A leaked internal Democrat Party memo issued by Troy Perry addressed to the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) warned House Democratic leaders not to embrace the Black Lives Matter (BLM). The BLM movement was described in the memo as a “radical movement.”
The negative impact of social unrest on local economies, businesses, and jobs are self-evident. The ripple effects are significant in our industry and other professions, as a publicly traded firm recently said.
That leaked DCCC document was recently uncovered, though it was dated in 2015. Perry’s comments reflect an apparent shift in the thinking of Democratic Party leadership. They have gone from meeting with and listening to the concerns of Black Lives Matter (BLM) members, without endorsing it, to now embracing several of the BLM talking points.
Perry authored the letter marked “classified” now works for Franklin Square which describes itself as “a leading government relations and strategic communications firm representing some of the world’s most innovative companies and organizations. We are a bipartisan team dedicated to bridging the gap between government and technology.” Their webpage also says “Our team has years of experience from the floor of the Capitol to the halls of the White House, the whiteboards of Silicon Valley and the conference rooms of the Fortune 500.”
Big money, corporations, and politics meet at Franklin Square and other such lobbying and communications firms.
Note that the Perry/DCCC memo was drafted and marked classified on November 19, 2015. Former President Barack H. Obama (D) and ex-Vice President Joe Biden (D) were still in office.
Perry’s memo to the DCCC staff said that 2016 election cycle Democratic candidates “have struggled to respond to tactics of the Black Lives Matter movement.” Perry, observed right-of-center Breitbart, was the DCCC’s Director of Diversity and Public Engagement. Meaning, he was in precisely the role more likely to be favorable to BLM. Additionally, Perry himself is black.
“While there has been little engagement with House candidates, candidates and campaign staff should be prepared,” Perry wrote. He advised the DCCC “Don’t offer support for concrete policy positions.”
The “classified” DCCC memo by Perry says that “BLM needs partners to achieve their agenda and they want to be a part of the conversation.” The typo below is in the original document, which is linked here. Other bullets from the DCCC document said:
o They are leary of politicians who hijack their message to win campaigns.”
Rephrased, what several in the Democratic Party are doing today – trying to coop the ‘energy’ in the contemporary BLM protests that are rocking cities and towns from coast-to-coast is different than what their stance was in 2015. Additionally, the BLM movement wanted to avoid is what Perry was coaching fellow Democrats how to achieve. Now, the argument can be made that BLM is actively trying to influence Democratic Party leaders at the local, state, and national levels.
Further, billionaires and corporations are – and have been – supporting BLM and other similar leftist groups.
The memo and its implications in the wake of deadly and destructive riots thus merit close attention on several levels.
For instance.
- How is it that BLM failed to get support from America’s first black president?
- Why did Democratic leader and then-President Obama use similar terminology with respect to the riots in Baltimore, MD as President Trump did? Former President Obama offered support to law enforcement, said there was no excuse for violence and noted that it was counterproductive. So, why was there such different treatment of the comment that the rioters were “thugs” by much of the mainstream media? Both former President Obama and President Trump have called violent activists “thugs.”
The fact that the document was leaked is a possible indication that not everyone in the Democratic Party was on board with the Perry memo. Additionally, Democrats who suddenly pivoted by tacitly-to-openly embracing the violence that has flowed from BLM and Antifa-like tactics bears scrutiny. Is it hypocrisy, or are some Democratic leaders sincerely of the belief they can coop the energy of BLM for their own political ends in the upcoming November 3, 2020 elections? Do they think it is a winning strategy? A.B. Stoddard, associated editor and columnist at polling and politically focused RealClearPolitics has expressed her thought that most Americans disagree with the violence, riots, looting and related mayhem. She thinks this tactic could hurt Democrats, but questions if President Trump’s campaign will nuance this in a way that allows him to tap into a flub by his opponents.
Attorney General William “Bill” Barr said again that federal authorities are conducting comprehensive investigations into certain individuals with ties to the extremist group Antifa, according to the right-of-center and openly anti-communist Epoch Times, which left-leaning Allsides media rating service deemed as routinely accurate in their reporting.
CBS Chicago reported on April 3, 2019 that at least 4 of the 8 new alderman – city council members – were self-proclaimed Democratic Socialists, which they likened to U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (VT-I, who caucuses with Democrats as a self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist) and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-D).
“I believe that government should be a counter balance that should provide for the social good,” Andre Vasquez, alderman for the 40th ward, said. “So when we’re talking about meeting the basic needs for people, that government is there to provide that and should be reining in the influence of big money.”
“There is a move toward a more Democratic, more progressive politics that a lot of us are now in a position to usher in,” said Democratic socialist and 1st Ward alderman-elect Daniel La Spata.
Fast forward to this June 9, 2020 report on a now infamous leaked recording of what right-of-center Fox News called an “Explosive, profanity-laced call involving Chicago mayor leaked.” Keep in mind that those on the call were routinely members of the Democratic Party, but clearly they didn’t agree with each other on the handling of the riots, violence and looting in their city.
Before the death-by-cop caught on video of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN, MHProNews published a report on RINOs and DINOs. Republicans In Name Only – RINO and Democrats in Name Only – DINO.
Tornado Devastates, Death Toll at Least 25 – Videos, Reports and Manufactured Housing Lessons
Head fakes have been occurring in politics for centuries, it is not new to America nor our time. People who say one thing but do another is a reality. It is why manufactured housing veteran Marty Lavin, J.D. has made the point that people should pay more attention to what people do than what they say and then follow the money.
That Lavinism isn’t new, but he and this publication have popularized the expression in our industry. It is quite akin to what the late Democratic Senator William Proximire said in the quote below.
It was the left-of-center Washington Post that reported days before the leaked Mayor Lightfoot and Aldermen fracas was leaked that said that “Chicago residents question violence from [the] Black Lives Matter march.” They are hardly alone, as residents in other cities which has erupted in violence aren’t celebrating the destruction of the stores and shops they once frequented.
Attorney General William “Bill” Barr has said on various news shows variations of the message that law and order are the foundation for a just and functioning society. AG Barr has stressed the right to peacefully protest, which is constitutionally guaranteed. But there is no guaranteed right to violent protest, property damage, arson and violence that has harmed hundreds of police and civilians too.
Bill Barr’s statement was building on an earlier formal statement, issued on Saturday May 30,2020, that was provided to MHProNews.
Attorney General William P. Barr’s Statement on the Death of George Floyd and Riots
Attorney General William P. Barr has issued the following statement:
The outrage of our national community about what happened to George Floyd in Minneapolis is real and legitimate. Accountability for his death must be addressed, and is being addressed, through the regular process of our criminal justice system, both at the state and at the federal level. That system is working and moving at exceptional speed. Already initial charges have been filed. That process continues to move forward. Justice will be served.
Unfortunately, with the rioting that is occurring in many of our cities around the country, the voices of peaceful protest are being hijacked by violent radical elements.
Groups of outside radicals and agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate and violent agenda.
In many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized, and driven by anarchistic and far left extremists, using Antifa-like tactics, many of whom travel from out of state to promote the violence.
We must have law and order on our streets and in our communities, and it is the responsibility of the local and state leadership, in the first instance, to halt this violence. The Department of Justice (including the FBI, Marshals, ATF, and DEA), and all of our 93 U.S. Attorneys across the country, will support these local efforts and take all action necessary to enforce federal law.
In that regard, it is a federal crime to cross state lines or to use interstate facilities to incite or participate in violent rioting. We will enforce these laws.”
While there are doubts being placed on the level of Antifa involvement by some in media, there are local law enforcement officials along with federal sources that say they have evidence of Antifa involvement and tactics that mirror those of the violent Antifa movement.
MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” – Thomas Jefferson, per BrainyQuote.
There has been a gradual step-by-step increase in pressures on everyday Americans including smaller businesses over a period of decades. De facto shipping of jobs overseas has harmed the working and middle class, but perhaps more so blacks and other minorities.
Loss of economic opportunities occurred while illegal drug use rose. The combination has led to crime and violence in neighborhoods that once had thriving businesses, often owned by minorities.
Policies that fostered a cycle of crime and poverty continued during the Obama Administration. The cities with the most violence are routinely Democratically run, in many cases, for decades on end.
President Donald J. Trump holds roundtable on race relations with prominent black leaders. The 25 minutes of comments are dominated by African American’s statements, after President Trump’s initial comments.
These black leaders in the roundtable discussion make it clear that they consider the Trump Administration has been doing more than prior leaders from either of the two major parties. Some of the comments are a mix of highly focused facts with some passionately expressed points. It counters the common narrative that the 45th president is racist; pointing to the facts and results prior to COVID19 and the current civic unrest.

“Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste” – COVID19 Pandemic – Problems and Solutions

Programming note. MHProNews is in the process of revamping our industry-leading x2 weekly emailed headline news updates. The revisions should be completed by late June or early July. Watch for it.
Without an eye on history, unless a careful sifting of the facts are applied, there are decades of evidence of millions being manipulated. The report below documents from sources across the left-right divide how manipulation and the Big Lie has been and continues to be deployed.

That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHLivingNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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