“This long-needed reversal should stem the vast tide of federal agencies’ overreach,” said U.S. House Oversight Chair James Comer (KY-R) in recent remarks provided below in a report provided by The Center Square to MHProNews. In a letter provided below in Part II addressed to Isabella Casillas Guzman, Administrator of the United States Small Business Administration (SBA), Comer and Roger Williams Chairman for the Committee on Small Business said to Guzman that they: “write to call to your attention Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, a recent Supreme Court decision that precludes courts from deferring to agency interpretations of the statutes they administer. In its decision, the Court overruled Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984), which had allowed courts to defer to agency interpretations of ambiguous statutes.” Some on the left have been troubled by the ruling, but as left-leaning The Hill said in a recent report: “The end of Chevron deference isn’t the end of regulation.”
A range of federal agencies were addressed by lawmakers in letters attached and referenced below reflect. Those federal agencies not yet addressed may well be contacted soon, as the same legal principle applies across the spectrum of the federal government. As the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) recently said: “Supreme Court Ruling Changes Regulatory Landscape for Manufactured Housing Industry.”
Part I is a report provided by The Center Square provided the following to MHProNews. As noted above, Part II will include information from those Congressional lawmakers letters to federal agencies, along with some focused analysis by MHProNews on the topic. Part III is our Daily Business News on MHProNews macro- and manufactured housing connected markets report for 7.12.2024, which as a teaser was generally a good day for manufactured housing linked equities.
Part I
Lawmakers put federal agencies on notice after end to Chevron deference
By Casey Harper | The Center Square
(The Center Square) – A coalition of lawmakers are putting federal agencies on notice after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that overturned “Chevron deference” and as a result, significantly limited their power.
House Oversight Chair James Comer, R-Ky., has helped lead the effort, but the relevant committee chairs with oversight of the federal government, have signed on to similar letters.
“This long-needed reversal should stem the vast tide of federal agencies’ overreach,” Comer said in his letters to the federal government. “Given the Biden administration’s track record, however, I am compelled to underscore the implications of Loper Bright and remind you of the limitations it has set on your authority.”
The push comes on the heels of the Supreme Court overturning part of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and thereby putting an end to “Chevron deference,” a previous legal policy that gave broad license to federal bureaucrats to interpret and enforce laws passed by Congress as they saw fit.
In that vein, House lawmakers held a hearing Wednesday for oversight of the Environmental Protection Agency, the first in what is likely a new era of EPA oversight after the major Supreme Court ruling.
President Joe Biden’s EPA has pushed out a few particularly aggressive regulations that have drawn pushback.
Among those are WOTUS, an Obama-era rule that classified even tiny bodies of water as under federal jurisdiction.
More recently, the EPA’s tailpipe emissions standards are under fire, mainly because they will likely force a nationwide transition from gas to hybrid or electric vehicles in just a few years.
“EPA’s largest regulations, such as the tailpipe emissions rules for light-, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, have been estimated to cost nearly $900 billion to implement,” Comer said at the hearing Wednesday. “Those rules require automakers to completely redesign their operations to produce more electric vehicles – regardless of what consumers are demanding in the actual marketplace.”
Now, that era has likely come to an end.
“The Supreme Court decision has put policy making back into the hands of the Congress where it belongs, and unelected bureaucrats can no longer weaponize their authority to enact their own personal agenda,” Daniel Turner, executive director of the energy workers advocacy group, Power the Future, told The Center Square. “Industry for decades has been chocked by ever-changing regulations with penalties and fines and even criminal prosecution, all whims of the bureaucrat in charge. The American people are sick and tired of big government, and agencies like the EPA are back under the purview of the Congress and not some green billionaire whose think tank feeds the Administrator’s team with propaganda and lies.”
But the EPA is just one of many agencies facing a Congressional effort to undo years of federal rulemaking.
Comer noted that he has also joined lawmakers in sending letters to an array of agencies that face a similar review, including:
- AmeriCorps
- Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Council on Environmental Quality
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Education
- Department of Energy
- Department of the Interior
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Labor
- Department of State
- Department of Transportation
- Department of the Treasury
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- National Credit Union Administration
- National Labor Relations Board
- Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
- Office of the United States Trade Representative
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- Small Business Administration
- Social Security Administration
Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
For a nation that is steadily marching toward the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, it is vexing if not irksome that numbers of citizens, pundits, plutocrats, and technocrats, seem to believe that oligarchy style rule is to be celebrated, and the God-given and constitutionally protected rights of the people ought to be limited. Like deposed former President Donald J. Trump or not, it ought to be a multiple alarm fire drill time when a headline has to seriously proclaim the view of “Rebeka Zeljko – ‘Wall Street Worried Trump Election Victory Will Benefit Citizens by Increasing Earnings for Americans thus Cutting Corporate Profits…’ Why should the titans of the business, finance, the wealthy and the corporate powers care if American citizens may see their earnings rise and inflation fall? Whose side are much of the financial elites on anyway? Henry Ford, like any human, had weaknesses and strengths. But as left-leaning NPR reported about the pioneering leader Ford, “So Ford gambled that higher wages would attract better, more reliable workers.” Senate.gov recalls the often-overlooked point that: “Henry Ford, asked to run by President Woodrow Wilson [D], entered both the Republican and Democratic primaries.”
That noted, in no particular order of importance are the following added facts and observations.
1) MHProNews has led the manufactured housing industry in reporting on the once-pending and now settled Loper Bright Enterprises case that overturned decades of so-called Chevron Deference. Given that ours is supposed to be a nation of, by and for the people, it should be abhorrent to think that unelected bureaucrats could have so much say and sway over the lives of American citizens. But for months, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) was publicly silent on their website pending threat by Loper Bright to Chevron Deference. It wasn’t until the ruling was finally handed down that MHI made the statement attached.

2) In contrast to MHI, MHARR announced early on that they saw potential in a modification or overhaul of Chevron deference as being potentially useful for the interests of manufactured housing professionals and consumers.

3) In the often-referenced book by historians, Democracy in America Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about the importance of associations in the still young U.S. republic. As LearningToGive.org put it: “Tocqueville viewed the proliferation of associations as a unique response that was not only critical to the success of the experiment of democratic government, but also served to provide for the well-being of all of its citizens in accordance with a sense of equality that was previously unknown (Tocqueville 1840).” As Constitution.FindLaw.com said: “The Supreme Court has long held that the First Amendment’s protection of free speech, assembly, and petition logically extends to include a “freedom of association.” Generally, this means we have the freedom to associate with others who have similar political, religious, or cultural beliefs.” Associations of all sorts play an important part, or are supposed to, as a check on governmental power and overreach. Recall that the founders and the thirteen colonies that ultimately won their independence from England and its crown were specifically rebelling against the armies of appointed officials that were unelected officials. The Pacific Legal Foundation has a modernized language for the Declaration that says in part (the “he” being England’s monarch or king)
- He has created a conflict of interest where judges are more loyal to him than the law.
- He has created a vast bureaucracy that harasses and harms our people.
- He has kept armed agents of the state among us, even in times of peace.
- He has made the military independent of and superior to civil power. …
- For imposing taxes on us without our consent.
- For taking away our right to have a jury trial.
4) It was the widespread view that it is abhorrent to a free people to have armies of bureaucrats that are unelected and often largely unaccountable to have too much power. As with many of the ideals that launched the revolution, the reality often fell short of the noble principles.
5) America needs millions of more affordable housing units, organizations and politicos across the left-right divide largely agree with that statement. Yet it is often public officials – elected and unelected – that are causing the affordable housing crisis, through policies that limit the production and placement of more affordable HUD Code manufactured homes and/or other options. Race and economic power were among the reasons for this early on. But even after the enactment of civil rights legislation the problems that have continued from zoning and other regulatory issues has continued. As HUD’s Pamela Blumenthal and Regina Gray said: “Without significant new supply, cost burdens are likely to increase as current home prices reach all-time highs…The regulatory environment — federal, state, and local — that contributes to the extensive mismatch between supply and need has worsened over time. Federally sponsored commissions, task forces, and councils under both Democratic and Republican administrations have examined the effects of land use regulations on affordable housing for more than 50 years. Numerous studies find land use regulations that limit the number of new units that can be built or impose significant costs on development through fees and long approval processes drive up housing costs. Research indicates higher housing costs also drive up program costs for federal assistance, reducing the funds available to serve additional households.” Yet, the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (a.k.a.: MHIA, 2000 Reform Law, 2000 Reform Act) and its “enhanced preemption” provision was enacted specifically as a solution for the affordable housing crisis.

6) So, when the Loper Bright ruling upended Chevron deference, it opens the door for Congress and the courts to issue more specific guidelines that regulators ‘must’ follow. Those letters from Congressional lawmakers to agencies as previously shown are found at this link here. An example of one of those 7.10.2024 letters, addressed to Isabella Casillas Guzman, Administrator of the Small Business Administration, is posted below.
The Honorable Isabella Casillas Guzman
United States Small Business Administration
409 3rd Street, SW
Washington, DC 20416
Dear Administrator Guzman:
The House Committee on Small Business and House Committee on Oversight and Accountability (the Committees) write to call to your attention Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, a recent Supreme Court decision that precludes courts from deferring to agency interpretations of the statutes they administer.[1] In its decision, the Court overruled Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984), which had allowed courts to defer to agency interpretations of ambiguous statutes. By allowing such deference, the Court in Chevron upset the founders’ careful separation of powers, permitting courts to abdicate the judicial role granted exclusively to them through Article III of the Constitution and enabling the Executive to usurp the legislative authority granted exclusively to Congress through Article I. Unsurprisingly, Chevron unleashed decades of successively broader, more costly and more invasive assertions of agency power over citizens’ lives, liberty and property, as agencies adopted expansive interpretations of assertedly ambiguous statutes, demanding courts defer to them.
Perhaps no administration has gone as far as President Biden’s to found sweeping and intrusive agency dictates on such questionable assertions of agency authority. The Biden Administration has promulgated far more major rules, imposing far more costs and paperwork burdens, than either of its recent predecessor administrations.[2] Many of these rules—such as those promulgated to impose President Biden’s climate, energy and Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) agendas—have been based on aggressive interpretations of statutes enacted by Congress years and even decades ago, before many issues against which the Biden administration has sought to deploy them were even imagined.
The expansive administrative state Chevron deference encouraged has undermined our system of government, overburdening our citizenry and threatening to overwhelm the founders’ system of checks and balances. Thankfully, the Court in Loper Bright has now corrected its
Chevron error, reaffirming that “‘[i]t is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.’” 603 U.S. at ___ (slip op. at 7-8) (quoting Marbury v. Madison, 1 Cranch 137, 177 (1803)). This long-needed reversal should stem the vast tide of federal agencies’ overreach. Given the Biden Administration’s track record, however, the Committees are compelled to underscore the implications of Loper Bright and remind you of the limitations it has set on your authority.
As the Committees of jurisdiction overseeing your agency, we assure you we will exercise our robust investigative and legislative powers not only to reassert forcefully our Article I responsibilities, but to ensure the Biden Administration respects the limits placed on its authority by the Court’s Loper Bright decision. Accordingly, to assist in this effort, please answer the following no later than July 24, 2024:
1. Please provide the following concerning agency legislative rules proposed or promulgated since January 20, 2021, identifying in each relevant listing the rule or rulemaking and agency statutory interpretation concerned:
a. A list of all pending judicial challenges to final agency rules that may be impacted by the Court’s Loper Bright
b. A list of all final agency rules not yet challenged in court that may be impacted by the Court’s Loper Bright decision if they are so challenged.
c. A list of all pending agency rulemakings in which the agency is relying on an agency interpretation of statutory authority that might have been eligible for Chevron deference prior to the Court’s decision in Loper Bright.
2. Please provide the following concerning agency adjudications initiated or completed since January 20, 2021, identifying in each relevant listing the adjudication and agency statutory interpretation concerned:
a. A list of all pending judicial challenges to final agency adjudications that may be impacted by the Court’s Loper Bright
b. A list of all final agency adjudications not yet challenged in court that may be impacted by the Court’s Loper Bright decision if they are so challenged.
c. A list of all pending agency adjudications in which the agency is relying on an agency interpretation of statutory authority that might have been eligible for Chevron deference prior to the Court’s decision in Loper Bright.
3. Please provide the following concerning enforcement actions brought by the agency in court since January 20, 2021, identifying in each relevant listing the agency statutory interpretation sought to be enforced:
a. A list of all pending enforcement actions in which the agency is relying on an agency interpretation of statutory authority that might have been eligible for Chevron deference prior to the Court’s decision in Loper Bright.
b. A list of all concluded enforcement actions in which the court deferred under Chevron to an agency interpretation of statutory authority as a basis for its judgment against a non-agency party.
4. Please provide the following concerning agency interpretive rules proposed or issued since January 20, 2021, identifying in each relevant listing the statutory authority the rule interprets and the agency statutory interpretation set forth in the rule:
a. A list of all proposed or final agency guidance documents or other documents or statements of the agency containing interpretive rules likely to lead to—
i. an annual effect on the economy of $100,000,000 or more;
ii. a major increase in costs or prices for consumers, individual industries, Federal, State, local, or Tribal government agencies, or geographic regions; or
iii. significant adverse effects on competition, employment, investment, productivity, innovation, public health and safety, or the ability of United States-based enterprises to compete with foreign-based enterprises in domestic and export markets.
b. A list of all proposed or final agency guidance documents or other documents or statements of the agency containing interpretive rules related to—
i. novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal mandates or the President’s priorities; or
ii. other significant regulatory issues not already identified in response to Request 4(a) above.
5. Please provide the following concerning judicial decisions in cases to which your agency has been a party since the Supreme Court issued its Chevron decision in 1984, identifying in each relevant listing the statutory authority the agency interpreted and the agency statutory interpretation upheld:
a. A list of all judicial decisions not ultimately overturned by a higher court in which the court deferred under Chevron to the agency’s interpretation of a statute.
To schedule the delivery of responsive documents or ask any related follow-up questions, please contact Committee on Small Business Majority Staff at (202) 225-5821 or Committee on
Oversight and Accountability Majority staff at (202) 225-5074. The Committee on Small
Business has broad authority to investigate “problems of all types of small business” under House Rule X. The Committee on Oversight and Accountability is the principal oversight committee of the U.S. House of Representatives and has broad authority to investigate “any matter” at “any time” under House Rule X. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this inquiry.
Roger Williams James Comer
Chairman | Chairman | ||
Committee on Small Business
Committee on Oversight and Accountability |
cc: The Honorable Nydia M. Velázquez, Ranking Member Committee on Small Business
The Honorable Jamie Raskin, Ranking Member Committee on Oversight and Accountability
[1] Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, 603 U.S. ___ (2024).
[2] See, e.g., Burdensome Regulations: Examining the Biden Administration’s Failure to Consider Small Businesses: Hearing Before the H. Comm. on Small Business, 118th Cong. (May 22, 2024) (statement of Dan Goldbeck, Director of Regulatory Policy, American Action Forum), available at https://www.americanactionforum.org/testimony/burdensome-regulations-examining-the-biden-administrationsfailure-to-consider-small-businesses/.
7) From the political left, a big Democratic donor and activist is attorney John Morgan of the Morgan and Morgan law firm. John Morgan often advertises on talk radio, which can tend to tilt right. Morgan has featured himself in Florida for a push to legalize marijuana in that state. Part of Morgan’s message is an appeal to the approach of the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Agree with the legalization of pot or not, agree with Morgan’s political bias or not, his point that ‘our independence’ must be ‘declared’ again is arguably applicable to the principles behind the Loper Bright ruling. It is important for thinking citizens to test the consistency of politicos, business, association, spiritual and other leaders.
8) Historically speaking, the rise of the technocratic, “progressive” bureaucratic state accelerated during the tenure of President Woodrow Wilson (D). The popular and relatively recently produced Forgotten History series of videos (this one was uploaded to YouTube on Aug 28, 2023) is entitled “RACIST PROGRESSIVE: Woodrow Wilson.” While that may have been disputed 50 years ago, it is arguably a more commonly held view today, because it is difficult to deny that Wilson discriminated against Blacks and others. MHProNews touched base recently with the historians Colin Heaton and Michael Droberg involved in that project, and they thanked and encouraged this platform’s sharing their research. For readers, researchers, or those that may want to check the transcript to the video below is, it is found at this link here.

9) From the Southern Illinois University website:
During its first 150 years, the American republic was not thought to have a “bureaucracy,” and thus it would have been meaningless to refer to the problems” of a “bureaucratic state.” There were, of course, appointed civilian officials. Though only about 3,000 at the end of the Federalist period, there were about 95,000 by the time Grover Cleveland assumed office in 1881, and nearly half a million by 1925. …” That included postal employees which: “By 1869 there were 27,000 post offices scattered around the nation; by 1901, nearly 77,000.” “As Matthew Crenson has recently observed in his book The Federal Machine, Jacksonian administrators wanted to “guarantee the good behavior of civil servants” as well as to cope with bigness, and to do this they sought both to place their own followers in office and—what is more important—to create a system of depersonalized, specialized bureaucratic rule. Far from being the enemies of bureaucracy, the Jacksonians were among its principal architects.”
10) The reason these items are presented are many. But among them is the apt point made by historians that span the left-right divide.

11) Per the Supreme Court website: Judgment: Vacated and remanded, 6-2, in an opinion by Chief Justice Roberts on June 28, 2024.
12) Federal officials filling appointed, not elected, roles have stubbornly refused to properly implement laws that Congress has enacted. This is true even in the case where Democratic lawmakers wanted a Republican official to implement a law, but when Democrats took that same office, that same law still wasn’t being properly implemented. You simply can’t make this stuff up, but the facts are what they are.
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13) Note by mentioning these Democratic issues, it should not be thought that Republican are therefore are viewed by this publication as pristine. New readers from different parts of the U.S. have recently inquired: do we favor one party over another? We are political independents. MHProNews looks at the facts, known evidence, and as possible the history of an issue. From there, people of good will can grasp what should and should not be done, regardless of partisanship.
MHProNews will continue to monitor the evolving issues in the wake of the SCOTUS ruling in the Loper case that upended decades of Chevron deference. To learn more today, see the linked and related reports. ###

Part III – Our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.
This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report at the closing bell, so that investors can see-at-glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines for a more balanced report.
The macro market moves graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.
In minutes a day, readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that may be impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
MHProNews note, bold emphasis added below.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – 7.12.2024
- The headline capture for this feature failed yesterday. MHProNews regrets the error and any inconvenience.
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Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – 7.12.2024
- Dem Donors to Withhold $90M Until Biden Walks
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- Israel at War
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- Israel: ‘No Role for UNRWA in Gaza’ As Agency Hires Hamas
- Talks Weigh Alternatives to Israeli Troops on Gaza-Egypt Border
- Defiant Gazans Vow to ‘Die as Martyrs’ as IDF Hunts Hamas Among Them
- Agency Leader: Israel to Improve Safety of Aid Workers
- Newsmax TV
- Van Drew: GOP Winning WH Not Yet a Certainty
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- Tuberville: Dem Elites Want Biden Out Fast |
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- Maroon: Biden Should End Reelection Bid |
- Nicole Malliotakis: Debate ‘Excuse’ to Drop Biden
- Fred Fleitz: Effort to ‘Trump-Proof’ NATO Will Backfire |
- Harris: Biden Unlikely to Complete Term |
- Newsfront
- Kremlin: Whole World Paid Attention to Biden’s NATO Summit Gaffes
- The Kremlin said on Friday that the whole world had paid attention to U.S. President Joe Biden’s slips of the tongue at a NATO summit a day earlier, but said it was for U.S. voters, not Russia, to determine the U.S. presidential candidates’ prospects…. [Full Story]
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