those would be
getting parity on the zoning* lending* and
Appraisal* aspects. And in many townships,
including my hometown, once they saw a
CrossMod, they immediately said we want
these zoned into our area. And that’s can
really now happen across the country. You
know these are built [with] the same building
materials as a site-built home we’ve got
the same aesthetic features of the site
built home. I’m really happy and
everybody* in this industry can do their
part at promoting the CrossMod to their
local officials. The consumers will
dramatically benefit from a cross-mod
home achieving more for their money
English (auto-generated)
The verbiage is per Clayton Homes CEO Kevin Clayton. the closing screen revealing it was produced by fellow MHI member ManufacturedHomes, though it was posted on YouTube as a Clayton Homes video. As noted, some edits in the above corrected several auto-generated portions of the transcript that appeared to be in error. More on the bracketed remarks and those that have an asterisks (*) following a word, below.
Part I B)
In what appears to be a relatively closely timed release with the video above is the interview with MHVillage’s MHInsider of Kevin Clayton, provided under fair use guidelines for media in connection with this articles included fact check, analysis, and expert commentary. The photos and related captions from their article are omitted below.
Kevin Clayton and the CrossMod
– October 18, 2022
Kevin Clayton, CEO of Clayton, invited guests to the new Hawthorne home design on display at the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, Ind., an example of the latest CrossMod product, and what the manufactured housing industry can do to provide more much-needed affordable homes.
Following the opening of the home and new Manufactured Housing Museum in mid-August , Clayton attended the 50th Anniversary celebration at the RV/MH Hall of Fame, during which 10 new inductees were honored and Kevin and Jim Clayton, his father and founder of the company, accepted the Darryl Searer Spirit Award.
While touring, mingling, and showing his appreciation for the more than 500 manufactured housing professionals in attendance, Clayton took some time to chat with MHInsider on new developments with the CrossMod product, and thoughts on the direction of the industry.
A CrossMod home is a HUD Code manufactured home with attributes such as a permanent foundation, 5/12 roof pitch, dormers, a porch or garage, as well as interior features such as increased insulation, drywall, and hardwood cabinets. The home is designed to be permanently placed in nearly any residential neighborhood and can be financed with a conventional mortgage backed by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae. The home is built in a factory, transported, and finished on-site.
MHInsider: What are the latest developments on the CrossMod front?
Kevin Clayton: CrossMod homes offer an affordable manufactured housing solution that can appraise to site-built comps and qualify for conventional financing and zoning. Currently, FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac say CrossMod homes “may” be appraised against site-built but many have defaulted to other manufactured homes, which is not an accurate comparison.
With the simple change expected in a few months of it saying it “must” be compared to CrossMod or site-built, in five years you could double the supply of new homes below $300,000.
In that case, the lenders can be financing through FHA Title II. It will be right where we’ve wanted these homes to be considered all along.
We also recently highlighted two other CrossMod home innovations: the single-section CrossMod and the net-zero energy home.
The unique layout of the single-section CrossMod home makes it an ideal size and shape for many city lots or established neighborhoods. We estimate the single section CrossMod would typically cost under $200,000 including land and set up of the home. This price point would help even more families and individuals achieve homeownership.
At the 2022 Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders meeting, we also unveiled our first net-zero CrossMod home. This home showcased energy-efficient features currently available, as well as new, future technologies Clayton is considering, such as solar.
The net-zero home demonstrates Clayton’s dedication to building homes that uphold our commitment to affordability, sustainability, and design innovation.
Beyond design and financing, what has Clayton been doing to prepare for a ramp up in CrossMod home sales?
Building relationships with site builders and developers. CrossMod allows us to help developers add a housing tool to their toolbelt. With a CrossMod home, we build the house, relieving some of a developer’s labor pressure. In addition, CrossMod homes are primarily sold by developers through realtors. Educating realtors about CrossMod homes and available financing options is important in increasing access.
Our industry is also working closely with municipalities across the country to educate community leaders and the public on CrossMod to ensure zoning accommodates CrossMod homes.
Retail locations are increasingly interested in stocking CrossMod homes. This will gain traction as the appraisal language updates happen later this year. ##
Part II: Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
Other than the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), MHLivingNews, and MHProNews, most others in manufactured housing have failed to note several key points about the MHI-backed CrossMods. In no particular order of importance, but connected in part to the * asterisks * in the video transcript above, which has related themes in the MHInsider interview, are the following.
- Note that there is no hint on the actual number of CrossMods that have been sold by Clayton Homes or anyone else. Per GSE generated data, there appears to be low double-digit sales nationally for the past few years TOTAL nationwide. That sobering statement alone calls into question the validity of MHI’s ‘research’ that Kevin Clayton seemed to refer to in his Clayton Homes video above.
- There is no mention of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA).
- There is no mention of the MHIA’s “enhanced preemption” authority, which Clayton and MHI are well aware of and ought to be part of most if not every serious effort to expand manufactured housing acceptance. See the related quotes and graphics further below.
- There is no mention of a stunning, but useful, admission by MHI that occurred in roughly that same late 2022 timeframe with respect to CrossMods. That is linked below. MHI admitted in a letter to officials that ‘developers are moving away from CrossMods’ in part because appraisers aren’t using comps as Clayton suggested. Put differently, Clayton backed MHI contradicted some of what Kevin Clayton said on video and in the MHInsider ‘interviews’ posted in Part I A) and B) above.
- MHProNews lead the charge among industry trade media calling into question the rationale espoused by Clayton and others at MHI who promoted this apparently failed concept. Perhaps it is a coincidence, but when MHI rolled out their “CrossMods” promoting video in late 2018 and declared that the industry had ‘momentum’ manufactured housing production began to slide. That was anticipatable, because MHProNews previously reported that this so-called ‘new class’ of manufactured homes – to an well informed professional – appeared to be a Trojan Horse. Indeed, that is what seems to have been the result in the years since.

- In surprising research by Freddie Mac, they revealed that “most” Americans would “consider” a manufactured home. That undermines a key part of the concept as presented by Kevin as well as MHI.
- As was noted previously, NAR and Freddie Mac research contradicts Kevin’s and MHI’s remarks on several levels. For instance, Freddie Mac’s assertion is that “most” home shoppers would “consider” a [mainstream] manufactured home. The percentage of people that GSE’s research reflect is several times higher than MHI’s oddly claimed ‘research’ asserted. Freddie Mac’s research indicated that the acceptance of [regular, mainstream] manufactured homes is at a higher rate than Kevin and MHI claimed for acceptance of CrossMods. The asserted logic behind CrossMods is thus strongly contradicted.
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

There could be pages of more analysis along these and related lines, but one more worthy of mention is that the Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA) slammed MHI for being deceptive and called for a halt to CrossMods. Their executive director, Tom Hardiman, further made the point that CrossMods threatened ‘regular’ manufactured homes. In several ways, Hardiman’s analysis proved telling.
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Clayton produced this video promoting the “introduction” of CrossMods some 3 years ago. It has only had 6,790 views and was posted on January 16, 2020.
This ‘CrossMods” type of manufactured housing product has been hyped, off and on, by MHI, Clayton, Skyline Champion, and Cavco Industries for years. Why haven’t CrossMods ever met its big claims?
Further, if this was such a well-researched and planned factory-built manufactured home product type, then why was there such issues on appraisals that Clayton alludes to and which MHI has admitted in writing?
It has been about 6 years since MHI rolled this ‘concept’ out at one of their “Congress and Expo” annual events. It was reportedly a less than enthusiastic response from attendees, with several attendees reportedly ‘walking out’ when this was announced as their plan.
Manufactured Housing Institute “Walk Out,” “Cover Up,” and Shock at their Vegas Event
MHI members were – and are – upset about the plan because on several levels it never made sense. It wasn’t just MHProNews that thought this made no sense and would fail. Others, including some in the MHI camp, believed similarly. The flashback report linked below is a reminder of what informed industry pros mused about what became CrossMods.
“What Are We, Chopped Liver?” MHI Member December 2018 Reactions

There are still some MHI cheerleaders that oddly believe the trade group when it comes to promotional claims. Yet going back to the Roper Report in 2005, there is a long history of promises, promises of promoting manufactured housing without something meaningful occurring.
Kevin Clayton himself said roughly 12 years ago that the industry was ‘ready’ then to do a national manufactured housing educational campaign. At what point will trusting industry professionals look at this pattern of promises without delivery for what it is?
MHLivingNews noted years ago Kevin’s own words in another video interview.

Facts are what they are. Manufactured housing used to be more than double the percentage of single family housing starts what they are today. Per Freddie Mac, manufactured housing could tap into some 25 million Americans who are ‘mortgage ready’ and who are living in ‘MH friendly’ zones.
It ought to be apparent that manufactured housing is underperforming, not by accident, but rather by a series of steps that are not coincidental but were apparently made in advance by design. Why is it obvious? Because these are intelligent, educated, and often longtime-experienced professionals working in manufactured housing or some supporting role (like trade group advocacy). No one could be this inept for this long. The logical conclusion is that this is the desired outcome, promises, promises, without actual strong performance.
What could be the motivation for this pattern? Boiled down, it has to do with barriers of entry, persistence, and exit. Who said? Among others, a loyal MHI member, Andy Gedo.

Voices from inside and outside of manufactured housing have been raising concerns and sounding the alarm for years.

Summary and Conclusion
Neither the:
- Kevin Clayton-ManufacturedHomes-Clayton Homes video posted above,
- nor the MHInsider magazine article posted above accurately reflect reality on several points that were spotlighted in remarks and linked information detailed herein.
Let’s be candid. The truth is not popular with those who are embarrassed by reality.
Furthermore, Upton Sinclair had a point about his remark below.
It is understandable that some will want to look the other way when such fact-checks occur. But the solution is not to bury one’s head in the sand, cover one’s eyes, or plug one’s own ears.
When someone has been fooled once, they ought to try to avoid being fooled again.

Because the same source(s) continues to betray the interests of manufactured housing independents, of employees of virtually all companies in the industry, for taxpayers, shareholders, and others, such an untrustworthy source(s) ought to be flagged mentally by industry professionals.
There are fiduciary and other duties that management and board members owe to others. Given that Kevin Clayton may be ‘trusted’ by investors in Berkshire Hathaway, among others, when claims are made that the speaker should know are factually inaccurate, there are potential legal ramifications.

Manufactured housing is underperforming because a combination of insider and outsiders apparently want it to underperform. That sounds suspiciously like market manipulation. No wonder James A. “Jim” Schmitz Jr, Sam Strommen, MHARR, and others have called for investigations and legal action as warranted.
It is apparent that Kevin Clayton did not speak accurately about several of the remarks he made with an air of authority in that video and the MHInsider interview. Why didn’t MHInsider question Kevin about some of these same facts that reveal information at odds with Clayton’s claims? Why didn’t ManufacturedHomes raise these issues? Don’t they have MHARR members as clients?
Clayton did indirectly raise an important point. The manufactured home industry is capable of producing far more homes than it currently is achieving. But there was no compelling reason (if their stated goals were sincere) to create ‘CrossMods’ in the first place. It NEVER made sense. It still DOES NOT make sense, if their stated rationale was to expand acceptance of HUD Code manufactured housing. As an MHI member producer told MHProNews, most HUD Code plants already produced modular homes. While not identical, the costs and feature are similar. As another MHI member producer told MHProNews, ‘the math doesn’t pencil out’ for a CrossMod. Meaning, given the significantly higher cost for a CrossMod vs. a residential style HUD Code manufactured home, the savings in a slightly lower interest rate on some GSE loans does not outweigh the added costs for the product. FHA, VA, USDA (Rural Housing) and other GSE financing was already available before CrossMods were introduced.
If this was a simple case of a housing product being introduced that doesn’t take off, that occurs on a routine basis in the industry. Not every floorplan, not every style a factory tries becomes a hit. But in this case, despite the lack of market traction, Clayton, Skyline-Champion, and Cavco Industries all continue to double down on this market-failed plan. That suggests that their goals are something other than what is openly stated. If that sounds conspiratorial, well, if the shoe fits, then those involved should wear it and bear the consequences. We do not predict who or when such evidence-based concerns will result in public officials and/or plaintiffs attorneys formally probing such concerns. But given the obviously market-failed track record of CrossMods, it does not make sense for Clayton and others at MHI to keep pushing this unless they have an unstated agenda. Time will tell if our forecast is once more proven correct. ##
Part III. Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets Segment
The modifications of our prior Daily Business News on MHProNews format of the recap of yesterday evening’s market report are provided below. It still includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines. The macro market moves graphics will provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
Reminder: several of the graphics on MHProNews can be opened into a larger size. For instance: click the image and follow the prompts in your browser or device to OPEN In a New Window. Then, in several browsers/devices you can click the image and increase the size. Use the ‘x out’ (close window) escape or back key to return.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 3.16.2023
- Lifeline
- A pedestrian walks by the First Republic Bank headquarters on March 13, 2023 in San Francisco, California.
- 11 banks are providing $30 billion in deposits to help rescue First Republic Bank
- Unlike last year, this tax season has been going smoothly
- Google will stop selling Glass as it looks to cut costs
- Mortgage rates drop in wake of bank failures
- Credit Suisse: Why it’s struggling and why that’s a big deal
- Credit Suisse still has a fight on its hands despite $54 billion lifeline
- ‘I am personally sticking with SVB.’ Prominent tech figures pledge support for bank
- UK bans TikTok on government devices
- Microsoft is bringing ChatGPT technology to Word, Excel and Outlook
- Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) during morning trading on March 15, 2023 in New York City. – Wall Street stocks were back in selloff mode early Wednesday as banking shares faced a fresh hammering amid worries that more lenders could fail. Major indices were down about one percent or more, with US banks following their European counterparts lower as investors fixated on Credit Suisse.
- Stocks close in the green as big bank intervention cheers investors
- UK tries to juice its economy once again as banking storm clouds gather
- Hi-res art scans from famous Taiwan museum leak online… and turn up for sale on Chinese online shopping platform
- Banking meltdown: Answers to your 5 most pressing questions
- Why banking fears just came roaring back
- Credit Suisse borrows more than $50 billion from Swiss National Bank after shares crash 30%
- Richard Branson’s Virgin Orbit rocket company ceases operations for a week, seeks additional funding
- Big banks experience deposit spike after Silicon Valley Bank collapse
- Cheez-It and Pringles company gets a new name
- Americans pulled back on their spending in February, after a strong January
- First Republic Bank stock tumbles on credit downgrade and deposit worries
- Inflation fell for the eighth-straight month in February
- Key inflation measure shows wholesale prices fell last month
- Bank failures conjure up the dreaded ‘b-word’: Bailout
- T-Mobile to buy Ryan Reynolds’ Mint Mobile in a $1.35 billion deal
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 3.16.2023
- Graham Doubles Down With Tough Reply to Russian Aggression
- LaTurner: Silencing of Conservatives ‘Unacceptable’
- Fitzgerald: ‘Disappointed’ by DirecTV Censorship | video
- Lindsey Graham: ‘Making Progress’ With DirecTV | video
- More Stories on AT&T DirecTV Censorship
- T. McFarland: Reagan Used Economics to Thwart Soviets
- Kimberly Guilfoyle: SVB’s ‘Woke’ Actions ‘Disturbing’ | video
- Blackburn: SVB Bailout ‘Gift to the Rich’ | video
- Davidson: Let’s Hear Resignation From Buttigieg | video
- Montana AG: Biden Gun Control Order ‘Fairy Dust’ | video
- Budd: Drone Downing Shows ‘Disrespect’ | video
- Ernst: Biden Must Be Firm on Drone Takedown | video
- De La Cruz: Dems’ Hearing Boycott Insulting | video
- Perry: Biden Business Dealings Full of ‘Smoke’ | video
- More Newsmax TV
- Newsfront
- Harris Insists DeSantis Doesn’t Grasp Ukraine War
- Vice President Kamala Harris said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis doesn’t “understand” the conflict in Ukraine and called anti-abortion laws “inhumane” in a late-night interview with TV host Stephen Colbert…. [Full Story]
- Biden WH: No F-16s to Ukraine Despite Poland’s Pledge
- The Biden administration says it will not give Ukraine American-made [Full Story]
- Comer: Bank Records Show Hallie Biden Got China Cash
- Bank records obtained by the House Oversight Committee investigating [Full Story]
- SPONSOR: Trick to help you eat carbs without gaining a ton of weight.
- Heart Surgeon Begs Americans – ‘Don’t Put This in Your Coffee’
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- Yellen: Banking System Sound After ‘Decisive’ Actions
- The U.S. banking system remains sound and Americans can feel [Full Story]
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2022 was a tough year for many stocks. Unfortunately, that pattern held true for manufactured home industry (MHVille) connected stocks too.
See the facts, linked below.
- NOTE 1: The 3rd chart above of manufactured housing connected equities includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry finance lender.
- NOTE 2: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE 3: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.
- Note 4: some recent or related reports to the REITs, stocks, and other equities named above follow in the reports linked below.

2023 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.
· For expert manufactured housing business development or other professional services, click here.
· To sign up in seconds for our industry leading emailed headline news updates, click here.

That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.